4/5/2008 9:55:32 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Sitka, AK
age: 48
Wino I think I will tackle your question on what makes up a long distance relationship.
A LDR is where you don't live in the same town. I have had to pleasure of having a couple of them. They can work, but the thing that seems to be the biggest downfall is just not being there for each other. The phone gets really old after a time. When you have had a rotten day and just need someone to listen.
Here is where the downfall happened in my LDR. He was several hours ahead of me in time. When I was getting off work he was getting ready for bed. His day started at midnite my time. He couldn't handle that fact that I wouldn't give up going out with Female friends. He couldn't handle the distance in the end. Even tho, I was flying out every 6 weeks. It eventually led to several arguments when we should have been spending time together we were arguing. Over the dumbest stuff. One evening I just had to end it. We have since talked, he is in a relationship in his home town. Doing well,
Me, I am perfectly fine in a relationship. Whether I live next door to someone or across the miles of a continent I will be faithful. Cheating is not in my vocabulary. I think using an LDR as an excuse to cheat. Well I think if you are inclined to cheat then you will cheat whether you are in the same town..
I also think Communication is vital, for any relationship. When that ends it is over.
4/5/2008 10:10:43 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Huntington, NY
age: 53
Thanks sitka. So this is a relationship that started out together, then one moved away for what ever reason, and now the two of you are going to try and keep the relationship going. Is there any chance of the other person coming back for good? Is this just a temporary thing? Or will this be permenant? These questions I think should play an important part in answering this thread. No?
4/5/2008 10:16:31 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Omaha, NE
age: 53
Yes...nuff said.
4/5/2008 10:22:38 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Unity, ME
age: 36
Yes I could without a dought.
4/5/2008 10:28:55 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Sarasota, FL
age: 51
wino.... some people on this site are beginning relationships on this site as LDR's
No guarantees of either person moving in the near future.
There are no less than 3 on this thread I would jump to date if we were close in proximity.
But as it stands we root for each other to find someone special... yet wish we could be "that someone special"
In a sense... we have LDR's w/o sex clouding the issue.
I met my ex online... well over 800 miles seperating us.
Our LDR lasted about 4 months with just one visit during that time.
But by the time I made the committment to move to be with her I can honestly say we were in love with each other... not in lust.
Yeah... she *is* my ex.
It didn't work out for reasons I wont go into here.
But it had nothing to do with having a LDR.... quite opposite.
We broke up despite finding each other online and doing a LDR.
Would do it again in a heartbeat (just not with her... LOL)
And I could be faithful.
Cheating isn't in my vocabulary
4/5/2008 10:44:36 AM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Huntington, NY
age: 53
Wow, I guess I'm gunna say " I don't know", since I've never been in an LDR. Maybe I'll be able to answer that at another time. Thanks for the input and info simpleman.
4/5/2008 12:31:41 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Richardson, TX
age: 42
Absolutely! And I'm well practiced having been a military wife for many years with 6 mos without on a regular basis. Oh and sometimes he got deployed too j/k
4/5/2008 1:29:46 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Seagrove, NC
age: 25
I've never been in a LDR until now/quite recently, myself. I'd LOVE to say "Sureeeeeee it's possible..". I, myself, would NEVER cheat on my boyfriend, and I'd sincerely hope that'd be the case for him as well (and I DO believe that...).
So... . ANYTHING's a possibility! Maybe LDRs are a "good way" to test a person's fidelity/devotion/faithfulness, etc. and so forth (FOR the better!).
4/5/2008 1:45:03 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 20
If I liked the person, and we made a commitment not to yeah I would be faithful. Im a man who is only as good as his word. If I say it, promise it, it wont happen on my watch, know what I mean? I love you ladies and wouldnt do anything to hurt any of yall.
4/5/2008 1:49:20 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
WRONG QUESTION, NOT CAN YOU, THE QUESTION IS WILL YOU, you can only answer that for yourself
4/5/2008 2:32:53 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Mansfield, TX
age: 46 online now!
I was cyber "hooked-up" with a man for 7mos......I WANTED to be faithful to him because I deemed him worthy....& in turn, that "worthiness" also assured me that he was faithful as well. It's all about the TRUST.
4/5/2008 3:12:40 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Reston, VA
age: 51
I can be , but apparently some people can not.I have learned that lesson the hard way.
4/5/2008 3:33:40 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Greenville, SC
age: 50
I always have. Its the persons character that keeps them from cheating, not the other person or the distance.
4/5/2008 4:40:43 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Calgary, AB
age: 45
If you talked about a long distance commited relationship, why not?I have never cheated before, so I wouldn't start just because.
4/5/2008 5:51:12 PM |
can you be faithful in a long distance relationship? |

Savannah, GA
age: 44
There's never a good reason to cheat, so no I wouldn't cheat
[Edited 4/5/2008 7:32:03 PM]