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7/2/2007 7:34:16 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i know which is truth because the bible tells us which is true now evolution was made up by one charles darwin but creation was very real the bibe says we were created by God he created us in his image he created man from the dust of the earth
7/3/2007 8:27:31 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
Literally a cunning alien force which has infected us with its own nature. It is within us as much as it is out there in our world. We are its prey and also its carriers. We are also its enemy by default. It hates us and, therefore, we are either of its kind and under its power, or we are its sworn opponents. The blades of the tyrannical ritual murderers are now descending upon the necks of the human race for the last time.
A glimpse behind the dark veil of history, and onto the subtle and hidden machinery of evil which has pulverized truth, freedom and morality into dust, and which has shattered and crushed the once unvanquishable spirit of man.
From the Bible’s convoluted scripture we are informed of the creation of man, and of the existence of two Adams, one of the Earth (natural) and one of the Heavens (engineered).
And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness - (Genesis 1:26)
The first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven - 1 Corinthians 15:45
Man in made out of the dust of the ground. it is only after eating from the forbidden fruit that god said: "Behold, the man is become as one of us." - John G. Jackson (Pagan Origins of the Bible)
“Homo Atlantis,” was created to be a servant in the Garden of Eden. The word eden comes from a word meaning “enclosed area.” It was in the closed area of Atlantis, in the precincts set aside for experimentation, that our remarkable genetic ancestor was fashioned. The race of Homo Atlantis was sent forth to garden, husband, mine, and generally labor at the behest of their alien masters. After the creation of Homo Atlantis, every other humanoid (hominid) race was annihilated by our new masters, the “gods.”
We have been lead to believe that the entity that the Old Testament describes as a mass murderer and heinous leader is the God of the Universe. We have been lead to think that the slaughter of human beings in the name of God is a divine act… In one of the most tragic ironies, the majority of humans continue to worship those “gods” who abused them the most -
After the unforeseen departure of the Lemurians, the Atlantean warlocks were forced to return to their drawing boards, so to speak, to create another slave race. The result of their second generation experiments can be referred to as “Adamic” Man. The Adams and Eves were the perfect slaves. They were sent forth “naked,” which means that they were mentally, and somatically, dumbed-down. Their cognitive centers of higher intelligence were purposely suppressed.
And the Lord said, Look, the people are united, and they all have one language…Come on, let us go down, and therefore confound their language so that they cannot understand one another’s speech - (Genesis 11)
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us - (The Maya Popul Vuh)
As a result of the prolonged and intense genetic experimentation, all living humans contain within their biology human and alien DNA. Moreover, it was this transgenic experimentation which caused what we know as evil to come into the world and into our consciousness. Evil does not come into being due to the flawed mechanics of nature. Nature is in perfect harmony from the largest neutron star to the smallest quantum particle. Nature would, therefore, not be likely to so blunder as to create a proclivity in her highest species so lethal as to undermine her own sublime order.
The human beings who believe this fiction are laboring under one of the greatest of all fallacies, and will inherit perdition as a result of this chronic misapprehension. No, evil does not come into the world because of any organic failure in nature’s laws, but from constant tinkering with, and violation of, nature’s inviolate ordinances.
7/3/2007 8:30:51 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Zacharia Sitchin 101
The 12th planet would be a good start there
Nefillin were nothing but aliens , manipulating the locals genetic code

7/3/2007 8:34:26 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
the force is strong in this one ,Lord Troykin
7/3/2007 8:40:41 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
you got it castor...though I understand that stitchen might be off on his timeline by about 400 thousand years...this guy says between 30 and 50 thousand years ago we were screwed with. On the 3rd or 4th try to get the perfect slave...the nephlim finally went into nature and crossed us with the reptile because they are cold blooded and strong...all left brain with no emotion...
you can steal the babies of a reptile and they will look the other way....thats why the reptillian agenda going on can start these wars and they don't mind slaughtering people in all these countries or in their own. Its an alien agenda of the demonic kind...there are good aliens, though the gangsters running the world are not.
7/3/2007 9:18:58 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Budd Lake, NJ
age: 48
The twilight Zone answered this question tonight!
