4/14/2008 5:30:52 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Smiths Station, AL
age: 18
Greetings and Salutations.
Let me go ahead and get to the problem:
I am currently in a long distant relationship.(over 12 hours apart)
(by the way, my name is Samantha and the guy that I am head over heals for is named Sam. How cute is that? )
Well, We have been talking for about 5 weeks and we have concluded that we love each other. Neither of us have experienced such feelings towards each other.
He is perfect:
~Handsome as they come
~And he has that "edge" that drives me crazy 
He plans on vacationing down here during the summer to meet for the first time. 
But.. Why do I have this empty feeling inside me whenever I talk to him, like I'm scared for some reason. Like if he is silent one day all that runs through my mind is "what if I am annoying him?" And I am afraid that this will push me away from him and end up losing him for good.
Can I get some help? 
4/14/2008 5:35:29 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Nazareth, PA
age: 49
after 5 weeks of TALKING you LOVE each other? come on now youre 18 how can you loose someone youve never had in the first place? are you talking on the phone? or sending e mails? find a guy closer. 18 is too young for a long distance thing. go sow some wild oats. 
[Edited 4/14/2008 5:35:52 PM]
4/14/2008 5:35:42 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 45 online now!
Sounds to me like anxiety building to the actual meeting.
You are possibly having some reservations about what he might
really be like. You know, is he really as he has presented himself.
Perhaps you remember the old saying, "If it seems too good to be true,
it probably is", so I think it is just nervous anxiety.
but I could be wrong. 
4/14/2008 5:44:43 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Smiths Station, AL
age: 18
Thank you Mitchell, I never really looked at it that way. I do have some thoughts floating in the back of mind along those lines.
But I know he isn't 'perfect'
He has flaws, just like anyone.
And to the first post, I am old enough to know what love is. My mom has been in and out of bad relationships and I know how to spot someone bad. Yes, we have talked on the phone and we text all the time. I know more about him than his family. But I have to thank you for your input, it makes me think more fully into our relationship.
Thank you to you both.
4/14/2008 5:57:20 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Brunswick, ME
age: 35
NEVER ignore a woman's intuition!!! Someone is trying to tell you something. Follow your gut. And do not rush anything. Take your time and become great friends and see what develops.
4/14/2008 5:59:46 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Syracuse, NY
age: 36
Youve never met him?
Sorry to be honest, but you need to hear it. You quite likely don't know anything about him for real; what you know is the facade he has put on.
Even if you said you had dated every day for 5 months, I still would hesitate to believe it was "love." Love is an emotion that is felt after knowing someone for months and months. Until you know his faults, you can't know whether or not you love him. Until you have multiple fights, you can't know whether or not you are in love.
On a different level, until the two of you kiss, you can't know if there is truly chemistry between you. Until you hold hands. Until you order in a restaurant. Until you learn if the other likes to talk during movies. Etc. Etc. Etc.
I'm not trying to be rude at all. Just trying to prevent what will inevitably be heartache if you continue believing you love someone you really dont even know yet. You have an infactuation / crush that may or may not be confirmed as a true relationship sometime after you meet each other.
Best of luck!!!
[Edited 4/14/2008 7:16:46 PM]
4/14/2008 6:01:21 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
Be careful, yet don't be too reserved.
4/14/2008 6:04:11 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Wauconda, IL
age: 41
4/14/2008 7:37:02 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Port Richey, FL
age: 27
Sounds like to me maybe you're moving alittle fast. Slow down and take it easy,only fools rush in.
4/14/2008 8:14:38 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Quincy, FL
age: 56
Take it from someone who very recently learned for the second time, yep once wasn't bad enough, long distance romance is a heart breaker. Enjoy being young, single & cute! You'll be older for a long long time. Youth is wasted on the young.........JMO 
4/14/2008 8:23:45 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Pierson, IA
age: 44
He's playing you. I've had a DUI can't drive for a Year. I have lived around this world and back again. Don't spend your money. Put him on your playground. If the guy can't write the check, He's not much of a guy.
4/14/2008 9:25:58 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Selah, WA
age: 47
There is always that fear that one will feel the chemistry and the other won't. It happens. Just need to know that it could happen and face the music when it gets to that point. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. If I live in fear all the time then I will always be kicking myself in the ass wondering the coulda, shoulda, woulda syndrome. You only life once so sometimes you need to take a few chances. Let your intuition guide you. My intuition has never been wrong ... though I don't listen all the time 
4/14/2008 11:43:09 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44
You haven't met yet! You're not in a relationship yet. Slow down! Seen this so many times here. You need to protect your heart and don't get too attached until you meet! So much can happen between now and then. If there is any way you can speed up the meet, do it! NEXT! What will happen if you both fall head over heals? Have you discussed the possibility of one of you moving to the other's location?
Go into with your eyes wide open. Protect your heart!
4/14/2008 11:48:55 PM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

Los Angeles, CA
age: 24
babe please understand that in our lives if we'd be going by the what if ways we would never amount to anything. You need to be sure about him and you need to communicate with him better. It sounds like you are getting attached to him. You should give him a chance you might like him. If it doesn't work out move on.
4/15/2008 3:19:11 AM |
Long Distant Relationship Crisis. I need help. |

San Diego, CA
age: 20 online now!
Look take it from someone who got married at 19....Your to young to be in love. Play the feild a little bit and make something of yourself. Have you even met this guy??? If you check out my profile it may come off as I'm looking for someone but my husband and I have dont alot of talking and were working things out. This is the age where u and your best girlfriend need to get an apt and have some fun. Live life to the fullist!!! You dont need a man in your life to be happy. If you still feel empty get a dog........