3/27/2008 8:29:29 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Windsor, ON
age: 36
no virgins for me thanks.....
3/27/2008 8:30:57 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Louisville, GA
age: 38
no virgins for me,i want experience!!!!!!!
3/27/2008 8:55:24 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Meadow Lands, PA
age: 21
experience is good...but so is teaching
3/27/2008 8:56:30 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Louisville, GA
age: 38
im to old to be teaching!!!!!
3/27/2008 9:10:41 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 53 online now!
V-ery likely to not be enjoyable
I- mpossible to be sure she was truely ready
R- isk immediate emotional problems
G- awd that HURTS
I- nstructions required
N- ot So MUCH!!!!  
3/27/2008 9:18:28 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Elizabeth City, NC
age: 44
They people also. I was one until age 28 because I'm very shy.
3/27/2008 11:05:31 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Binghamton, NY
age: 21
Thats great to know 
It's the people on here that are so negative about it that make it nearly impossible for the ones who still are. I have no problem finding guys, but its the negative ones that turn me off!
3/27/2008 11:21:21 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

San Antonio, TX
age: 19
Sex with a virgin would be amazing...that would mean that I would be the teacher and things would happen exactly the way I want them too. (No whips and Chains though) 
3/27/2008 11:26:43 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Creighton, NE
age: 59
I'm shure back then when we both were that nether was much good. If your over 16 it an't likely to ever happen for many, if you over 20 you looking a big jail time today. So it is not that good, could mean jail, so why think about it? No reasion at all.
3/27/2008 11:26:46 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Fairfield, CA
age: 18
Still got my V card
3/27/2008 11:34:50 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Fairmont, WV
age: 25
I can't say that I know what that is like.
After all, I am still one.
3/27/2008 11:38:22 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
see! that's why I'm holding on to it for the right guy. there're alot of negative people,I agree. so what's a girl to do. I mean back in the days it was frowned on if you weren't a virgin and now it's frowned on if you are.   it just frustrates me and makes me trust men less. it's a good thing I read this thread now I know what you guys think. thanks. you just made my convictions stand stronger!   
[Edited 3/27/2008 11:39:44 AM]
3/27/2008 11:39:47 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Woodland, CA
age: 32
im not sure that at this stage in the game i want to be the one to do the training... i want-need someone who knows how to get the job done and again and again and again...you see where i am going right?
3/27/2008 11:41:01 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

El Paso, TX
age: 28
Been there done that and I want to do it again. 
3/27/2008 11:41:02 AM |
Sex with Virgins... |

Fairfield, CA
age: 18
I'll do it Tam