3/17/2008 12:23:29 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Galveston, TX
age: 54
I have read some of the profiles' spelling and sentence structure in here. Who helps them turn on the computer? Good grief.
3/17/2008 12:32:54 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Ingram, TX
age: 55
Well, pushing a button is a hell of alot easier than the English language. But I agree, you can barely discern what is being stated. It does help weed through the profiles. Except for spurs, for whom English is a second language. 
And me when my keyboard screws up and misses letters and/or spaces. I have to re-read several times & still miss screw-ups!! But at least I try to check myself.
[Edited 3/17/2008 12:36:41 PM]
3/17/2008 11:45:51 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37
I just happened to be around and i have to answer on this one .
Prior to that i will apologise for my bad spelling .
As my cell phone does not have a spell check i guess just i have to display the limited education that i have.
I do have to mention that Glassy in the post above was wrong ,this is not second but my fourth language .
I can write in two differend alfabets.
For my english spelling i can say that being a imigrant i never had any schooling in english at all, but i have seen 12 grade graduates of schools here a lot worse than i am .
I have a top dollar pay job and my spelling does not affect any of that.
On the other side i believe that are people out there that have to work all day long to make a living so they have no time to read and improve their knowledge but they are good people and honest so i would not cast any stones at them for the way they write or speak english.
I believe that if you do have concerns about the American culture maybe you should answer me a poor foreigner, why i see streets where every thing is written in spanish, why some jobs demand spanish as second language??
Poor me i do not want to sound smart, i am not!!!
I respect anyone honest out there regardless of their knowledge.
I respect english as a language, i can speak verry good and i do my best to better myself but i do worry that by the time i will get verry good at it i will have to learn spanish too.
Maybe just to be able to order at ,,El chicos''
Are there some other non english names out there??
I do not mean to insult anyone or the spanish language or people ,i just question some things that are out there and more afecting than misspelings in the cyber world.
I do not cast stones since i am not perfect, at no one ,and maybe someone might follow me on this.LOL
By the way i thought this is DH not the national spelling bee contest, where i bet some kids can outsmart some of the best around here.
[Edited 3/18/2008 1:37:29 AM]
3/18/2008 10:03:02 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Galveston, TX
age: 54
Any attempt at wit needs to be backed up with some intellect.
3/18/2008 11:15:20 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Ingram, TX
age: 55
Spurs, I certainly meant no disrespect AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admire you for putting your views out there, and although I realized English wasn't your first language, being your forth makes it all the more admirable. As you pointed out, may folks raised here can't get it right. It's not easy, but I've always enjoy finding & using uncommon words.
3/18/2008 12:42:07 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37
Maybe a guy that used to wash dishes for a living may not have the intellect to meet your demands ,or to answer your question, but before you display your arrogance please listen to common sense .
I get tears in my eyes when i see the U.S flag ,do you??
If you were born here you ,should realise that your ancestors might not have been the inventors of the english language, and allso the english language contains words from other languages, please enlighten us if you can,can you???.
So unless you are out here to impress some of the ladies with your perfect spelling please, be open to some diversity .
I am peaceful person and i respect your right to not agree with my opinion, and if i am wrong i will revise my attitude ,and apologise to you!!
I do believe that your ancestors have passed a great knowledge to you , please revert to it!!
I do believe that the issues you have at stake should concern the future and survival of this nation not the wrong spelling by some humble folks that are out here looking for a friend.
Just for us out there, you should make a better statement of who you are even if you are a shadow like myself.
Spurs .
3/18/2008 12:51:41 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37
Well, i have tried to state the fact that we are mortals prone to imperfections ,american born or just a guy that is not native of Texas.
I had no intention to apear more patriotic than the ladie here ,that has deep roots enstablished by great people .
Wich i do assume that all had great skills off spelling .
Since i risk of being chased with a noose for standing up for the ones that work all day long and have no chance to read and improve their skills of spelling maybe i should just go back where i came from.
Dear ladie i earned the rights here by working hard ,being honest and not judging you.
You had yours free at birth,you did not had to clean potty seats to get them .Lol
I am shure there are documents to back up your ancestry ,including hangings and banishing the natives to reservations .
And maybe that, makes you a verry skillful person that can judge folks .
The question above was ok .,but arogance is not just because your spelling is better.
This is for the post below .
[Edited 3/18/2008 7:11:51 PM]
3/18/2008 2:44:29 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Lampasas, TX
age: 65
Texan53, I entirely agree with you. If someone cannot spell correctly and speak the English language proficiently, they should make the effort to learn and not become defensive when you did not direct your comment to anyone directly. You asked a legitimate question and got reprimanded for it.
