4/14/2008 1:06:27 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
Q ......that sounds like what some Christians try to do, ie. pat robertson rebuking a hurricane....is this the same ?
A Not quite, but the faith that would be required to do this is a prerequisite, the concept of using magick varies from person to person, and tradition to tradition..
Q Christians speak rebuke in the name of Christ. What process do you use? Or can you give an example of some energy bending feat that you performed?
A The simplest way to explain magick you one using Christian terms is prayer. Magick is basically focused energy controlled by focused and intense thought or will.
Q Could this be done by someone accidentally who was not trained?
A Yes, and it uncommonly is. It normally just is not recognized as magick. Everyone has the potential, but not everyone chooses to learn to control or use it.
If you have more questions, there are lots of decent sites online that will discuss what is available. There are some traditions that are limited on what can be put out. Others are able to say more.
I have been using magick for 13 years roughly now. I did teach for a while, and did attain the rank of elder in a Wiccan Coven. I will answer short, basic, intelligent, that are common knowledge questions. Do not ask my about anything to do with the Mysteries, because I will not respond to the question.
Spiritwalker 113, I respect your decision not to answer these, and intend no disrespect to you, but I personally see no reason not to give simple answers to them. I gave no secrets away.
4/14/2008 1:13:09 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
Re: where can I get specific training or information?
This is a site that will list common pagan resources in your area, and provide basics. It also provides a members listing by city of those that are willing to accept outside communication. If you are truly interested, between the site, books, and the internet, there is no reason that you should not be able to find enough information until you are able to test and produce your own.
Also, if you begin your research, and can prove that you are trying, you will find a more responsive community because although in general, we are giving, we expect you to be able to help yourself too.
4/18/2008 1:56:56 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
nibbles, thanks...i suspected that there were many similarities, but was not sure....
i looked at site and found some meeting times...thanks
4/18/2008 7:25:38 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Thanks Nibbles forpicking up the thread. Yes I'm SpiitWalker13. It not only varies from trad to trad but covento oven. I think the freedom is hy I remain Wiccan. Good Luck Skunk, on your search it's quite a ride so hold tight
5/17/2008 10:16:13 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Mount Vernon, MO
age: 60
just don, I have a daughter in law that is a Wiccan, she is one of the sweetest women I have met. She enlightened me on some of the beliefs.
5/21/2008 10:29:14 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Lenexa, KS
age: 23
How long have you been studing/practicing Spirit?
5/31/2008 3:51:44 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 36
The noun Wiccian is an old name (Celtic or Saxon I think but not sure) used for the female version of a Wizard. These people utilize the powers of the Earth and "underworld" (Mother Earth) to give their spells and "magick" power. The modern idea of this "Mother Earth" entity is Gaia but the ideas are from the original Celtic cult.
Slightly different from warlocks and witches who rely directly on the powers of Satan for their spells.
Morganeuse and daughter Morgana (or Morgan le Fey) in the fictional stories of King Aurther were Wiccians. Their powers derived from the earth but channeled by the earth spirit Vivien or Nimue otherwise known as the "Lady of the Lake" and in some stories as Moab. (some Authorian stories tell that these two spirits were sisters while other stories don't mention Moab at all)
Merlin, being half human and half earth sprit could channel the powers of the earth himself.
All this is fictional, of course, but the fiction is based on the old Celtic beliefs.
Those that say they are Wiccians or Wizards but deny the above, do not understand the meaning of what they call themselves, basing what they choose to call them selves on Harry Potter stories a complete bastardization of the original ideas and beliefs.
The reference to wolves may be because in these beliefs, the wolf played the part of Earth's protectors and messengers and sometimes, like ravens, were often thought to be the physical embodiment of the earth spirits themselves.
None which is stated in the quoted post is factual in any context of any nature based religion or belief. Only Christian or anti wiccan/pagan sites or people will try to coraborate any of the above beliefs or statements.
It's sickening that such hate and bias still exist.... Yet here it is in black and white quoted above. And here!!! Some really deludes themselves, into thinking they are holeyer than thou! HA!!!! 
FYI!!!!! Christ was a fraud (but not by his own doing!!! ) 
Salem was based on ignorance and stupidity!!!
But of course, they were only believing what they were told without looking into any facts. They had no way of knowing!!! Look at the conditions for educating oneself back then. 
What is the excuse here in the year 2008?
There's no way anyone could be that ignorant unless they lived with their

Anyone truely interested, will follow "their path"! 
