Denver, CO
age: 44
The "Colorado Chat" group is not showing the most current posts until it completely fills up a "page" of entries. I thought it might be a browser cache issue, but I cleared my cache and that still doesn't help.
It doesn't matter whether I'm using Firefox or (gag) IE. Currently I show only 6 pages of posts, the last one being posted on 3/11 at 5:12pm. However, the last post, according to the Thread page, was on 3/17 (today) at 2:14pm.
The same thing happened when there was 5 pages of posts. But I wanted to wait until the 6th page filled up to see if it happened again, and it did.

Denver, CO
age: 44
Some further information...
It seems to be happening in the "Anyone else here from CO?" thread.