3/13/2008 5:47:34 PM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62
I have been seeing on science programs and reading how the human body that is a little hungry all the time actually lives longer. In terms of nature and natural living, does it maybe make sense that 'what does not kill us really does make us stronger'?
I saw my knee doctor today and he said I am way ahead of where I should be in healing. I was wondering in terms of this, considering that I have been through more than most who are having knee replacement [with Shingles and healing from tumor removal at same time], could it be that the more our body has to deal with, the better it deals.
Anyone have any ideas about this? Is the hard life good for us?
3/13/2008 8:27:16 PM |
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Lakewood, OH
age: 40
no, that does not make sense.
Some idiot thought of it and some other idiots thought it sounded good but not biologically speaking, that which does not kill you only makes you weaker.
People who drink to much or do too many drugs might live threw it but might also eventually die of some other related disease. People who have head trauma might live threw it but will lose lots of brain cells in the process. People who smoke too much might not die of asphyxiation but might eventually get lung cancer. etc, etc, etc,........
It is just a stupid saying that sounds catchy and rarely are catchy saying ever true in the real world.
Your knee might feel better but I wouldn't advice trying to jump rope just because you heard a old saying that makes no sense.
3/13/2008 9:06:12 PM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62
I am not talking about being silly with a new knee. I am talking about living on the streets for 4 years, often hungry and cold, in rain and snow and yet not having one cold or flu the whole time. I do not see how you can say something makes no sense without even checking it out.
Anyone else?
3/14/2008 4:32:22 AM |
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Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Queen, I think living rough at times does make us stronger. It takes personal experience of living through these events to know. We also find out how to use our intuition by living in precarious situations. I think the mind becomes clearer living in survival mode. We need challenges to help us to expand and grow. Plus, it helps to interrupt daily routines sometimes and do things we wouldn't normally do. Our daily lives become ruts we see as safety zones and we become stagnant. Spontaneity is the spice of life.
3/14/2008 4:56:58 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62
I agree Kelly, maybe the concentrate all of our energies toward healing when we are hit the hardest too. I just find it so fascinating what we can come through physically and still be whole and maybe even better for it. We really are miraculous.
3/14/2008 5:43:59 AM |
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Brightwaters, NY
age: 59
Very interesting topic, Queen..and glad you are doing so well. I know there were a lot of prayers and good energies going your way....maybe that helped too.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I don't know...at this point in my life I find I am more depressed and confused about the purpose of living than ever before. I have to be careful of my thought process now because where my thoughts take me scare me. I try to think what I want for the rest of my life and pretty much come up empty. Sometimes I thnk that is gonna kill me fast! I guess everyone is different. Makes you stronger? I don't know....but seems you can survive most anything.
3/14/2008 9:46:25 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62
Tootsie I find it best not to think ahead but just pay a lot more attention to today. There are so many things to be aware of in each day that it keeps me busy.
I also love learning anything new about any subject, maybe not spectator sports, and now I have the time to just learn what ever comes my way. The more I learn the more I have a desire to learn.
I have always found the human mind and body fascinating and gobble up any information I can get in those areas.
Try to think positive, and see the good side of things, even if you hunt pretty hard for it, it is worth the effort.
3/14/2008 11:04:42 AM |
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London, KY
age: 45
the theory is sound. by over eating, the body will build up reserves of bad fat. by staying on the hungry side of life, your body will use those reserves quicker, thus keeping the metabolism working a bit better or faster.
the lower the amounts of contaminants contained in the bodies reserves is also a great benefit.
staying on a more natural or organic diet means lower levels of artificial food additives and chemicals. many of the artificial sweeteners have been linked to such ailments as fibromyalgia, psuedo-bi-polar disorders, cromes and similar disorders.
"People who drink to much or do too many drugs might live threw it but might also eventually die of some other related disease. People who have head trauma might live threw it but will lose lots of brain cells in the process. People who smoke too much might not die of asphyxiation but might eventually get lung cancer. etc, etc, etc,........"
hate to say it but, dbsuma but you are WRONG!!!!!! queeny was talking about the normal diets of people I believe. not those who do things to excess. there have been many studies done that show a small amount of alcohol does have some benefits. most people who do the drugs are doing so recreationally. anyone who has suffered a brain injury will lose brain cells or function in that area of the brain.
smoking tobacco does increase the risks of lung cancer and emphysema, but not asphyxiation. anyone can choke to death while doing many different things.
9 times out of 10, if you break a long bone (arm leg and the like), once it heals completely it is stronger at that spot than it was before it was broken.
[Edited 3/14/2008 11:22:58 AM]
3/14/2008 11:40:53 AM |
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Sacramento, CA
age: 39
it terms of nature and natural living, I think so
But I think that phrase also meant emotionally/mentally stronger not just your body and it's processes.
Queen - you did get a lot of prayer vibes prior to your surgery. Thought is energy and energy transmits into tissue, bone, etc like most other forms of energy. People might want to dismiss it as not being valid science since it usually falls into the realm of hoodoo but it is a placebo effect if nothing else. People have literally thought themselves into healing, just as people often think themselves sick.
That which does not kill me, makes me laugh harder. 
That's what I always like to say
3/14/2008 11:44:22 AM |
I hope this is a proper topic for here |

