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4/15/2008 10:20:14 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Geeze, Truckerdude..that's cause women don't have one of those to take a picture of and send it to you!!!!!!!!
4/15/2008 10:21:26 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Payson, UT
age: 28
I have deleted my profile before. Usually because I didn't get much if any response. What are some tips for improving interest?
4/15/2008 10:23:58 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Just give it some time gal! And in the meantime, we have a good time posting on this board. LOL
4/15/2008 10:25:38 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Manti, UT
age: 26
I have been on this site for awhile and hardly got any responses, but then one day, I started actually getting decent emails. Just hang in there girl. And we do have a lot of fun posting in here 
4/15/2008 10:49:50 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Hey I just looked at your profile, from a guys point of view, I will give you my opinion. You need to add more to your profile, the movie and popcorn thing is cool, but whay kind of movie??? what else do you like???? what don't you like??? What kind of guy are you looking for??? You don't drink, so do you not want a drinker ect... ya dig???
4/16/2008 10:06:46 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
age: 18
Wowie! I have a hard time thinking that women do the same thing the guys do on this site! My Aunt met this guy here. She knew him for a month or so I guess. She said she liked him and she was saying this was a good single site and maybe I should try it. I have and really havent seen anything spectacular yet. In fact, I have already had to redo my profile because the guys can be so yuck! 
But, SHE found out this Trucker-Cowboy dude is married and lives with his wife. I guess he can play singles because he is on the road so much. How sad for her though. She found out when his wife started calling and texting her that she was a WH*** and ruining the marriage. She didnt even know the Jerk was married! In fact I think he is the one with the "Stalker" thing he keeps posting about. As if. Why would a girl stalk a married guy?
Anyways, she told me to just not check out anyone who doesnt have a picture posted. So I dont even talk to anyone who doesnt post a picture. NO EXCUSES! Oh and stay away from that Cowboy-Trucker guy. From what I hear, his wife is very attached.
4/16/2008 11:20:35 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Anybody care to take a guess as to who this is???? Lets see, over a month ago I met your "aunt"??? Just after I filed my divorce papers, umm... have you, I mean your "aunt" filed hers yet???? Oh that's right she is using her husband that she kicked out let move back in then out again and I believe he is back in again??? anyway using him for insurance and breast implants is that right???? You are absolutely right my wife is hoping to work things out before everything is finalized. The differeance is mine is set to go, your "aunts aint!!! Of course she is going to send a text message, thing is your "aunt" lied like now, saying she never knew I was getting divorced??? How can that be when that's all we talked about was her crap and mine, or how she needed to be sneaky cause she let her husband back in. Do I stay at my house when I am home?? you bet, cause if she can't afford it I am keeping it, but your delusional "aunt" was told all this, along with what my child support is going to be ect... Yeah she had no clue what was going on did she???? Look little stalker chic, its over were done, you lie cheat lie again, tell more stories than DR.Seues, your life is a mess. you say one thing one day, turn around and change it the next. Again leave me alone!!!
4/16/2008 11:33:40 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Is it time for a new post topic?
4/16/2008 12:13:57 PM |
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Richfield, UT
age: 37
oh no Miss coffe, its about to get FUN!!!! See this girl is only telling part the story and being slanderous at that. Lets see if her "aunt" will come play too. I would like her to also tell me just one girl I have said I am single to, just one I have tried or have set up any kind of date. Ill be damned if she will publicly come and beat up on my character. She was a fluke, a girl who I went further with than I intended. I am just making friends here and have said so. Until I get a judge telling me my divorce is final, I have no intentions of actualy dating. Until the "aunt" showes up herself, I will keep the details of her, and ALL that she has done quite. Oh but I hope SHE shows up!!!!
4/16/2008 12:32:39 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 40
Thanks for the Soap Opera commentary, Truckerdude is right, now is time for things to start getting interesting. Thanks for the entertaining dirt Sassy.....
4/16/2008 1:12:25 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
| have never done or said anything that was bad to me and I will judge you on that.
4/16/2008 1:38:59 PM |
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Richfield, UT
age: 37
Thank you. Initially when I found this site, from my buddy telling me about it, I was straight out of the gate looking to date every woman possible. Met her she was a very cool chic, then only talked here in the forums, and a few innocent emails. My daughter begged me to work things out with their mom. I said I would give it a month and see what happened. I come here now just for friends, I email some men and a few women. Its all general chit chat. This girl knew EVERYTHING that was going on. I could very easily just disappear, stop posting ect... But I have done nothing wrong, so why leave??? I have not lied to or mis-lead a singe person here. If the women here stop talking to me, or take her half truth side and stop talking to me, well so be it. I hope she comes back, she wants to lay this out that's dandy, but she better be ready to have her dirty laundry spred all over the place. Starting with if she is married also, why she was out here playing???? How is her situation different than mine, except I have filed papers. She really has me mad, Its in her best intrest to let this be!!!!
4/16/2008 1:59:41 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
So, are you trying to work things out with your wife? If so, do NOT do it only for the kids. They are never fooled and learn about love and caring from what they see and a "fake" marriage doesn't give them a true sense of what they should want in life. Yeah, I know, mind my business.
4/16/2008 2:11:18 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Its kind of a watch and see thing, there is a lot of bad stuff in our past. Is it going to work??? I really have my doubts.
4/16/2008 2:13:59 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Manti, UT
age: 26
Truckerdude - you have been honest with me, so I will not stop contacting you over her comments. I think they were very uncalled for.