6/14/2008 10:45:17 PM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Gig Harbor, WA
age: 37
I'm torn on this one. Being a survivor of both loss via suicide and of attempts myself, I would like to see this become a new group. I feel that it could potentially be a very helpful forum, for people suffering from loss or contemplating it themselves. Dating, relationships, love and break ups often stir up depression and thoughts of ending one's life. I can see the appropriateness of this kind of group here at DH, and I would love the chance to help someone who maybe feeling that low, and to share my stories about it.
Yes, it is a dating group, but no one is 'forced' to read anything that they don't want to....
The flip side of the coin is that ALOT of people either don't fully understand it, have been traumatized by it, or just have their own beliefs about it and can be very hurtful and condemning to those who are suffering. Sometimes people feel that if they verbally slap someone upside the head that is feeling suicidal , it will shake them out if it. When in fact, it can do just the opposite and be that "last straw" for someone... "Oh, just snap out of it and stop being so selfish" ISN'T an appropriate reply to someone on the edge... and I can foresee that happening here.
That is my fear. Too much condemnation. Not enough empathy, education, or concern about it. I'd hate to see those who are hurting get hurt even more. I think it would need to be closely monitored to keep sarcasm and nastiness out of the forum. JMO...
One more thing I'd like to add, is that if ANYONE here needs to talk about this, please feel free to email me.  
[Edited 6/14/2008 10:48:20 PM]
6/19/2008 6:50:01 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Gig Harbor, WA
age: 37
Anyone else have any positive thoughts on this subject? I thought it was a pretty good idea... helpful & caring, anyway. Lots to discuss with people going through hard times... never know what you might say to save someone from going over the edge...
6/23/2008 5:15:40 PM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
My wife committed suicide on Oct. 2006.....the nightmares are a b*tch..had a dream about her just last night...this is all pretty hard to deal with when youre trying to be with someone else....
7/24/2008 8:34:43 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Morgan, VT
age: 66

one day,being a real bumber,i read this quote by H.Sherrod
that shined a light...
"we are part of a Grand Parade of Life in which this mortal day
is but a single,silvery thread woven into a great,
beautiful tapestry of existance majesticly spaning the universe.
"mortality, with its treasures and tortures, is the only way to progress
toward our ultimate potential in the eternities to come.
"the extrodinary realities of eternity
could only be faced with a Sword of Power
and a Shield of Experience
forged in the furnace of a
Mortal Life."
7/24/2008 8:51:38 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
Stuck a pistol in my mouth a few times......maybe we oughtta get this ball rollin'......
8/11/2008 10:56:06 PM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Lakewood, WA
age: 57
What happened to this thread or is there such a group formed by now? For it sure sounds to me as if one is needed for there were too many who need to deal with this. Dating site or not if people posted about it........... what is the difference what kind of site this is.................
8/12/2008 5:55:32 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Keene, NH
age: 26
we need this group! I was suicidle, my best friend committed suicide in 1999 and the next yr his brother did, on the same day with the same gun an the same spot. I was pretty screwed up after. While i was not in the right state of mind the person i thought that was trying to help me instead was raping me, an ya it didn't make me better it made me worse.
8/28/2008 12:30:35 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
We gonna get a group rollin' on this or not???? GODDAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/29/2008 12:12:05 AM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |
Madisonville, TX
age: 23
My vote goes to this group. Being suicidal and almost succeeding. Now over it but at times the thoughts still taunt me and sometimes just need someone to talk to that does not know me or wont judge me.
So everyone out there lets get this GROUP started!!!
9/6/2008 11:16:31 PM |
Needing to talk about suicide? |

age: 47
D epression and thoughts on suicide are an ugley place to be from my own experiences anyway my son was molested with a garden hose by a boy that should have known better ,anyway I was molested as a child for many years by tree difrent people , I wanted to end it with my son and myself at the same time as i didnt want him to go through the hellish memories I had I cane to my senes and thought about my other children and thought how my suicide would impact on their life Of never been able to see me again then I put myself in the hospital.If I hadnt of taken that step I would not be here today 