Union City, NJ
age: 29
This just leads me to ask where are the Good women case in point:
I was engaged, she cheated on me for 4 months and left me for another dude, and was engaged again less than 10 days after leaving me. Every woman I've dated since then has done nothing but come w/ so much emotional baggage like she just came out of the airport. Not everyone is here for sex, I myself have been celibant for the past 8 months and you wouldn't believe how many of the women I dated since then that have just tried to get in my pants w/out me making so much as a move to even kiss them. I'm giving up much like TH6. I've thrown my hands up and thrown in the towel in defeat. Just trying to pour myself into work now. I still have my piano, my saxaphone, my DJ equipment and my dog. That's all I need for now.
Now, I'm speaking from a singular point of view and by no means am I the "end all and be all" for all men. But women have to get off this general conception that "all men want sex all the time". Some of you are just as bad as the worst of us. I'm not bashing, but fair is fair. I guess you just have to keep looking.