4/17/2008 7:25:35 AM |
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Farmington, IL
age: 47
Cats are ok, if they're cooked right! LOL (Don't shoot me, I was kidding)! My two, Kikki and Alice, drive me nuts, but I love 'em!
4/23/2008 8:16:16 AM |
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Johnson City, TN
age: 56
My babies will be three years old this year. I have three Siamese...Josie, Sassy and Binks! And trust me, they are all brats!!
4/28/2008 8:05:38 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Lancaster, PA
age: 45
I have a few cats too! The oldest is 19 and she is a pistol. The younger ones get away with nothing!! They are like my children and like a previous post said, they love me unconditionally and they don't care if I've put on a few pounds or have had a bad day. They are just there to be my companions.
5/4/2008 10:26:48 AM |
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Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
i love cats. as i have cats all my life. i lost one cat couple weeks ago. he was 15 yrs old. you don't know how much they mean to you until you lose them . he is sadly missed. but i can now devote my time to my others. i spent alot of time and money on boots. the are my family, also.
5/8/2008 4:59:42 PM |
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Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
i have four new arrivals[baby kittens] so i am a cat lover.
5/14/2008 12:56:01 AM |
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Denver, CO
age: 52
i to have a cat. i do love my cat she sits on my lap and she looks at me with those big eyes of hers. so this is why people call me the cat man now that is funny ha ha ha.
5/14/2008 4:55:12 PM |
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Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
I live with two cats. Jesse is about 14 and she is all black except for her white whiskers. She is very mellow. She likes to crawl into bed with me at night and she leans against me and purrs.
Monster (his whole name is Aloysius Xavier Monster P*ssycat) is about 8 or 9. He is orange and white and weighs almost 20 pounds. Funny thing is that he is a true scaredy cat. He is afraid of his own shadow.
They both came from the streets as little babies.
I come from a "cat" family. Everyone in the family lives with cats. The first one that I remember I must have been about 5 years old and someone gave my dad an odd-eyed white long haired persian.
When my dad was very sick several years ago (he passed away)and stuck in bed, one of the cats in their home stayed with him in bed, like a little nurse watching over him.
5/17/2008 10:44:45 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
I have a cat I got in my divorce. i didnt really want her but My ex would have neglected her. Any way she has become my best friend. I think she really loves me. When wer'e at home in las Vegas, she follows me outside. When we are at my Mountain cabin she hunts mice, snakes, and lizards. I like dogs and would like another, but they are a lot of work. My lab lived 17 years and I considered him my son. For now "Meow-Meow" will do.
5/18/2008 12:46:10 PM |
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Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
cats i love them i have had cats for near all of my life. close to 49 years. all colors and ages. i started walking chasing a cat when i was less than a year old.
5/18/2008 4:25:21 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
age: 54
5/18/08, Hi Cats and everyone Is it possible for a Cat to miss Her human to the point of she stops eating I house sat for inlaws two weeks ago for a week and when arrived back.
Home four days latter she was a skinner girl!she only weights eight lbs anyway do they,
Realy grive us Please help she was a wild kitty girl when we meet three yrs ago?Cleverlady
And Sammie Lee,herself}
5/19/2008 12:41:27 PM |
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Springfield, IL
age: 61
I can't remember not having a cat. I am down to twelve, all retired show cats and breeders. I quit breeding about a year ago and just have the old girls and boys left. My daughters say the cats get better care then they did growing up but the cats really became my children (so to speak) after the kids grew up and went on their way. I don't know what I would do without them.
5/25/2008 7:58:44 AM |
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Fresno, CA
age: 63
I love cats, too. My first sentence was "see the black kitty!' and not much has
changed. I live with a 15 year old Ocicat, a one year old Ocicat, and a five year
old American Wirehair. I love pedigreed, fancy cats, but give all my extra
money and then some to help cats. When I pass away, my house will go
to SPCA to help cats. They are the most beautiful, graceful, funny, loving
6/13/2008 6:35:14 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
age: 54
Hi cats and you all youl"""my female is very vocal" she answers me daily is it.
Possible she commucating mostly its,very funny to listen to.Clever 6/13/08 
8/15/2008 4:42:59 AM |
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Elgin, TX
age: 62
My Beautiful loving cat, Fuzzball passed away. He had kidney failure. He died peacefully in my arms at home. He was a huge silver Ragdoll with blue eyes. He was a character and everyone who met him fell in love with him. He used to follow me everywhere.I miss him a lot.
The other cats miss him too. Now down to 6.
My cats are so full of love. I need that.
8/15/2008 8:26:00 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Arcadia, FL
age: 66
I am so sorry you lost your friend. I to love cats. Had 27 at one time.