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8/16/2008 3:43:13 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Elgin, TX
age: 62
Thanks Chickadee! Wow! 27 cats is a lot of love!
8/17/2008 5:19:05 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
Any guys love cats?
I do, because of my mom's current cat, Nameless.. a long story in itself.
8/20/2008 5:58:01 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Mount Pleasant, TN
age: 38
heyyy all cat lovers out there
well i got two cats
one name is cleo she like a baby
we can hold her lil a new born she
such a diva and think she rules the house lol
now our tigger we got her someone where we use to live left her and she was a indoor cat i told my boyfriend i cant live her here when we move so we took her with us and now she going have baby kittens soon im going be grandma ok i know that sounds funny lol
but my pets are like my kids
they depend on me for everything
and i love them
8/20/2008 7:13:12 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
My Ocicat has such a voice, she trills and runs like an opera singer, loud, too! I have never known such a vocal
talking cat, except for meesers! Anyone else have a cat that likes to talk? Yas is 15 and goregeous with her
huge green eyes, mascara, and elegant Oci body and long legs.
8/21/2008 9:36:02 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
My cat talks. Complains more like. Definitely not a singer. Mine was a found cat, rescue like my two dogs. Missy just loves water. I have to close the toilet or she plays in it and gets the seat wet. She plays in the sprinklers and light rain. She will sit on the side of the tub and dip her paw in the water and lick it off her paw.
She loves the laser and smacks my dog, Homer when he won't let her play too. She loves my big playful dog, Homer and tries to get him to play with her more but his focus is more on me. He will deliberately mess with her when she is in my lap and she jumps off and thinks he is going to play with her when all he was really doing was tricking her out of my lap...jealous boy. One of these days she will figure it out and ignore him.
She loves to jump in my lap and slide up my chest for a nose to nose rub. The look in her eyes when she does that is to die for. The pure unadulterated love that pours out of her eyes and heart...ahhhhhhh. Pure heaven! Now, if I could just find a guy that loves me like that. 
8/26/2008 11:16:02 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Lake Alfred, FL
age: 54 online now!
Miranda after Miranda rights... I work in a juvvie prison
Reysan, named after my boss and secretary... good people!
I rescued them when mom gave birth at the facility. Now shes had more and 2 are left. I may just have to rescue another.. LOL... love all my animals.
cats, dogs, bird, hamster. Im addicted 
9/5/2008 8:09:41 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Morongo Valley, CA
age: 59
Hello there, I am new to this website, and I am owned by 5 lovely Cats (shown on my Page) I would do anything for them! Casper and Patches are both 15, Chloe is 10, Moochy, the Himmie is around 8 and Junior is 4. They are my "Children"!
I have to keep them separated 3/2, because Casper and Moochy (and Junior) do not get along. I have kept this up for around 5 yrs, and so far, it has "worked", I keep Casper, Chloe, and Patches confined to my bedroom, during the daytime, and Junior and Moochy get the run of the living room/kitchen/bathroom (trailer life) Then in the evenings, Moochy and Junior go into the bathroom, and the others come out to play.
Moochy is fully declawed (by a former owner), so when Junior came to live with me, I placed them together, because he was just a kitten, so they make great roommates. The other 3 have been together for a long time, and get along well enough. Casper is the "Alpha Male" by way of having lost my other Male Kitty, from old age. All are spayed/neutered.
It is very nice to meet all of you!
9/6/2008 2:46:27 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |
Bakersfield, CA
age: 39
Cats are cool!
9/8/2008 6:11:28 AM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Austin, TX
age: 53 online now!
My Beautiful loving cat, Fuzzball passed away. He had kidney failure. He died peacefully in my arms at home. He was a huge silver Ragdoll with blue eyes. He was a character and everyone who met him fell in love with him. He used to follow me everywhere.I miss him a lot.
The other cats miss him too. Now down to 6.
My cats are so full of love. I need that.
My sympathies on the loss of your beloved feline. 
I also had a cat named Fuzzball who passed away. He was nothing but a little ball of fur when we found him. He had diabetes & I had to give him insulin shots 2x a day. He was so
good about it, never complained, never fought me. We'd have a little 'lovefest' during
which I'd give him the shot in the nape of his neck. He'd always have a treat afterward.
He was sweet, but had less personality than any other cat I've had. Maybe he just didn't feel good?
9/8/2008 8:08:29 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Morongo Valley, CA
age: 59
Happy to see there are a FEW guys that like Cats! My boyfriend of 13 years passed away 2-1/2 yrs ago, and he loved the Kitties very much. If he'd have seen how the two younger ones played "Leap~Frog" over him when he was laid out on the floor (waiting for the Coroner) He'd have had a good laugh! (Sounds kinda "Morbid" I know, but he really would have LOVED that they still wanted to "play" with him!) 
9/8/2008 8:10:31 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Morongo Valley, CA
age: 59
There is a really great website for Cat Lovers out there, called (also, for dog lovers) It is really a great website, where your pet can have its own web page, and there are hundreds of groups for special interests, and you can even start your "own" group.
9/9/2008 1:01:27 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |
Richmond, VA
age: 30
It is very true about cats picking their humans. I have two cats, both male, one is 12 yrs old, the other 7. They both picked me, showing up on my doorstep needing help, and I was their nurse of choice. Between the two I have been through two leg amputations for cancer, a broken jaw, and ear problems. But, I love both of my three-legged kitties so I guess it has all been worth it.
9/9/2008 3:27:42 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Sandston, VA
age: 52
Besides my dogs I have 3 lovely kittens. One was rescued off the street at 4 weeks old, one from the SPCA at 8 weeks,and one I bought from a breeder when she was 12 weeks. Our 15 year old kitty died last year and in my pursuit to find a Maine Coon kitten I ended up with 3 kittens LOL But I did eventually find my beautiful MC! I tried several rescues and you would be amazed at how many cat rescues will not adopt out to a Rottweiler owner! Yet our cat lived to be 15! Hello rescuers! So to get my pure bred MC I was forced to buy!
9/9/2008 5:58:32 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Morongo Valley, CA
age: 59
My Calico, "Patches" had to have a toe amputated, about a year ago. I was blind with Cataracts, for a while, and I guess I accidently stepped on her foot, and broke one of her toes. I was worried that she was going to be "too old" for the operation, (at 14) but she sailed through it with "flying colors"! She even pulled out her own stitches! (I don't think she wanted to go back into the carrier again!)
I commend you both, for giving the love that your three-leggers need, and also for thumbing your nose to those "Non-believers" who assume all large dogs are automatically "Bad"! A dog (or Cat, or any animal, for that matter) is a direct REFLECTION of the way it has been raised, and a dog that is raised with "Love" will always be gentle, even with Cats and Babies. Some Pups just get a "Bad-Rap", by reputation, and not by example. 
9/12/2008 10:16:04 PM |
Cat lovers- post here! |

Sandston, VA
age: 52
And get this purr momma...the lady I bought my Maine Coon kitten from owned a Doberman. It was so awesome to see a house with 20 beautiful Maine Coons and 1 Dobie hanging out in the midst of them! The cats loved the Dobie and she acted like she was a queen among them. She was so good with every cat that lived there. But then Maine Coons think they are part dog anyway...