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Forums: Religion: scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |
1/15/2007 6:32:18 AM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 40
My question is...what is a false Church? ....... and does God not go there at all?
Pardon my ignorance but just wondering 
1/15/2007 7:08:55 AM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
You, my good man, are PARDONED!
1/15/2007 12:16:44 PM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
God has a press pass. He can go anywhere he chooses. lol
3/6/2007 3:28:33 PM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Hilo, HI
age: 47
The Upanishads have the earth on the back of a turtle, people still win Nobel prizes, describing, the Bible; The earth is fixed on nothing, He spreadeth the heavens abroad as a curtain (expansion), The life is in the blood, The paths of the sea in Psalm 8, were "discovered", that's the arrows in the ocean on your globe. E=mc2; Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of GOD, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. The big bang, GOD said let there be light. The Bible says we're decaying, the theory of evolution says were evolving; The second law of thermodynamics agrees with the Bible.
The false church is the one GOD goes to in Ezekiel 9. Matthew 25 compares them very well.
P.S. If you dont have a scripture, you have nothing to add to this site, see the rules.
[Edited 3/6/2007 3:35:58 PM]
3/6/2007 8:48:01 PM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Covington, LA
age: 72
You said it all in a nutshell, MacKenzie. I agree.
5/26/2007 6:15:17 PM |
scriptures comparing the false church, with the true one. |

Bristow, IN
age: 62
What is the Bible
The Catholic Church from the very beginning accepted 73 books, 46 written before Christ’s arrival for the Israelite people and 27 written after Christ’s arrival for the Christian faithful, as divinely inspired. These books are gathered together into one book called The Bible, or Holy Scripture.
2 Tim 3:16 “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
How the Bible Came to Be
St. Athanasius in his Festal Letter, § 39, in 367 AD, published a list of books suitable for reading during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a regional canon for the Eastern Church.
Pope St. Damasus I in 382 AD approved the work of the first Council of Constantinople, accepting St. Athanasius’ list as divinely inspired, and indicated that if any bishop used a list of books inconsistent with the Roman canon he would need a convincing explanation. Then the Council of Hippo, a regional council for some of the bishops in the Diocese of Africa, in 393 AD reaffirmed The Decree of Damasus. The third Council of Carthage was far more authoritative than the Council of Hippo. The Diocese of Africa then had its see at Carthage, so Carthage had authority to speak for all of the northwest African bishops. The Council of Carthage in 397 AD also reaffirmed The Decree of Damasus. Carthage, unlike Hippo, sent its decisions to Rome for ratification. Pope St. Boniface I (418-422) ratified the decision and declared the canon settled for the Western Patriarchate. He also sent the decision to the Eastern patriarchs in Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. At that point, the Catholic Canon of Sacred Scripture was informally accepted worldwide. The Fourth Council of Carthage in 419 reaffirmed Pope St. Boniface. The Council of Nicea II in 787 ratified the same canon as authoritative for the Eastern Churches. Finally, the Council of Trent, a worldwide Ecumenical Council, formally proclaimed the Catholic Canon of Sacred Scripture in 1546 as authoritative for the whole world.
From this we see that while each Pope in his time has supreme authority over the Church, and may exercise his authority at any time, Holy Mother Church often works by a consensus of the Pope and the bishops developed over time. The faithful who see a teaching proclaimed by the Pope and all the bishops worldwide recognize in it the Holy Spirit’s silent authorship.
[Edited 5/26/2007 6:20:12 PM]