4/13/2008 8:31:03 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Quincy, IL
age: 50
Yeah I would- no obligations.

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4/13/2008 8:32:31 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Chanhassen, MN
age: 28
No way, people aren't going to give you something without anything in return.
4/13/2008 8:33:43 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Quincy, IL
age: 50
Ok Muffy what can I get for you?
4/13/2008 8:37:02 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Chanhassen, MN
age: 28
sorry, wouldn't be able to repay you...
4/13/2008 8:40:02 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Quincy, IL
age: 50
Not expecting anything- just kidding you- I do a lot of things now with out expecting anything back- I wasn't always this way.
4/13/2008 8:46:31 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Show Low, AZ
age: 44
I don't think I could - I may think there's a hidden agenda??
4/13/2008 8:50:42 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Crystal River, FL
age: 33
I am constantly confronted with this dilemma. If you see my car, house, clothes, then you know my answer.
This is reality.  
4/13/2008 8:57:19 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Mason, OH
age: 47
If someone wants to show his jentelman side and be sweet, yes I would accept expensive gifts. With that in mind thow it may be a smart way to start a conversation as to why he would be doing such a sweet thing and clear up any thoughts of needing to return a favor by telling him thankyou in return.
4/13/2008 8:59:11 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

South Australia
age: 48
If a man wants me to take him seriously, then he better not be buying me expensive things on the first date.
4/13/2008 9:00:50 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Mason, OH
age: 47
oh and by the way (like that is going to happen often) take it you deserve surprises sometimes in life.
4/13/2008 9:10:21 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
I think it depends. I had a first date with a super sweet guy that drove from Gainsville Florida for our date. He gave me a digital camera as a gift after we had lunch. I was really shocked but his reason was that mine had beeen stolen and I needed to have one to take pictures of my kids for memories. So honestly some people do give nice gifts with no expectations. Rare perhaps but they are out there.
4/13/2008 9:16:39 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
South Park, PA
age: 55
Ahhhhhhh how seet bright,thanks for sharing
4/13/2008 9:17:02 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
South Park, PA
age: 55
oopps SWEET
4/13/2008 9:34:06 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

South Australia
age: 48
Nope see I would have given the camera back and said thanks but no thanks. That's just not right. My ex husband giving me a present like that when we were married was different.
4/13/2008 9:38:00 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Fort Smith, AR
age: 47
What guy would bring more than a few flowers for a first date.
Somethings up there.
His money would be better spent on the street corner.
Least he'd be guaranteed some action that way.
4/13/2008 9:43:10 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Crystal River, FL
age: 33
I think some of it has to do with the person's social class. Some grow up receiving lavish gifts on holidays and birthdays. To them, giving an expensive gift to someone they are genuinely interested in is just a token without necessarily hidden meanings. A first date, though, regardless would make me question if it was stolen or is this a scam.
4/13/2008 9:44:50 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
That's why we all are individuals with our own perceptions and ideas of what is right and what is wrong. I have declined expensive gifts in the past. I decide that. Honestly it doesn't matter what someone may want in return. It's up to you what they get if anything.
4/13/2008 9:46:22 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

age: 50
Hell yeah!
Whatcha buy me suga dumplin'?
4/13/2008 9:47:48 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
Guess there a shallow minds everywhere.
4/13/2008 9:48:56 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Chandler, AZ
age: 57
Hun.. as long as the're diamonds...( wink ) Sea
4/13/2008 9:50:29 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

South Australia
age: 48
I didn't say he wanted something in return, I just said I think it's wrong. Doesn't make me shallow, actually it makes you shallow taking his gift when you hardly know the guy.
4/13/2008 11:24:05 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
Flowergirl I wasn't responding to you. But thanks for giving me your thoughts on my being shallow.
Actually we spoke regularly for about 3 months before our date and I was pretty sure of the kind of person he was.
[Edited 4/13/2008 11:26:42 AM ]
4/13/2008 11:45:39 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Quincy, IL
age: 50
Flower I could fly you to the states but then it would be pot pies for awhile.

