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3/26/2008 5:04:12 AM |
Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I thank The Lord for each and every one of you.
As I struggle with life in the flesh,
You all have come to my aid and to all that are in need.
In my walk to be more like Christ
I trip and fall daily. I am not deserving of His Agape;
Yet He still gives it to me by way of you;
The Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints.
He Himself continually lifts me up and holds me so close.
The Lord truly blesses me, and I pass it on to you all.
You are all Angels and Saints;
You are all my Family and Friends.
Lord it is my prayer that You bless each and every one of my brothers and sisters;
Bring to them the mate that is truly the one that will be the helper in one that You promised us. That we all may complete the works that You have called us to do.
Lord, We have You but our flesh is week and we are lonely. Have mercy on us and cross our paths soon. Lead us not into temptation, but lead us to what is right. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen
3/26/2008 5:16:19 AM |
Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints |

Hickory, NC
age: 55 online now!
My friends we all have come short .
But his love is more than enought.
He knows your hearts ,mind, soul.
He will never let it be to much.
So let him carry your loads till.
We reach the end of the road.
3/28/2008 6:50:55 AM |
Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 61 online now!
Rich....That prayer was so beautiful, thank yor for sharing it with us. I feel the love and understanding in it, and God will surely Bless you.
God Bless you Brother Rich and we all cherish the fact that we have come to know you on this site. I hope everything turns out in your life, just as you would want it to be. God will bless you, you are a good man..........Dolly 
3/28/2008 9:18:30 PM |
Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41 online now!
Glad to hear from you again Rich 
Here's a true story about me that may or may not help but is too precious to keep to myself.
I've been going through a lot of serious (issues) obstacles in the past 4 months in some areas of my life.
I have prayed and done everything spiritually possible to keep pressing forward and no matter how bad things got for me for the past 4 months I kept on going forward until last night. I had physically given up on all my obstacles as they were just duplicating and making me more stressful.
I was out of spiritual fuel (drained out) last night and had a heart to heart talk with God.
I told Him I was giving up trying to work all this out on my own once and for all and that I was putting it all in His hands as of right there and then and held Him responsible for His promise to me. I did nothing after that nor worried about anything any more.. case was closed!
I then went downstairs to do my laundry, as I am putting the clothes in the machine, a penny fell out and landed on my right foot. I picked up the penny and I instantly felt an energy, the first thing I saw on the penny was..
" IN GOD WE TRUST ". After I read that I felt the strongest peace all over my body, it was as if I no longer had any troubles or obstacles in my life and everything was taken care of for me instantly (hard to describe this feeling).
I knew in an instant, that God had sent me a sign to remind me that He is in total control of my life and that if I just step away and let Him do it His way, no matter how impossible it looks to me, God CAN do the impossible and He did!
The next morning (today), God's promise to me came to pass and He has solved all my problems today and His blessings have been poring non stop in my life all day today.
All those 4 month's of stress and serious issues are now a thing of the past and am now brand new (it feels as if I no longer have a single problem in my life!)
I praised God for keeping His promise and blessing me with 10 times more of what I needed!
Rich, keep pressing forward, your penny can be just step away 

Thank You Father!!
3/29/2008 1:35:36 AM |
Friends, Family, Angels, and Saints |

Cleveland, OK
age: 52
we all struggle with our faith in the Lord. I'm not good at writing things in my own words but I keep poems and stories of faith in a folder that I get thru an online ministry. I hope that by sharing these it will encourage and help you Bro. Rich and any one else that comes in here and needs the encouragment. One of the Christian duties is to lift one another up.
Thank you friend,
For reaching in my hurt
And bringing out a Jewel.
Thank You Friend,
For being this Jewel that
Lives within my heart.
Thank You Father,
For giving this friendship that can nurture
The rosebud of Your love
For buds untouched
By gentleness and warmth of love,
Can wither and dry up.
But the bud of love,
Watered by tears and warmed by a kiss
Becomes a bloom.
A bloom reflecting
The glory and beauty of Your love,
Tender but radiant.
It cannot be contained,
But overspills to all who view this bloom,
And see not it, but You.
Your radiant face,
Your nail-scarred feet, and hands
Outstretched in love.
A love we cannot comprehend,
Nor sometimes even strive nor reach for;
And yet it reaches us.
Those hands outstretched upon the Cross,
Reach down to bridge the widest gap e'er formed
Twixt us and You.
Reach down in love,
Deep, unfathomable, unchanging, priceless love
That gives us life.
Oh God of Life,
My Father, Saviour, Friend and so much more,
Be near me now
And as I ask
I know that it is done, my heartfelt cry's
Your will.
You give a friend
To save me from the hell, of fear of losing You;
My closest, dearest Friend of all.
What priceless gift,
This love, poured out again as it was then,
From one Friend through another friend.
by Ailsa Yates ©
[Edited 3/29/2008 1:37:01 AM]