London, KY
age: 45
nice touch there, dark, nice touch!
laughter like prayers do have a healing effect on most people
3/14/2008 8:03:26 PM |
I hope this is a proper topic for here |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I agree with the thoughts being sent my way. I do think that or I would not have asked for them. Really there have been enough examples to prove that positive thinking from others helps.
I was and am just curious about how the human has succeeded so well even with hardships, plagues and whatever else comes our way. I saw a program the other night of a woman, who had an allergic reaction to antibiotic, and sloughed off 100% of her skin. How a person could servive and not lose anything, even sight,[skin of eyes sloughed off too] is amazing.
3/15/2008 12:59:39 PM |
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age: 62
They did some studies on mice and and found those who lived on 2/3 of the bodies intake and ate a diet which gave the the required ingredients, had less health problems living up to 1/3 longer than those who ate a normal weight inducing diet. Testing of the remains of indigenous humans in both Africa and Australia found they never carried excess weight and contrary to common belief, had life spans much longer than urbanised humans whose diet consisted of fats and large amounts of carbohydrates. Until the 1970's, cardiovascular disease and most forms of cancer were never heard of in Asian countries, until the introduction of dairy products, now the rates are reaching epidemic proportions, just like the western world. If you eat the right food, you don't get fat, nor have problems with your body, this has been my personal experience since my death sentence from junk food intake 30 odd years ago. If you don't eat dairies and saturated or processed foods, you never get a cold flu or infection and certainly don't get sick.
Your body as a biological machine which allows your soul to explore this world and you should maintain it like you would any vehicle you need to get around, instead of as a repository for your gluttony of the wrong fuel types that stimulate your addictions and destroy your body.
3/16/2008 11:00:12 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62
Thanks Storm, at least I know I am not the only one that looks for and pays attention to these kinds of studies.
I find it so interesting, the miracle that is each one of us, if you think in terms of competition to be born. Not only that, but no matter how many combinations there are these cells could never come together the same to make another me. I, for one, do not believe that even a clone would be that much like us other than looks.  
[Edited 3/16/2008 11:01:13 AM]
3/17/2008 6:16:55 AM |
I hope this is a proper topic for here |

Syracuse, NY
age: 51
Nice post and Glad to see you doing well
Sufferance has its benefit when it comes to the anatomy. Like anything in life, the over-indulgence has its disadvantages.
What is the balance and who/what determines the balance for ones life is the question.
On Hunger : Starve the body, Feed the cold -vs- Eat, Drink and be Merry
I prefer to Eat, Drink and be Merry. I also believe that sharing this with others will not leave them hungry. It removes the dilemma of over indulgence less fat 
Besides, who wants to be alone on this planet if everyone starved to death
May the Winds of Peace always caress Love upon you
3/17/2008 3:04:10 PM |
I hope this is a proper topic for here |

age: 62
G'day queen I agree, any clone would just have the same physical appearance. When I refer to people being clones, I mean psychological and ideological clones. W e see that is the blind religious approach to food, as people follow trends against the viewable evidence. It's a fact humans are the sickest animal on the planet and animals we use as domestic pets are suffering the same diseases humans do as they are constantly fed junk processed foods. It's the religiosity clones desire which leads them to follow like slaves unto the kingdom of ill health. There would be much less mental illness if people learnt and took notice of the real effects of the substances they consume, but don't hold your breath waiting for change, not possible whilst the god of gluttony and greed remains within the human world
What is the balance and who/what determines the balance for ones life is the question.
Strings the balance we need in dietary intake is found by personal trial and error, as supposed expert nutritionists don't really have a clue. Most studies have found it's the foods we lean towards that we think will satisfy us which are where the problems lie. Believe it or not, most fat people are actually starving and many children are under nourished but are overweight, as they lack many of the nutritional requirement for good health. I'm truly amazed a god-fearing country like the USA, run by religious politicians doesn't have a free public health system, but demands you pay for health care or die. Sounds really wrong to me, as Aus along with most other secular countries, the people demanded and got a free health system. Private health systems here supposedly offer a quicker service from supposed better trained professionals in better conditions. But in reality, if you have a major problem, you get the best there is in a public hospital. Just as you would in private health but without the huge charges.