4/13/2008 11:55:04 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Boca Raton, FL
age: 38
Well I would bring some flowers but nothing more then that. Depends on how long you talked on the phone or chatted online before the first date. I mean if you had been talking to him for 4-6 months before then I can see why he would of bought the camera. Did you get a calle from him after the date? If not then maybe there was an agenda, if so maybe he was being nice.
4/13/2008 12:06:33 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

South Australia
age: 48
It doesn't matter how long they spoke on the phone.............they were not dating.
4/13/2008 12:12:32 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
Yes Carolina Guy he and I are still very good friends. We speak often and try to find things that pertain to Autism that might be helpful with his son. I would say we have been friends for about a year now.
4/13/2008 12:13:48 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Marathon, FL
age: 53
If it is from me ,it is meant as a gift .
After it is exchanged from my hands to yours ,it then belongs to you ,
to do with as you wish .
Give it back ,if you feel you must , accept it as a token of my affection, as it was intended or place it in the closet .Or sell it .
Ps , I don't buy new or used cars or airplanes for any gal for our first date .
4/13/2008 12:17:34 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Yuba City, CA
age: 51
depends on ...who what where and why?
4/13/2008 12:20:10 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Cantonment, FL
age: 42
Very nice Neo that makes you one of the nice guys!
4/13/2008 12:23:21 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Georgetown, FL
age: 55
Absolutely accept it....you never know if the urge will strike again! 
4/13/2008 3:47:00 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Mena, AR
age: 41
That is a difficult question to answer. My first inclination was to say no, don't accept an expensive gift on the first date. I know it would make me a little uncomfortable to begin with, and I would hope that even if he got me something, he would wait to give it to me. I would much rather he bring a small bouquet of flowers or a plant for my flower beds outside or a houseplant. Small and thoughtful would be more than enough for me.
It would depend on many things like how long did you communicate before the date, what the gift was, what the person said about giving the gift, etc. It would have to be a case by case basis. The digital camera example was unique as it was a very thoughtful gift that would be very useful and special to the recipient. He probably felt great giving it to her to photograph her kids and it probably made her feel very special that he thought so much of her to do that for her. Something like jewelry, now that's a tough call. That should definitely wait until the relationship has progressed to exclusive.
[Edited 4/13/2008 3:47:46 PM ]
4/13/2008 3:55:33 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

