7/4/2007 7:02:11 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
don't worry about that if you choose not to change God will when He dstroys the wicked
7/4/2007 7:03:04 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
there most certainly is a devil and it is he who is deceiving you into thinking so
7/5/2007 7:58:19 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
so while evolution is just a theory creation is a hard fact according to the bible it plainly tells of creation God's Holy word is like a history book no wonder you people think it is bogus i bet you guys used to despise history well this history is wonderful it tell of a loving God who sent His Son to die for our sins so that through Him we might be saved hey i only go by the bible
[Edited 7/5/2007 10:51:26 PM]
7/5/2007 10:50:02 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
You do sound like a robot Bass. You are sooooo brainwashed and I don't even know what these other two are talking about but I know you are brainwashed.
7/5/2007 10:51:01 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well that is alright my brain could use washing
7/9/2007 6:58:49 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Bloomfield, KY
age: 51
Niether is the truth. Both are just clever ways to justify the Grand Illusion.
Evolution is a theory devised by man using bits and pieces of bone and rock to mask the truth of our existence.
Creation is story passed down through thousands of years whose only witness is a book called the bible written by men with thoughts rooted in the fear of death, men who walked by sight and taught thier children the magic of pain and sacrifice, and called it love.
Creationism is a corner stone of the Grand Illusion.
7/10/2007 12:54:48 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
people that state something is "just a theory" have no clue as to what a theory is, they insert their own personal definition as to what they think the word means, and apply it to their argument, not a whole lot of sense arguing (cause this sure ain't a debate) with a person like that?
7/10/2007 1:01:12 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
well my mind is just to tired to think right now....
7/10/2007 4:30:29 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
It's impressive how you stick by your faith and beliefs despite the opposition. I have a different opinion, but wanted to comment on how I respect your devotion. Just wanted to say that.
7/10/2007 5:03:50 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Middletown, NY
age: 46
john lennon, "imagine"--- "no religion too",.
7/10/2007 5:55:21 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
I was giving someone a compliment. Don't you think we have enough sarcasm in the forums already. You don't agree fine. Post your comment, stick to the topic, and steer away from direct or indirect digs.
7/10/2007 6:06:08 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

New Carlisle, OH
age: 55
when the truth comes out for this question i think we will all be surprised. for me i just hope there is a forever after
7/10/2007 11:16:32 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Everett, WA
age: 45
Seems to me, that as long as you don't take it all toooooo literally, science is actually proving the religious theory to be fairly accurate. They both agree that the planets and stars came first, then the earth, then the plants, then the animals, then the people...
Every time this comes up, I ask, "Ok, the stars and planets came first according to you, but where did they come from?"
7/10/2007 11:33:15 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
when the truth comes out for this question i think we will all be surprised. for me i just hope there is a forever after
The info is out there. We already have a pretty darn good idea about the truth, considering whats been available to dig up and researched over time as some text suggest that is listed from a credible author, on the second post of this topic. As much as can possibly be known has been uncovered to answer the very question of this subject. You just have to spend the time and go find it and then their is the task of putting all the pieces together in your mind for your own self. No one particular individual or source is going to give you the magic bullet or make you feel good about it by any spoon feeding.
Because it is an issue concerning many thousands of years...no one thought of you to save all records of our distant past to prove anything for you and that is why they wrote their own story to passify everyone. And certainly a suit and tie reporting noise on tv is just repeating what someone else told them ...plus, in past catyalclismic events of our earth history, the record keeping goes to hell in a hand basket, not to mention all the many volumns that were intentionally destroyed and burned over time.
Otherwise, being under the current situation with the dark sides agenda running the show here, they will never allow the information of the true origins of man to surface, because they don't have time to answer all your questions about why they sold us a half baked story, so mum is the word...cover up and deny anything and they can do it because they got everyone to believe the mindsucker tv. Thats why they sold the bible for the sheeple to read, it keeps the fear going and gives their little minds something to do to keep them occupied from thinking their was actually a whole other scenerio that went down about where we actually come from.
History as we have been taught for eons of time is plain and simple not at all what has been presented to us. As a matter of fact, neither has anything else that has been presented to us. We only think we know, big mistake. Our lives are nothing but total and complete lies. You only think you have a life, but you don't, it has been stolen from you since even before you were in the womb. Nice aye...if you're not upset about it then you are sleep walking.
As far as there being a forever after...put it to you this way...there is no death..its a big joke. You have lived perhaps many thousands of lifetimes though we only have the conscious memory of one lifetime. Energy (you), does not go anywhere, it only changes its form. Just because you cannot see someone anymore that has passed on, does not mean that their energy is not with you and your loved ones. We have been intentionally taught to be fooled by what you see with your eyes and trained 'away' from anything that laboratory science cannot prove to anyone on a piece of paper as being not credible information.
If you live your life on the go and do the regular life routine everyone is caught up in, you don't have the time to do the due dilligence in order to have enough info to synthisize so you can make a determination other than what someone has decided for you exactly what they wanted you to know.
[Edited 7/10/2007 3:00:52 PM]
7/12/2007 3:27:45 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
creation is how we arrived on the planet earth we were created by a creator God who created the universe
[Edited 7/12/2007 9:05:35 PM]