4/2/2008 6:54:46 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Grass Valley, CA
age: 49
I mean the gut renching, cant stop crying type of heartbreak!
I have thought about this quite a bit, to be honest I would have to say just once. It was not with either of my 2 ex-husbands either. I was so devastated because I truly loved him, I realized he was never going to change or be who I needed him to be and it broke my heart to finally give up on us, we were together 4 years.
4/2/2008 6:58:46 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 47
Six too many...some worse than others, but all were bad.  
4/2/2008 7:03:26 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47
3, my first love, my ex before we were married, and my last one of 12 years!!
4/2/2008 7:04:54 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Waycross, GA
age: 38 online now!
twice...the first love in highschool...and my ex wife as of late....sheeeesh glad I am over that crap.....
4/2/2008 7:06:40 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Marathon, FL
age: 51
Once , and I'm thankful it broke .
She was not a good person .
I'm mended now .
4/2/2008 7:12:01 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

South Lyon, MI
age: 43
2 times. When my ex said having his girlfriend was more important than me. and when
my ex boyfriend just fell off the face of the earth. (where oh where did he go)
4/2/2008 7:13:32 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 32
Three times too many... The hardest one was recently and even though relationship lasted for only a short time, I fell really hard for him...
4/2/2008 7:14:46 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 31
Twice.. Once, when my (ex)husband decided to say those dreadful words, well I love you, but I am not in love with you...I told him not to say that, I knew it, but hearing it is a lot worse than just knowing it..Oh well..I am healing. The other time was my own fault for falling too fast for someone..I am learning!
[Edited 4/2/2008 7:15:40 PM]
4/2/2008 7:36:47 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Belington, WV
age: 43
Three times.
4/2/2008 7:39:24 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Sherman, TX
age: 27
4/2/2008 7:39:30 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Grady, AL
age: 48
Once, Thank God! I don't think I nor my family would have survived anymore than that one!!
There were ones before, (sorry I was always the dumper never the dumpee) and my husband of 21 years...none of those mattered really. Never shed a tear. But you know what they say, "karma" will get you!! And lord did she have it stored up for me!!! Gut wrenching crying, can't stop? That doesnt even BEGIN to describe it!!
4/2/2008 7:48:40 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Alexandria, VA
age: 40
Nevada were we sharing a parallel life? I was married for ten years and after my divorce I was with someone for 3 years. When that ended I was more devastated than I could've imagined. But I too knew that it wasn't the right thing and it had to end.
I guess the only other time I was heartbroken was my first love in college...
But it certainly hasn't stopped me from wanting to find the right person! I know he's out there somewhere!!
Isn't it better to love and lost than to never have loved at all?...

4/2/2008 7:50:56 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47
Twice. It was pitiful and so disgusting that I've vowed never to go back to that place.
4/2/2008 7:53:05 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

East York, ON
age: 41
Once...the mentally ill one. Loved him to death, gave my life, my everything to try and help...doesn't matter, only he could have helped himself (obviously by remaining in intensive professional therapy). I was heartbroken because the love was real, on both sides, but we could never stay together. One of us would have died (no joke). Today, we are both alive. I guess that's a pretty good thing.
4/2/2008 7:56:39 PM |
How many times have you had your heart truly broken? |

Silvis, IL
age: 38
Twice,my highschool sweetheart,we dated for 3 years and were engaged for 1 year.And my ex we were married for 16 years.