West Fargo, ND
age: 59
And it's not always the price of the gift, but the context in which it was given.
4/13/2008 4:03:06 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Alpharetta, GA
age: 36 online now!
No one should be handing out expensive gifts on the first date  
Those that do are pressing hard to make an immpression and it comes off as being weak and or a kiss butt to win someone's affection.
[Edited 4/13/2008 4:03:30 PM ]
4/13/2008 4:36:10 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Middleport, OH
age: 53
no. i agree with muffycakes.
4/13/2008 4:41:04 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 44
On the first date. . . no creepy.
4/13/2008 5:30:40 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Savannah, GA
age: 46
I wouldn't. 
4/13/2008 5:32:34 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Milwaukee, WI
age: 53
Not a chance!
4/13/2008 6:26:43 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Grady, AL
age: 50
I have problems excepting gifts after a few months much less a first date. Then again I have problems excepting help in any sort of way and surely will not ask for help. My mother calls it foolish pride, but sorry it's just who I am.
4/13/2008 6:29:04 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Murrieta, CA
age: 55
On a first date, I wouldn't accept it. Nothing is free in these days and age.
It is very sweet of him though if you are still friends up to now. Sisters, we need more guys like him. Does he have a brother?
4/13/2008 6:30:45 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Brookhaven, PA
age: 52
Every gift I ever got from a man had strings attached to it.
4/13/2008 6:31:25 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Broken Arrow, OK
age: 38 online now!
true, anyone who has to give out something like that, is really reaching, they should try selling their self first
4/13/2008 6:48:23 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Lady Lake, FL
age: 74
Not too long ago I received a single rose from a gentleman at our Meet and Greet. It was a delightful gesture. On our first date he arrived with a dozen roses. They were beautiful and I loved the aroma...they lasted for several days. Alas, there had been no chemistry on my part and I did feel a bit guilty every time I looked at those flowers and knew I had to turn him down the next time he called.
Here's another thought...it never occurred to me until a friend told me. He was NOT a date...just a friend...we were in Parents Without Partners together. I had to work one day and he offered to take my children on an all day outing that was being held, and to pay the costs involved. At first I said I couldn't possibly think of it....But then he said to me...
"Try to remember that when someone offers to do something for you, don't feel you have to turn it down because you can't repay them. Just remember that you might be denying them the PRIVILEGE of doing or giving because they care."
I have remembered those words to this day.....and....I believe he was right.....(I worked, the children went on the outing with him....all had a wonderful time....and, I never felt guilty) ....Think about it....
4/13/2008 7:01:47 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Richardson, TX
age: 44
I don't think I would...although I would let them know I appreciated the gesture.
4/13/2008 8:54:37 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Lawrence, MA
age: 44
Hell no. i wouldnt give or receive an expensive gift on a 20th date. 
4/14/2008 7:07:06 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Suffolk, VA
age: 40
Hell yes !If he wants to give it Take it.No man is going to give you an exspensive gift if he is not feeling you.He would not waste his time. Some men give from the heart.And some are hard core dogs they will try anything to get some tail.You be the judge.
4/14/2008 7:15:25 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |


Irving, TX
age: 45
Here's a little Chocolate SunBeach . . . yummy 

4/15/2008 9:12:20 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Grand Prairie, TX
age: 58
No. I would think the person was trying to buy my attention or my friendship. Friendship comes from my own free will and not there pocketbook.  
4/15/2008 9:16:51 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Bullhead City, AZ
age: 49
I would!!!
I never get a second date.
4/15/2008 11:12:46 AM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Monroe, WA
age: 48
I think the most expensive gift I gave on a first date was a $15 bouquet of flowers (certainly NOT roses), or a book on a subject my date liked. I usually expect to pick up the tab for coffee (Its a cup of coffee for pete's sake, not a marriage proposal!), and if we hit it off, I offer to buy lunch/dinner as appropriate. Basically, the first date is on me.
The most expensive gift I ever gave (except an engagement ring, or in the course of my former marriage), wasn't for a "date", per se, but the woman who I spent New Year's Eve 07/08 with: neither of us were seeing anyone, we are the best of friends, and we had dinner at the best five star Italian restaurant in Seattle. She is Christian, though not rabid about it, and was lamenting her inability to find a decent guy. I had purchased a small, very plain, gold cross and chain for her, about $250 total. She met a guy two weeks later and has been dating him since.
I have a habit of bringing a bouquet of flowers whenever I drive to see eyeswideopened and I know the last ones have likely wilted. They look pretty on her dining room table.
4/15/2008 12:23:38 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
San Diego, CA
age: 23
Hell nooo!!!!!!!!! Cuz what if you relize this guy isn't what your looking for and he gets you something expensive then you kinda feel obligated to c him again even though you know nothing could come from. You'd be using someone which isn't right
4/15/2008 3:32:26 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Appleton, WI
age: 45
I wouldn't. I want to get to know someone before I accept any gifts. It would be too awkward for me
4/15/2008 3:42:44 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |
Reston, VA
age: 53
4/15/2008 3:52:18 PM |
Should we accept expensive gifts on the first date??? |

Lebanon, OH
age: 49
No, I don't think you should ,Even dinner sometimes makes me feel obligated,Unless you have a man that knows how to not make you feel that way,And there is a few out there.