4/14/2008 9:41:47 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Hamilton, MI
age: 46
I am I the only one that finds this totally strange?
after reading a thread, and clicking on the creator's profile.. I read that very phrase... I mean.,
4/14/2008 10:09:53 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
Their looking for a 'F**k Buddy'
4/14/2008 10:11:40 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Madisonville, KY
age: 32
not necessarily bob...I joined this dating site again after being burned the first time. I state that I want just friends only, but if something comes along, I'm not going to shy away from it. And I'm nowhere near looking for just a f*ck buddy.
4/14/2008 10:20:24 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
There are lots of reasons for the individual being on this site. Like life it's a case of mind over matter, if my friends don't mind nobody else matters. Some just search for friends because its a good foundation to build on. Almost everyone is looking for that right someone, just different reasons for how they approach. Mine says friends only, but don't think for a second I'd pass up the right one at the right time. But until it happens I have some friends on here I wouldn't trade for anything.
[Edited 4/14/2008 10:21:49 AM]
4/14/2008 10:28:41 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Salem, OR
age: 44
Some people probably do it to escape the realities they have in life. You can say what you want, be who you want, and no one really knows who you are. Then when you say the F.. word it doesn't really matter because you don't have to uphold to anyones standards. Personally I did it because I can have these relationships online and turn them off & on as according to how I feel that day. You can't do that in real life, it doesn't work that way.
4/14/2008 10:32:19 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
"Hi! My name is Dave. I am here in the grocery store, and I am looking for a hammer, a few nails and some nuts and bolts."
"In hearing (reading) my words, would you find me a 'little strange?"
If I were you the reader, my answer would be: "HELL YES!"
4/14/2008 10:48:56 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
The words were "Not Looking for a Relationship"
doesn't state
"Not Looking for a Relationship at the current time"
and why even bother to Write that ?
Well I know the reason
because you women are practicing Abstinence
Why would a Guy even think about doing that ?
Why would a Smart person practice Abstience
Guys can't get Disease from receving a BJ.
4/14/2008 11:14:27 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
In reality, Bob, the Herpes virus IS transmittable via oral contact. If one's partner has an ongoing, open cold sore, it most certainly can be transmitted via his/her saliva to the genital areas.
4/14/2008 11:17:14 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
Magic Johnson probably got it from another guy.
Why don't people like that confess to being Gay.
I still don't think I could get it from receiving.
4/14/2008 11:17:51 AM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Salem, OR
age: 44
There are other diseases as well. Hepitis C can be transmitted by soliva. Among many other things. Have we gone back into the 60's when people just didn't know anything about transmitting diseases?
4/14/2008 12:51:32 PM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Willard, MO
age: 44
This is a great site and whatever a persons reason for being here is their business...I think alot of ppl, as stated previously, are here to make friends...and isn't friendship a great place to start a relantionship?
4/14/2008 1:28:02 PM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Kinder, LA
age: 57
What is so strange about looking for friendship??? What about just a date for some function. Does every thing have to be about some mythical true love, every lasting include the white knight and stallion of course. 
4/14/2008 1:30:16 PM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Yes Cajun, for me it does. If he accepts me for me, then I am all His 
4/14/2008 4:53:27 PM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!
They are looking for
1. Sex
2. Friendship
3. New friends - they just moved to a different state
4. Attention
5. Ego Boosts
6. Infidelity
7. Casual dating - nothing extremely serious (pressure), but if something comes out of it with the right person, all the better (gravy)
AND THEN you have those who are looking strictly for serious dating/relationships with hopes of a fairytale ending.
[Edited 4/14/2008 4:54:26 PM]
4/14/2008 4:56:33 PM |
those that join a dating site "not looking for a relationship"? |

Ramona, CA
age: 48
I didn't join this site to find true love. I was shut in for a while and wanted to talk with somebody and found this to be a fun place to hang out in.