3/28/2008 1:30:59 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
If anyone has any ideas on why northerners refer to us as rednecks, please feel free to share.
I mean, really...Do people go up north to retire?
3/28/2008 2:02:02 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Crossville, TN
age: 51
I have heard several reasons for this one having something to do with a unionizing of the coal minds The other, that working out in the fields all day sunburns your neck. But who knows what the real reason is. Do you think even the yankees know? I doubt it.
[Edited 3/28/2008 3:00:58 PM]
3/29/2008 6:08:05 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Bristol, TN
age: 49
Its the coal mine story, In first showed up in August 1921, its been called both "The Mingo County War" and "The Battle of Blair Mountain". The Union miners wore red bandannas to show which side they were on. The term "redneck" was first used by the press to identify the union miners.
Here is a good article, that explains it from the West Virginia archives.
3/29/2008 7:18:04 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
Thanx for the info...will read up on it.
3/29/2008 5:49:17 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Pleasant View, TN
age: 57
Irgcox gave the factual and accuate historical reason for call us rednecks. However, in today's day and time, the term had changed it meaning a lot. Some say it to be ugly and some say it as a point of pride----its a symblol of the culture and heritage. TN folks for example make a lot of livings working outdoors. And yes, the neck does get pretty red from all that sun exposure, paticularly if you have ever worked in a tobacco around here.
So, I guess anyone who uses the term has to choos their own meaning and why they are saying it.
Me, I am proud to be a TN redneck. I work outside a lot and enjoy it a bunch.

3/29/2008 6:00:21 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
I read up on all of that today, about farmers wearing straw hats and red bandanas around their necks when they do farm work. As you said, it's getting to be a rude remark, directed toward all of us Southerners. Like you, I am proud to be a Tennessee Redneck!  
3/30/2008 7:14:50 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Jackson, TN
age: 66
What happened to the term "Tennessee Hillbilly?" - I knew Mississippi was refer to a s "Rednecks" - but didn't know Tennessee was.....
As far as farming now ------ their equipemnent is all air-conditioned around here *lol*
Believe they could drop that term.
I was reared in Mississippi and live in Tennessee now - so I'm neutral on this - just a question.
3/31/2008 6:01:45 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
You did just fine, Flirty!
3/31/2008 11:45:15 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 58
Flirty--- that was a good explanation!
There's also another category of folks - white trash/trailer trash. I'm not sure how to describe that group without offending either!! (I'll let flirty have a go at it!)
3/31/2008 1:27:14 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Jackson, TN
age: 66
I've heard those descriptions off and on all my life - use of "Rednecks" in Mississippi isn't appreciated at all....... That's like the differece between a drunk and a "Good Ole Boy" - Anybody know the difference in it? *lol*
Trailer Trash isn't used very often anymore, thankfully. I just often wonder if some people can't help where they live and pick up those terms used in bad taste. Just talking here - No offense taken. I do know people who live in trailer or "Mobile Homes" these days that if you weren't outside you wouldn't know the difference in it and a house..... Guess that's where I was going with it.
Those are all terms that were used when I was a kid and seems to be used more "gently" now.
Flirty - think I could get in trouble too easily on this thread. *lol*
4/3/2008 7:03:24 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

La Vergne, TN
age: 43
well I swaney, whas yews peoples talkin bout sometimes It's jes damn fun to be one them er
rednecks. Hey watch dis is usually followed by someone inflicting somekind of extreme form
of torture to them selfs or others> les git drunk an talk bout' it sometime that thar moonshine tis sum par good chit , ya no............if youins could have a $4000.oo 12ft, widescreen T.V. for free but it didn't have any sound,,,,,you might be a redneck wen u plop
that $10.00 t.v. with rabbit ears on top for sound,,,,,haha u bet cha ass baby...
yeeeeeehhaw!!!!!!! (go figure my last name is "Lee") Sometimes it pays to act the part. Me_Redneck? (darn tootin)
signed : Me_Redneck (in person)
p.s. thought for the day "you can divorce your wife but she' still your sister".lol
[Edited 4/3/2008 7:08:04 PM]
4/4/2008 12:57:59 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Sneedville, TN
age: 49
Hey you all If I get really pissed with someone and speak my mind and say what I mean I have been called a redneck. Well if that's what it takes. 
4/4/2008 3:46:18 AM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Mooresville, IN
age: 55
I get called a redneck all the time. I just tell em thank you, that's the best compliment I've had all day
I use to work for The Charlie Daniels Band, and they use to say that I was the only Yankee Redneck that they ever met.
[Edited 4/4/2008 3:46:51 AM]
4/9/2008 6:49:34 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 59
3 possible reasons to research , people! Im from Knoxville all my life
1. Refers to sunburn color of neck of outside blue collar workers.
2. Redneck because of too much drinking or anger mgt problems
3. Many (a majority) of us here have Scots-Irish in us. Back in Northern Ireland, there was this thing about anti-Catholic Protestant Scotsmen wearing some sort of red shirt w/some sort of neck on it. And the name stuck when the Scots-Irish came to America.
Check out these ideas and see if you can add to the general knowledge here.
The term doesn't mean the same thing as a hillbilly, but a person can be both at the same time.
4/11/2008 12:40:25 PM |
Why Do They Call Us Rednecks? |

Ooltewah, TN
age: 31
I'm a redneck, and proud out of it too.