Winnsboro, LA
age: 48 online now!
that is if you are not in a relationship? 

Bremerton, WA
age: 22
i would be friends with her at first and see if she can prove if she is worth my trust again but chances shell stay an ex. i mean they are called an ex for a reason right?

Deltona, FL
age: 18
thats a tough one! to me it depends on a few things. Why did yall break up? How was the relationship before you broke up? Was it a bad break up or a smooth one (was there alot of fighting or was it a clean breakup)?
These are all things i would think about before even considering getting back together with him.
People say things happen for a reason and there are a few ways to look at that in this situation, either you werent meant to be together or it just wasnt the right time for you to be together.
Personally, i have gotten back with an ex on a few occasions and some of them turned out worse then before, some better and some stayed the same.
It all comes down to how you feel about it.
Good luck.


Splendora, TX
age: 54
That dog won't hunt!!! If she's an ex, there is a lot of good reasons. I don't play in this playground, I quit school cause of recess. Not no but HELL NO. Ain't that many drugs in the world. I hate sugar coating it like this< I'd like to tell you how I really feel but I'd have to censore myself.      
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me  
Finally found a subject I don't have mixed feelings about
[Edited 3/31/2008 2:22:10 AM]

Belmont, MA
age: 43


Boulder City, NV
age: 46
dodnt work the first time wont work now he /she is ex for a reason people do nopt change unless they go through rehab which means they did drugs at that time