7/3/2007 9:52:32 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
singlennj: you can laugh and make fun now though you might fall over from the trauma of finding out the truth about where you actually come from...its all right in plain sight in the fiction world...it's telling you right in front of your nose and you can't see it. No one can believe it because they put the information in the fiction section so you can't imagine something so bazaar would be so real...everyone has been lied to about everything. You were not meant to ever know the truth about where you came from...they concocted a whole other story for you to believe and everyone bought it hook line and sinker.
[Edited 7/4/2007 1:03:10 AM]
7/4/2007 5:36:30 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah but the truth is we were created that is what is says in God's holy word that we were created in God's image
7/4/2007 9:05:17 AM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
man used to be perfect before sin came into the world and that is the image of God
7/4/2007 2:29:24 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
And you can prove that to me because???
And please don't rely on the Bible as we already have stablished it is nothing but a copy of older books , you must remember that religion as you know it (The one true GOD) wis much older then the one on the old testament
Please you're not dealing with morons and uneducated people , if you're going to present a point make it in such a way that it is logical and easy to understand
I already told you "Blind Faith" is the tool of the ignorant
7/4/2007 3:44:12 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
why not rely on the bible it never lies it is reliable the most reliable sourse o finformation and it says that we are created by God in his image but sin entered the world and man and woman lost immortality
7/4/2007 5:14:02 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
why not rely on the bible it never lies it is reliable the most reliable sourse o finformation and it says that we are created by God in his image but sin entered the world and man and woman lost immortality
Bass: the Bible is not by a long shot the most reliable source of information. It is there to keep you in a trance, the consenses trancem, so you will go along with everyone else and be an obedient good god fearing slave and perform for your master slave handlers.
It is there to erase your spirit of rebellion, so you don't get any bright ideas and want to rebel against the tyranny that is being perpetrated on you, it is there to keep you in a constant state of controversy as you are demonstrating everytime you respond in here on the subject. All you know how to do is repeat a story that was sold to you by big daddy and company.....
The Jesuits: Stoneyhurst College is known as a “Catholic” institution with a primarily Jesuit influence; the college boasts of its association with the Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus, or the “Jesuits,” proclaims its “service” to the Vatican and to
mankind by “assisting the downtrodden through education.”
Further investigation reveals that the Pope is covertly controlled by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Peter Hans Kolvenbach—the "Black Pope". The General Curia (administrative offices where Jesuit business is conducted) is located in “Rome,” more specifically, within the Vatican.
The Society considers declaring one’s individual sovereignty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and civil rights to be anathema to its doctrine while seeking to crush Protestant Christianity, the basis for the creation of the United States. The dismantling of the U.S. government is the key to their ultimate success in the creation of a New World Order.
7/4/2007 5:22:17 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
what does the bible say that is a lie i will tell you nowhere it is reliable truely it can be depended on the devil just wants people to think that it is unrelyable but God's word is true
7/4/2007 5:34:08 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
There is no devil... its all made up to scare the hell out of you so you would follow the herd sheep and hope for salvation... if you promissed you could be obedient enough and do everything thing they say. It is a master plan of deception, the greatest deception of all time and you are being led to the slaughter and don't even know it. They have you where they want you, believing in Alice in Wonderland and the 7 dwarphs. Some goofy stuff...you have not educated yourself and are spouting off out of the side of your mouth in ignorance, that is what the word 'naked' means in the bible by the way, ignorance. They messed you all up with the fraudulent use of language telling you one thing when it means something entirely different and mixed you all up so you would keep saying the same thing over and over again like a good god fearing slave robot. The lights are on but nobody is home.
7/4/2007 6:06:23 PM |
evolution vs. creation which is truth |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
"The lights are on , but nobody is home"
J , i could not have said it better myself
Please see "Torquemada" and the Spanish inquisition yet one more time to realize how quickly one can use the Bible for evil deeds
Burn any witches lately?
Well guess what?
I am a witch , try burning me for a change
Bible Thumpers beware of INFORMATION and EDUCATION
Knowledge is power
Free yourself from religious slavery
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