I am a self-taught American myself. I take offense to anyone who tries to make themselves a better patriot than I am, especially if they were not born here. My forefathers were here before the white man and my Dad's family came over on the Lyon, the 2nd ship after the Mayflower. My family has fought in the Revoluntionary War, my great grandfather in the Civil War and being born in the South he joined the Union Army, which must have been quite difficult for him; my Dad was in World War I and fought the Nazis, my uncles fought in World War II; one of my family members was in Afghanistan and I have a niece who is headed to Iraq in June, not to mention friends who are there now. I come from a long line of partiots and distinguised, well-known Americans.
I take offense when another language is being forced on us to learn when English is our native tongue. I don't think it is right that anyone who comes to this country should not learn to read and write English, after all, if we went to their country we'd certainly have to learn theirs.
And, I don't know too many Americans who have not fought hard in some form or another for what they have today, and many are poor as a church mouse and still struggling.
Personally, I think we should close our borders to all immigrants. Sorry if I have offended anyone, that was not my intention either. But, we all have a right to our opinions. 
3/18/2008 3:58:45 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Mesquite, TX
age: 47 online now!
Why does it bother some people so much? Just because a person doesn't spell well doesn't make them dumb or stupid and undatable. If English is a second language....then I applaud you! Learning to speak a second language is difficult enough...but learning to spell correctly is terrific! The English language is one of the most difficult to learn. Some people are learning disabled. And if you can't spell very well, how are you suppose to know which word to choose when using spell check? I've known several people in my life that became successful businessmen and didn't get past Junior High. I, personally, think some people just go WAYYYY overboard on letting this bother them. JMO.
3/18/2008 10:37:28 PM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Humble, TX
age: 61
1bit2spurs: I was ok with this thread until your last post. Most of us don't give a rats tail about misspellings and typos. We understand that and read thru them. I have occasionally wished that some folks were better spellers but I don't denigrate them for that. On the other hand, you shouldn't pass judgment on someone simply because they state an opinion that is contrary to yours. You stepped way over the line with your comment about being chased with a noose - you are categorizing everyone of us on here who do not agree with you as being lynchers. And, you certainly owe the lady an apology for referring to her as having a pedigree of hangings and banishing people to reservations - Shame on You. Tell us what country you are from and let's review its history if that is your way of evaluating us. Shame on You!
3/19/2008 4:34:08 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Gainesville, TX
age: 62
It is fairly well known and proven if one gets the first and last letter of a word, most people have no problem reading the text. Although correct spelling and punctuation is admirable, its really not necessary. In internet chat today is a thing called 'typonese", lol. Most are familar with it and have no problems there. Dont ask me why I am typing this, just seemed a good place to put it. No one is perfect and as long as the message can be read, what difference does it make about the spelling???
edited for spelling and puncuation
[Edited 3/19/2008 4:35:20 AM]
3/19/2008 5:15:06 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Corpus Christi, TX
age: 57
Morning Jay and all....
Just came around to check out the Texas spot and the war seems to have spilled over here....
Suggestion....everybody chill; have a cup of    
it's hump-day.....
Jay...meet me at the Pub later.....I'll buy you a cold one.
3/19/2008 5:54:10 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Baytown, TX
age: 47
Well, some of the people do. And some people spell phonetically, some, have mercy, spell from memory, and some people think, naively so, they can spell.
I rather just type away, proof in the preview, and still I make errors. Another thing, typing online has somehow developed into what I call short-speak, i.e., abbreviations, words containing no vowels, and phonetic spelling.
I try to decipher what I can, which sometimes leads to misunderstanding and bruised egos. So, let's all be more diligent in our spelling, composition and syntax.....smiling.
May peace follow you always.
3/19/2008 5:56:34 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Baytown, TX
age: 47
[Edited 3/19/2008 5:57:57 AM]
3/19/2008 7:06:11 AM |
why don't some of the people in here use spell check? |

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37
I do apologise!!
I had no intention to pass the judgement to all people of this country on the frase with the noose.
Good or bad ,i do not judge the past ,the best i can do is learn.
In my ignorant way i was just triyng to say :
please do not point a finger at me or someone else for being different.
You do have my respect even if we dissagree.
I have reacted in a bad way on the ladie's frase with closing the borders.
THANKS ! and again please accept my apologies.
I will from now let people speak for their idea of what the way of things should be.