Mena, AR
age: 48
1> Do NOT try to starve it off - you'll just gain more.
2> Figure out what it is that ALWAYS makes you "fall off the wagon"
3> Use that to jump start and maintain your personal eating strategy.
This is what I did to lose over 200 pounds and KEEP IT OFF for more than 18 years.
I had gained a very excessive amount of weight by limiting myself to less than 1000 kcal daily. Mostly high water foods (salad with lemon juice and black pepper) with a minimal amount of protein thrown in. No sweets, no carbs, NO FUN. Then weighing over 400 pounds I went to work in OMG a donut store. Now I have an incurable sweet tooth and couldn't resist the temptation of all the donuts I could eat at work AND a free dozen to take home EVERY day. So you're thinking that I got really huge then right? NO the extra weight started just melting off because I was no longer starving myself. But I did it the smart way. I read up on what it takes to make a healthy diet and started following it with one major concession to my sweet tooth. I allowed the calories for a cream filled chocolate covered long john EVERY day. What I would do is to have 1/2 of it every day 30 - 45 minutes before lunch time with a cup of hot tea and have the other 1/2 the same way 30-45 minutes before dinner time. Since then to keep off the weight, I have set aside a certain number of calories every day for whatever treat I may want that day and continue to have my "snacks" in the same way that worked to take the weight off.
The science of how this works is:
1> If treats are built into your eating plan, you don't feel deprived and can stick with it. and 2> By having a hot drink and a "little something special" 30 - 45 minutes before your main meal, you signal your stomach that it already has something in it so you don't overeat because you have a head start on satisfaction.
This works for all kinds of "disaster" foods - sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy - you name it it works. 
Try it for at least a month and see what happens

Boscobel, WI
age: 55
sassynstrong, I'm very happy for you. I commend you on your efforts and success. Weight is very hard to loose. I had lost 32# now over the winter and holidays. I have gained some back. Now spring..etc. is nearing I must start my walking again.
Good luck to you!
Thanks for the
very rewarding

Surrey, BC
age: 49
I couldn't agree more, it is not about calories, any plan that only addresses the calories, doesn't get it.
By eating regularly I reset my metabolism and now keep my blood sugar in a place where I'm not craving the bad stuff and I have unbelievably energy! There are great tools out there to get you on your way. Type II diabetes is approaching epidemic proportions in our society because of junk and manufactured food. One in 3 children born since 2000 will get type II in their lifetime. It's not called adult onset diabetes anymore. This is the real villain and why we need to eat and not starve.

Roseville, CA
age: 26
Good for you and awesome advice!