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4/16/2008 2:29:33 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Thank you, One thing I greatly value is my honesty, integrity and character. If I had lied that would have gone against all of that. Also if I had lied I would have owned up to it. I agree, she has my phone number and email, she apologized last week when all this blew up. I could get in touch with her husband, the one the niece forgot to mention??? and Im sure he would be happy to help straighten this out. But why act like a five year old???
4/16/2008 7:55:01 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Provo, UT
age: 35
truckerdude,you and i have had some good talks on here,but these girls are fake thay cant hang threw the hard stuff,so i deleting my file as well good luck bro!!!!
4/16/2008 8:03:44 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Nascar...not sure I understand what you mean. Are you having some bad contacts too?
4/17/2008 8:08:17 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
NASCAR, its been good talking to ya dude. I hate to see you go but completely understand. Miss Coffe, I have had women tell me they set up dates, then just don't show up. We have also read that here. I think it was harley who talked about it. I have talked with some very cool women here, but for every good girl there are ten flakes.
4/17/2008 8:13:06 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

West Jordan, UT
age: 18
Relax kiddies, I am finished playing trash the trucker. 
But, if she does not feel like clearing her name with you people, I do!!!
She is one of the kindest people I know and so it is not easy to watch RETARDS trash her. She has had more abuse in her life than anyone I know and I think, even if it does make her unhappy, that someone needs to stand up for her!!! 
I cant tell you what she thinks as well as she can, so I am just gonna let her do it. Even if she doesnt ever talk to me again, I think it needs to be done. I got this in an email just this morning. 
understand is that it doesn’t matter in any way to me what this guy has to say on a single site about me. I am more than very certain we don’t travel the same circles and I don’t now, nor do I ever, plan to know the people on or associated with this site. I created a profile there yesterday to witness for myself “all the dirt” this idiot is spreading about me. You were right. It is crap. -Very irritating yesterday- Less today-. Do you know where Im going with this Honey? I can’t imagine why he felt so inclined to trash me. Perhaps he feels the neediness of it all is ?attractive?. But, I don’t feel the need to attempt redemption with people I am not connected with in any way.
I am not at all happy that you felt the need to defend my honor. Sweet as you are, I am capable of that on my own. But, I am deleting my profile as I don’t see what kind of benefit any response I were to make would be for me. If you do end up reading or responding to the mail he sent you, feel free to remind him -I- was the one to change my phone number, as well as block him in email and messenger form. Sooooo, he can put his eyes back in front of his head now. Start looking ahead in life, rather than behind.( Not sure how I go from the “real cool chic” on the ninth of April, to a “love crazed stalker” just two days later. With only two total text and one email sent.) You might also remind him that I have not made any attempts, nor do I have plans to, contact him in any way. I read the forum. He is absolutely right. It is over. I have no problem with that what so ever.
And she is right. I am done with the single internet thing too. 
4/17/2008 9:22:07 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Okay, the "aunt" changed the number cause her and my wife had some pow wows, not cause I bugged her!!!!! Then that night she sent 8 more text apoligzeing to me using a different number!!!!! Then I texted her back again telling her to let it go. She then sent me a email. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! told her I!!! was deleting her from my messenger and email account!!!!!! God damn story teller!!!!!! Cool chic??? at one time I thought so, then when you put the pices of the story together, broom hilda and Mark Twain show up!!!!
4/18/2008 8:19:40 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

West Jordan, UT
age: 18
Post this
Message: Hi Honey. Listen, I want you to post this in the forum where he just wont let up! I cant reply for 48 hours and I am so sick of this!!! Im gonna paste it in this mail. You cut and paste it on that forum for me will you Sweetie? Thanks, call me when you have a sec. Post the following------------ This is a mail I know you wont open you Jackass! But you definately need to read!!!!-
____YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT!!! The last text I got from you was that you were just tellin your wife my situation... why the HELL would you do that in the first place??? My life is not open for discussion!!! Unless you were using me as a pawn in your cruel mindgames with her.. THATS what I got from this whole situation. I changed my number at that point. (If you do this, ANY sent text cant reach you...UH DUH... )-I sent the ending it with you text even as I was IN THE PROCESS of change with Verizon.... Felt bad about how very blunt it was and sent ONE apology text - YOU PAYCHOTIC F WORD!!! After much thought, decided you are a F-ing LIAR/PLAYER and sent the IM FINISHED email. I didnt ever get a "leave me alone" text-email-or call. AND SO, HOW ABOUT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID F*CKER!!! Im am sick and tired of my these stupid morning calls telling me about all the mentally challenged things you feel more than very free to say about me. It seems to me and a few people I know that you are the one with the fixation problem. SO, DO ME A HUGE FAVOR, ASSHOLE, F*CK OFF!!!!!__________
4/18/2008 8:49:06 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Haha, can't post for 48hrs??? Then esplain me this, Just exactly how did you sign up with a new profile TODAY then delete yer new profile that was whateva???, then send me this exact email to my account hmmm story teller????.... Looky crazy lady. It is YOU who daily comes here and starts things up with ME!!!!!!!!!! DUH.... I could give a F less about you!!!! Looky here Miss fatal attraction, I could go and pick your yer little foul mouth post apart, but I aint gonna. See I realized something. This is just another way for you to get attention from me. Yer nutty enough apparently that you'll take negitive attention versus no attention. Just as long as you THINK I am thinking of you then your gonna be happy. So looney tunes, I won't respond to this anymore. Adios!!!!!!!
[Edited 4/18/2008 8:56:34 AM]
4/18/2008 9:10:26 AM |
Deleting profiles??? |

West Jordan, UT
age: 18
OH YES!!! 
Does this mean its FINALLY OVER?!? HURRAY!!! THERE IS A GOD!!! If its true, and you have it in your power to leave my favorite Aunt alone?, well golly, that would just tickle us all pink!!!   
Is that not what I have been asking for this entire time???
Prove you have the ability to not be the stalker that you have proven YOURSELF to be, and DONT respond or try to trash any more innocent people that unfortunately find themselves trapped in you personal hell. If you can do that, were done here.