3/29/2008 6:23:09 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Okay, I have had enough people make reference to how I look like the stereotypical image of what Jesus supposedly looked like that I decided it was time for this thread (besides, I had promised a good friend of mine that if I got enough comments I would start posting this for all to see)  
3/29/2008 6:24:42 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I was at a good friend of mine's wedding. After the reception the plan was to ride in the limo to the Flats, (That is the bar and club district in downtown Cleveland) in order to continue to have fun. We were all still in tuxes and suits and wedding dresses etc. We went to a few clubs until we went into one that was playing some really good dance music. The dance floor was all coloured squares and laser lights etc. I was dancing when all of the sudden I had a bright yellow spotlight shining right on me. I hadn't really been paying attention until this happened and I kind of looked up.
The next thing I knew the D.J. was yelling through the microphone ' Look, even Jesus made it, we are partying with Jesus, look at him get down!'. 
People cleared a spot for me on a very crowded dance floor, there must have been a five to ten foot radius of clear dance floor just for me! I just continued to dance, mostly blinded by the bright lights the D.J. was directing at me.
The entire time we stayed in this club the D.J. never stopped talking about how Jesus had come to party with them. He was shouting something through his microphone every couple of minutes about it. People were coming up to me with drinks they were buying for me. It was great. This is probably the most enjoyable experience I had with it. It was really funny, and my friend just kept laughing about it (she had witnessed this several times before)
3/29/2008 6:29:34 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
The first experience with this I had was when I was rather young, and before the long hair...and beard. I was in the third grade at a private elementary school (I was raised staunch catholic). I was chosen to play the role of Jesus in the Passion Play during the Good Friday (death day) mass. We went through all the various scenes until, at the appropriate time, I was stripped down to a loin cloth and 'hung' on a cross right in front of the altar.
I spent the entire mass 'hung' on that cross, I wasn't 'resurrected' until the Easter Sunday mass services. Kind of sick and twisted when I think on it now, but it makes quite the amusing story
3/29/2008 6:38:30 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Fremont, NE
age: 37
Oh my gosh. I love these stories...your own personal accounts. Thanks for posting these, I really love the dance club one. Keep em coming.
3/29/2008 7:14:57 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I was living in L.A. for a few years. At the time I lived in Hollywood about a block and a half north of Hollywood Blvd. It was a Sunday back when McDonald's had 39 cent cheeseburgers (on Sunday). I was heading there to get several of them. I had to walk down Hollywood Blvd. to get there. Along the way I came upon a whole congregation of black preachers with a choir and the rest, right there on the side of the street. I am not certain what denomination they were, but they were preaching about Jesus. Everytime the head preacher said the word 'Jesus', another one would hold up a large sign that was a picture of Jesus in a kinglike position with the crown of thorns on his head. As I began threading my way through the crowd (in the middle of a song) the main preacher shouted that they stop. They all looked at him to see what was going on that he did such a thing. The next thing I knew he was pointing at me shouting at the top of his lungs "hold up the sign...it's Jesus! Speech, speech!" All the sudden they were all looking at me chanting for me to give a speech to them. They were all very animated and excited. It scared the shit out of me to be honest, as I had never expected this to happen. I very quickly ducked down and hurried through the crowd and continued on my way to McNasty's. On my way back I decided to go down the other side of the street to avoid being mobbed by the religious zealots.
To my absolute amusement, I could here them talking about it still. The preachers were taking turns talking about how Jesus had appeared before them and then disappeared after being noticed.
3/29/2008 11:55:37 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
When I was a waitress at IHOP there was a homeless man who used to come by. I called him Jesus. He would ask for coffee and whatnot. Wrote a poem about it. I will share when I have more time.
3/31/2008 2:11:58 PM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I was living in Springfield Missouri, basically the buckle of the bible belt. I had gone to the DMV in order to get my license switched over from California. It was the middle of the afternoon, probably about 2 o'clock. It was fairly busy for the size of the city with about thirty people inside. I went up to the desk and went through the eye exam etc. I moved down the line and had my photo taken and was told to return to the waiting area until my license was printed out. As I headed toward the group of metal chairs they had set out, a woman stepped out in front of me. She looked up at me with this GIANT grin on her face and said "We've decided," when she said we, I turned to see every last person had me completely encircled, "that you look like Jesus". This was all she said, but she didn't move. She just stood there gaping at me, I looked around to see everyone nodding their heads in solemn agreement. It was if she expected me to have some sort of comment or something to say in response.
At that moment the woman from the DMV called my name 'Christopher' she said (I have legally changed my name for personal reasons), as I turned to get my license everyone gasped. As if my name only furthered their case. I got my license and got the hell out of there. This was probably the scariest 'sighting' that I have ever experienced. To be surrounded by people like that... I still get chills thinking about it.
4/1/2008 2:02:12 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Cherokee, IA
age: 53
Did you ever think those people weren't really people, but Angels sent to remind you that you were made in the image and likeness of God?
4/1/2008 8:10:45 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
That is a good observation NWIowa, I have always enjoyed it when it happened, even when it was uncomfortable.
I have very unique views on the concept of God or a Godhead. But in its way all of these stories have definitely kept the soul and the human spirit in the forefront of my mind. As well as the universal recognition of Jesus and the honest and pure way he lived his life.
4/1/2008 8:11:51 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 28
bumpin the thread
4/1/2008 2:10:54 PM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Cherokee, IA
age: 53
If it were me I think I would camp it up a bit. I would work out a little scenario to feed the gawkers too. I'm sure it's annoying. But try having some fun with it too. Maybe it's God's way of interjecting a little fun into his existance. By watching how you deal with it. I think you have great potential for creating some fun for yourself, and God along the way, in which ever path in life you are on.
I don't look like anyone, but am quite a sight on my own. Many people stare, gawk, and laugh behind my back about how I look. So I can sympathize with you when you'd just like to be ignored when doing your own thing.
Bottom line is I respect you!
4/2/2008 7:55:54 AM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I really appreciate the insight. There have been times I have camped it up. I like your suggestion though and will definitely focus on having fun with it from now on. I need more fun in my life anyway. I am definitely a sight, though, myself. I stick out like a sore thumb. You are right that it is a good area of my life that can really allow me to enjoy my life more fully. As much as I don't like people I really love them and interacting with them. ( I say that I don't like them because I tend to be a hermit LOL)
4/10/2008 11:17:27 PM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
i found Jesus, he was behind the couch the whole time
4/11/2008 3:43:19 PM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
There are agencies that handle look-a-likes and unique people...you might send some photo's
to one...never know what kind of gig you might get!
4/11/2008 11:11:22 PM |
The many and varied 'jesus' sightings |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Hey Shaman, I am kind of one of those hermits myself.