Dallas, TX
age: 28 online now!
hahahah honest enough...good!!

Kinross, MI
age: 59
Yeah alum.........a spice used in pickling process..........i believe it was a couple tablespoons to a quart of water...first time she did it ya couldnt get a jackhammer in the errie canal. I think she figured that if (?) was good, double the tablespoons must be better.........NOT!!!!!!!!!

Columbus, OH
age: 22
I'm a virgin. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I also don't know how sex with virgins goes.
But I also don't think there is anything shameful about wanting sex and going for it.

Binghamton, NY
age: 21
I think if it's sex you want...no ones stopping you but yourself. You can do it if you put your mind to it and want it bad enough. It's my personal preference to not do it yet! I stand stong! 

Montreal, QC
age: 33
every thing u will forgat in ur life but u will alwes remamber the first and the beast virgin wife to u knw y tell me if u know y

Jacksonville, FL
age: 30


Cambridge, NY
age: 47
good one,I think we are all getting it up the dirt road by the Bush admin.
[Edited 3/27/2008 11:53:31 PM]

Jacksonville, FL
age: 30


Montgomery, AL
age: 41
my ex-girl friend was a virgin when we met. i think i took it harder than she did when we finally made love. i was terrified that it wouldnt meet her expectations. evedently it did. we stayed together for two years after that.

Owosso, MI
age: 45
I'm proud of YOU!