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1/27/2012 6:57:48 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
Subject: Where are Barack's Girlfriends?
I hadn't thought about this - but where are Obama's past girlfriends -
Surely he had at least one? No past girl friends popping up anywhere?
Strange - strange to the point of being downright weird!
OK, this is just plain old common sense, no political agendas for either side. Just common knowledge for citizens of a country, especially American
Citizens, who know every little tidbit about every other president (and their wives) that even know that Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery, or that Lincoln never went to school or Kennedy wore a back brace, or Truman played the piano.
We are Americans! Our media vets these things out! We are known for our
Humanitarian interests and caring for our 'fellow man.' We care, but none
Of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.
Honestly, and this is a personal thing... But it's bugged me for years that
No one who ever dated him ever showed up. Taken his charisma, which caused
The women to be drawn to him so obviously during his campaign, looks like
Some lady would not have missed the opportunity.
We all know about JFK's magnetism, McCain was no monk, Palin's courtship
And even her athletic prowess were probed. Biden's aneurisms are no
Secret. Look at Cheney and Clinton-we all know about their heart problems.
How could I have left out Wild Bill before or during the White House?
Nope... Not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy," or "What
A great dancer!"
Now look at the rest of what we know... No classmates, not even the
Recorder for the Columbia class notes ever heard of him.
Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Check for groomsmen
Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony.
Has anyone talked to the professors? Isn't it odd that no one is bragging
That they knew him or taught him or lived with him.
When did he meet Michele and how? Are there photos? Every president
Provides the public with all their photos, etc. For their library. What has
He released? Nada - other than what was in this so-called biography! And
Experts who study writing styles etc. Claim it was not O's own words or
Typical of his speech patterns, etc.
Does this make any of you wonder?
Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from Obama's past, saying they
Knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc?
Not one person has ever come forward from his past.
This should really be a cause for great concern. Did you see the movie
Titled, The Manchurian Candidate?
Let's face it. As insignificant as we all are... Someone whom we went to
School with remembers our name or face... Someone remembers we were the
Clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something
About us.
George Stephanopoulos, ABC News said the same thing during the 2008
Even George questions why no one has acknowledged that the president was in
Their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on
Stephanopoulos was a classmate of Obama at Columbia-class of 1984.
He says he never had a single class with him.
Since he is such a great orator, why doesn't anyone in Obama's college
Class remember him?
And, why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?
Do you like millions of others, simply assume all this is explainable -
Even though no one can?
Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia
University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there,
But not one remembers him. For example,Wayne Allyn Root was (like Obama) a
Political science major at Columbia , who graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root
Says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and
They all know me. I don't have a single classmate who ever knew Barack Obama
At Columbia ... EVER!
Nobody recalls him.
Root adds that he was, "Class of '83 political science, pre-law" and says,
"You don't get more exact or closer than that.. Never met him in my life,
Don't know anyone who ever met him."
At our 20th class reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker
Of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody
Even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of
The, as we say in New York , 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find
a person, a human who ever met him."
Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook, and Obama
consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia , provide
school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends
while at Columbia .
How can this be?
NOTE: Wayne Allyn Root can easily be verified. He graduated valedictorian
from his high school, Thornton-Donovan School , then graduated from Columbia
University in 1983 as a Political Science major in the same '83 class in
which Barack Hussein Obama states he was.
Some other interesting questions.
Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?
Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?
According to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama - but 27
Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases..
The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he
is never reported to have lived.
No wonder all his records are sealed!
Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to
know him in school... before he "reorganized" Chicago and burst upon the
scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention and made us swoon with his charm,
poise, and speaking pizzazz.
One of the biggest CONS this country has ever seen, and getting away with
it. This is scary on many levels!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/27/2012 8:22:08 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Grovetown, GA
65, joined Nov. 2011
Do some research and stop posting this BS, that was in an e-mail in 2009.
That thing you posted was made to trick republicans in to going after Obama, and in the end looking foolish.
As much as I dislike Obama, I do my research and don't post BS like this.
1/27/2012 8:34:02 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Do some research and stop posting this BS, that was in an e-mail in 2009.
That thing you posted was made to trick republicans in to going after Obama, and in the end looking foolish.
As much as I dislike Obama, I do my research and don't post BS like this.
Wow it must be great to be you Mr Perfect.
There is nothing wrong with correcting a post but you have a lack of tact in yours.
If you don't have anything nice to say about the membership then just go away and stay away.
Semper Fi !!!
1/28/2012 3:51:23 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
We already know that George Soros is invested in Snopes....
1/28/2012 5:41:48 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
The bottom line is, we know very damn little about this a** hole. The media have given him a pass. Clinton never released his health records, obama never released anything!
As much as this prick likes to brag about himself, he never does talk about his past, and I don't have to check that out on Snopes!
We know very little about Soros. Where is the media digging up dirt on him? Yet, we know more about that son-of-a-b*tch than we do about obama. I don't have to look that up on Snopes either.
The fact is, the same media that can't wait to examine everything they can get their grubby hands on to examine Palin, Cain, Bush, Santorum, Bachmann or any other Conservative/Republican gives hussein obama a complete pass. And guess what, I don't have to check that on Snopes either.
