
Omaha, NE
age: 50
kewl kait I know in SC you can still smoke in some public places too
Peterborough, ON
age: 21
i don't smoke cigarettes but i do smoke weed on occasion and id say its a two way street. almost all of my friends smoke and its easy to say its just a bad smell but when u r the only non-smoker and everyone lights up at the same time (trust me most people do out of habit) it can literally take ur breath away
my point is that i don't treat smokers like criminals and i demand at least some consideration for the fact that its ur bad habit & u shouldn't make other ppl suffer from it not everyone want tar in their lungs peace and luv
[Edited 5/14/2008 10:37:54 AM]

Lumberton, TX
age: 45
I try to be courteous of those who don't smoke. I do smoke in my car....and try to at least tone it down if anyone in my car doesn't smoke. Same goes for inside my home. I DO NOT smoke in a non-smokers home or car....I take it outside. I try to stay away from doorways and store openings or anywhere children are known to frequent or hangout...parks...school functions....scouts...those kinda places. I've smoked for 28 years....and I've always been this way...guess is cause my Mom didn't smoke...but when I lived at home I did in the house there. Not anymore.

Kingsville, ON
age: 50
we got the law in ontario canada so bar owners put up shelters so people could smoke guess what they changed the law so now you can;t even smoke in shelters think non smokers have gone way too far 

Duncan, OK
age: 34
screw em! cough cough hack hack


Ball Ground, GA
age: 36
I smoke cigarettes and weed but not around people that don't. So I'm respectful.

Houston, TX
age: 23
I smoke outside too even living alone... that smell of stale smoke on the furniture lingers forever and when its time to bring her home... that smell leaves a lasting impression...
I actually have a very clean home and great smelling to boot.