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3/15/2008 2:34:19 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Rosemead, CA
age: 28 online now!

Can you women even feel the difference during intercourse..?

3/15/2008 2:45:23 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Whitmore Lake, MI
age: 50

If I have a cut on my penis it's not going down south. Those juices burn worse than the Aliens acid blood!

3/15/2008 2:52:31 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Fall River, MA
age: 44

if your d*ck is still with forskin on it woman like them cut to perfection they do not like fumunger cheese (head cheese) what the hell and men think they got a bigger c*ck witch all us men know it is no true.

3/15/2008 3:08:17 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Rosemead, CA
age: 28 online now!

Dude..I'm uncut and i can bet there is no cheese on my d*ck! You must have been snoopin around some dirty weenies is all i can say! Aside from all that..ur post barely made any sense..?? I couldn't makeout what your last sentence meant..?

3/15/2008 3:10:00 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Charlottesville, VA
age: 26

im uncut and want to stay that way, its all about personal hygiene

3/15/2008 3:12:59 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Charlottesville, VA
age: 26

im sure they wouldnt feel a difference, its probably to do with what does an uncut/cut look like? more than anything
I remember chatting to some woman on the phone, and when I said I was uncut she replied. and I quote "I want to have sex with you, always wanted to know what if feels and looks like"

[Edited 3/15/2008 3:14:18 AM]

3/15/2008 3:17:16 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Kinross, MI
age: 59

Funny.........just men have responded to this new post. Studies show that the old idea that uncut meant unclean are not true. Studies also show that uncut does not mean unhealthy. Time for some to get out of the stoneages. Some nations clebrate and make a big deal of the removal of foreskin from a penis. Originally it was simply a religious occurance. Dont be a putz!!!!

3/15/2008 3:18:52 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57

Ok, womans point of view here. Cut to me is much more attractive. Sorry guysWell yeah, as long as it works, thats a given. To each his own.

[Edited 3/15/2008 3:24:27 AM]

3/15/2008 3:19:57 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

age: 35 online now!

If it works and you know how to use it then it really does not matter! It's all good.

3/15/2008 3:22:06 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Mahanoy City, PA
age: 38

Amen Steak! No cooze for me when i have a cut down there.

3/15/2008 3:23:03 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Charlottesville, VA
age: 26

yooper you were missing my point, I was basically saying theres no difference between them..
at the end of the day its up to men wether they want it or not..
and your right theres no different with uncut meaning unclean ....its to do with personal hygiene regardless of wether your cut or dont clean it its going to stink cut or not...

3/15/2008 3:27:42 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Mahanoy City, PA
age: 38

It wasn't up to me Brit. I was circumcized at birth so I had basicly no say in the matter.

[Edited 3/15/2008 3:28:26 AM]

3/15/2008 3:28:50 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Puyallup, WA
age: 19 online now!

I've had sex with both, and honestly I couldn't tell the difference. From what I've seen first hand the uncut ones are more pleasant to look at, but that's just my opinion. One thing though, I've only given head to an uncut one once, and that was an interesting experience for me... lol It wasn't bad or anything, but it was different than giving head to a cut one.

3/15/2008 3:29:39 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Charlottesville, VA
age: 26

yea, id give it ago for a but im sure its pretty painful and sensitive for a few weeks

3/15/2008 3:30:08 AM What's your preference..Cut or Uncut penis?  

Pleasant Hill, CA
age: 51 online now!

I am just happy to have one!

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