3/22/2008 11:34:54 AM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Albany, MO
age: 51
Is it just me or has anyone else got so burned that they have come to the conclusion that falling in Love is just to dang painful and falling in Like is the answer???
I was devoted to my ex and when he told he he found someone else I felt like he had reached into my chest and ripped my heart out. I truly dont know if I want to feel that way about anyone again, but I also know that I have to much to offer to be alone for the rest of my life.
I have met a really sweet man. He isn't what I would usually go for and I dont swoon thinking about him. He is a lot of fun though and we get along great. Do you think being in Like is enough?????
3/22/2008 11:40:31 AM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Cumberland, KY
age: 29
for now try it out maybe the like will turn into love later on
3/22/2008 11:41:08 AM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 31
I think that being in like is a lot easier when you first experience a painful break up or experience. Lets face it, love does hurt. But, when you are a genuinely nice person, you can eventually build yourself up to be stronger and move on, and in time be able to open your heart to someone. There is no rush...think about it, it must have taken some time to fall in love with the last person, right?? Don't settle...just see where your heart takes you...and like could always possibly turn to love..
3/22/2008 12:07:39 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48 online now!
What if your just in lust?
Curious minds want to know
3/22/2008 1:07:18 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Albany, MO
age: 51
Lust works for me, but that's what got me in trouble the last time!!!!!
3/22/2008 1:12:37 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Chillicothe, OH
age: 41
Either way, it's hard to take that leap..like or love. But it's interesting to see how far it takes you. And it's great to feel those feelings again..even if it is for a short bit. 
3/22/2008 1:18:51 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Timmins, ON
age: 40
Like is how the wounded spirit allows Love to be represented through the mouth. You may find they are one and the same in time. If not perhaps it was not meant to be, or the wounds are still too fresh to rejoin the inner connection of Love that flows within each of us all the time. Just take your time and heal first Love is always deep inside and cannot be truly severed from our being as it is what drives the spirit forward.
3/22/2008 1:27:13 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Chillicothe, OH
age: 41
Great way to look at it. 
3/22/2008 1:36:03 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Butler, KY
age: 52 online now!
us you and I are about the same age so I can relate to what you are saying. I have had a couple men I have dated and there were no fire works..I think it was easier when I was younger. Now I am more reserved and don't let my self as I did when I was younger. Can't say I didn't have fun with them or enjoy them. I don't give up hope that I can find that special someone that makes my world rock. I just think I am more careful..Don't give up hope and don't settle for less..It will happen.At least thats what I tell myself lol  
3/22/2008 2:54:35 PM |
In Love? In Like?? |

Albany, MO
age: 51
Thanks guys and gals for your input, I guess for me it just seems the safe route. I have always been into safety first!!