4/19/2008 9:51:20 PM |
Traveling companions... |

Mountain Home, ID
age: 59
Hi...my name is Bob and like all of you I love traeling...I also love sharing the adventure with friends...but now I've relocated and am trying to make new friends and find people who might want to share an adventure ... how would y   ou find fellow travelers
4/20/2008 8:57:44 PM |
Traveling companions... |
South Burlington, VT
age: 52
Hi Bob, I move frequently and I try to hook up with hiking clubs or out door clubs in the area.I have also done a few trips with the Sierra club.They have a variety of different trips.Some international. Good luck
4/21/2008 9:05:19 AM |
Traveling companions... |

Mountain Home, ID
age: 59
Hi///I was once the activities director for the sierra del sur chapter of the sierra club...riht now what I have are 4 tickets from New york city to London and a canal boat to travl the country side for a week...all purchased when the dollar was worth something I intended to take a friend and her children...but she has a new friend who was not happy with the idea...trip is in ocober...Bob
4/29/2008 3:59:27 PM |
Traveling companions... |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Rab: I love the nature pics on your profile.
5/2/2008 11:13:51 PM |
Traveling companions... |

Mountain Home, ID
age: 59
thanks they were taken in south africa in march on a trip with a friend I met online...going to england this fall, trying to put a group of four together to share costs...bought tickets when the dollar was strong...will post picture of the trip afterwards...Bob
6/8/2008 8:00:39 PM |
Traveling companions... |
Columbus, OH
age: 47
Hi there Bob,
I read about your situation... What is the latest with your trip to UK? What are the details about it? The boat trip is where? Curious...
6/10/2008 1:29:19 PM |
Traveling companions... |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
I belong to a social networking group that's all over the world called www.MEETin.org. It's not a dating site but they have many different interest groups. Also, there's a site called www.meetup.com. I believe they are all over the place, too, and they have individual interest sites - I believe there are many related to travel, culture, history, etc. You might find some traveling companions that way. Plus - you have the chance to meet and socialize with people in your area at the same time.
Good luck! Keep us posted!!!
7/12/2008 11:34:48 PM |
Traveling companions... |

Columbus, GA
age: 53
Hello Gang. my name is JC and I travel in the US and abroad. I am looking for female companion that enjoys travel and new adventures. It seems my business allows me more time than most.
8/6/2008 11:40:45 AM |
Traveling companions... |

Centre, AL
age: 52
Hey Cowboy, I love to travel in the US and anywhere and I like adventure. I have also been looking for a travel partner. I guess I don't have the courage, knowledge and experience to do it on my on. Contact me if you might be interested at the ya who place
under sincerelittlelady
traveljunkie, do you travel alone?
8/22/2008 9:40:56 AM |
Traveling companions... |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
I have traveled alone. This year most of my trips were short road trips shared with a few friends. But, I traveled all around Eastern/Southern Europe along.
My travel style is less 'planned out'. I like to educate myself on an area, pick the dates & where to fly in/out of and then just meander from place to place at whim. I love to meet the locals, learn about the history of the location, eat the local food and visit the local hangouts - even when I can't speak the language. I guess I just always found a way to communicate.
My upcoming plans are Vegas in October, DC for Veteran's Day Weekend in November, The Sixthman Rockboat Cruise in January, a cruise out of San Juan in April and I'd really like to hit South America later next year. We'll see. =)