All your answers will be found there. 
If your truely interested in the meaning of the wolf, you'll need to do more than skim articles based on half assed knowlage from people hell bent on spreading deciet.
If you find the true meaning of the wolf for any wiccan/pagan belief, than you will be on the right path. But it's one you will need to find yourself! 
Best wishes to you. 
[Edited 5/31/2008 4:04:08 PM]
6/4/2008 9:50:59 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Port Charlotte, FL
age: 63
I may be right / wrong but I think the U.S. government has finally recognized Wiccam as religon / belief in military cemeterys and thus the proper designation on a marker is allowed......Christian - Jew - "Wiccam"
Just a passing thought !
6/4/2008 6:07:31 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 36
No Doubt!!!! 
6/9/2008 12:44:12 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Bothell, WA
age: 69 online now!
I, Spirit Wolf will speak on this:
This is a quote from captpappy:
"Slightly different from warlocks and witches who rely directly on the powers of Satan for their spells."
You, sir, are way off base with this. Witches DO NOT rely directly on Satan for anything. We don't even believe in Satan. Satan is an invention of the Christian Religion. There NEVER WAS, nor will there EVER BE a Satan. Satan was invented by the Christian Religion to offset the power of their God. With God all is good. They needed evil to balance this out, so they invented Satan. Satan was invented to instill fear and loathing into the parishioners. The tale of Satan is totally mythical and totally untrue!
6/9/2008 1:21:10 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Chesapeake, VA
age: 44
what is Wiccan (spelled wrong above) LOL
someone who loves wolves
well considering I have a wolf tattoo planned I guess that is correct and my dog looks like a wolf. LOLOL
Very deep.
Wolves are symbolic of nature and the energy of the MOON. Alot of art depicts wolves as creatures that do their best work by the light of the MOON. That is what people who study and practice witchcraft essentially believe the symbolic nature of a wolf is.
However, there are totems in some nature/native american traditions that correspond with wicca and that is probably what you are talking about when you say that Wiccans like wolves.
I would suggest you go to the witchcraft section of Barnes and Noble and pick up a book on the subject if you are curious.
You may be utterly cheesy and see Pagans for Dummies...or Witchcraft for Dummies...both are equally informative.
6/9/2008 1:21:49 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Chesapeake, VA
age: 44
I may be right / wrong but I think the U.S. government has finally recognized Wiccam as religon / belief in military cemeterys and thus the proper designation on a marker is allowed......Christian - Jew - "Wiccam"
Just a passing thought ! 
This is correct...it happened this past year and we are very proud of that!
6/9/2008 1:31:09 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Chesapeake, VA
age: 44
thank you......that sounds like what some christians try to do, ie. pat robertson rebuking a hurricane....is this the same ?
christians speak rebuke in the name of christ. What process do you use? Or can you give an example of some energy bending feat that you performed?
Could this be done by someone accidentally who was not trained?
Anyone can practice magick, if they believe in the natural law and in themselves as a messenger of that law. Christian religions stole the pagan traditions ions ago. Every modern day christian celebration such as Xmas and Easter began in the light of pagan tradition. There would not be a christian religion if it were not for pagans to begin with. I KNOW MY CHRISTIAN READERS WILL SHUDDER AT THIS...BUT I BELIEVE..CHRIST WAS A PAGAN. Everything about his lifestyle and character is pagan in my belief.
I sometimes watch christian sermons and listen to all of the pagan information "doctored" to make it believable and assimilate into the christian world.
Some christians have great hate for us and I truly believe it is because we symbolize what they wish they could master. A belief in the laws of nature and strength from the air earth fire and water we live with each day.
I wish everyone was pagan. 
6/11/2008 5:09:02 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Back when I was in the catholic church, our priest made that EXACT same statement.
Christ had to be a pagan, there was deffinately no Christanity back in those days.
And many wouldn't identify him as Jewish either. But if he wasn't jewish, and he wasn't pagan, what would you have considered him? Back in those days, you had your earth based traditions, and you had Jewdish. If he wasn't one he was the other. Or maybe both?
Either way, he definately wasn't "Christian". 
6/11/2008 10:05:20 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

McMinnville, OR
age: 55
Some heavy stuff.
A Jew, yes I belive that to be so. Paul made him the Son of GOD and Devile.
Living by the sweat of you own work. Feeding our selves and sharing whaat we have.
Be Well