1/28/2012 7:27:34 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Cambridge, MN
59, joined Apr. 2010
Wiki and Snopes.. for research??  
The only trickery going on here, is the day the slimy bastard took his oath of office!
1/28/2012 9:53:44 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
a little lengthy, but worth every minute
1/28/2012 2:06:41 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
1/28/2012 2:07:25 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
Wiki and Snopes.. for research?? 
The only trickery going on here, is the day the slimy bastard took his oath of office!
Can I kiss you?   
1/28/2012 7:34:32 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Grovetown, GA
65, joined Nov. 2011
Wow it must be great to be you Mr Perfect. 
There is nothing wrong with correcting a post but you have a lack of tact in yours.
If you don't have anything nice to say about the membership then just go away and stay away.
Semper Fi !!!
And the marines are still looking for a few good men! lol
1/28/2012 7:40:13 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Grovetown, GA
65, joined Nov. 2011
Ok, post some proof of your post. I could have listed 50 different sites to back up what I said, but you cheer others that don't believe the sites I posted. Post your sites for proof. Thank you!
1/28/2012 9:30:10 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
And I hate teh Clintons:
OK, so HOW MUCH BULLSHIT do I have to put up before SOMEONE GETS IT?
1/28/2012 9:34:33 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
Yeah, Im stuuuppppiiiiddddd
[Edited 1/28/2012 9:36:30 PM ]
1/29/2012 7:58:18 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Grovetown, GA
65, joined Nov. 2011
Hey Brock, I agree with you that Obama is a lier.
I just want to see proof that he didn't attend Columbia
1/29/2012 10:24:03 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
Hey Brock, I agree with you that Obama is a lier.
I just want to see proof that he didn't attend Columbia
I want to see proof DID HE GRADUATE as he claims? "He" said he did, "his" liberal a** kissers say he did. "How could he get into Harvard without a BA from Columbia" they cry? With a degree he refuses to show proof of? What is he hiding? That his BA is as fraudulent as his birth cert? Could be he bought a BA degree as they were certainly easy to obtain in the era.
The American people want to know. If he has done what he says what is his problem proving it. All they have seen is liberal conjecture with no proof of their side, or the POTUS doesn't need to give proof.
And I would like a few more things cleared up. Why a CT issued SSN when he never lived there? How did he reside in Indonesia and Hawaii at the same time?
"Mr. Sampson a former police officer and former immigration officer specializing in immigration fraud; Ran Obama’s SS number through database and found that the number was issued to Obama in 1977 in the state of Connecticut . Obama never resided in that state. At the time of issue, Obama was living in Hawaii."
State licensed PI; "was hired to look into Obama’s background and found a Social Security number for him from 1977. Professional opinion given that this number was fraudulent. The number used or attached to Obama in 1977, shows that Obama was born in the 1890. This shows that the number was originally assigned to someone else who was indeed born in 1890 and should never have been used by Obama.
Same SS number came up with addresses in IL, D.C. and MA."
"Linda Jordan;
Document entered regarding SS number assigned to Obama. SS number is not verified under E Verify. It comes back as suspected fraudulent. This is the system by which the Government verifies ones citizenship."
"Taitz shows records for Barry Sotoro aka Barack Obama, showing he resides in Hawaii and in Indonesia at the same time."
"Mr. Gogt.
Expert in document imaging and scanners for 18 years.
Mr. Gogt testifies that the birth certificate, posted online by Obama, is suspicious. States white lines around all the type face is caused by “unsharp mask” in Photoshop. Testifies that any document showing this, is considered to be a fraud.
States this is a product of layering.
Mr. Gogt testifies that a straight scan of an original document would not show such layering.
Also testifies that the date stamps shown on Obama documents should not be in exact same place on various documents as they are hand stamped. Obama’s documents are all even, straight and exactly the same indicating they were NOT hand stamped by layered into the document by computer. Serial number on birth certificate is out of sequence with others issued at that hospital. Also certification is different than others and different than twins born 24 hours ahead of Obama."
And I have more questions.
1/29/2012 11:01:28 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Obama is a lier.
I just want to see proof that he didn't attend Columbia
The rest of us want to see proof he DID attend Columbia!
How about putting the burden of proof on HIM?
This puke is a habitual liar! Why assume ANYTHING he says is true?
Have you seen his campaign commercials yet?
He's being "attacked" by oil company billionaires?
He reduced taxes on "working Americans"?
He has lowered the rate of unemployment?
Increasing the tax burden on "The Rich" is going to reduce the national debt?
He never met Rod Blagoyovitch?
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
I wouldn't believe him if he said "Good Morning"!
1/29/2012 11:40:31 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Overgaard, AZ
68, joined Oct. 2007
online now!
He pushes green and clean,then why did he have a 22 car(fossil fueled) motorcade and not a single chevy VOLT as an escort car.Hummm maybe because they won't make it to and from the airport without catching fire or the battery dying.
Why do he and Moochelle take different planes for vacation? And spend 4 million of our money? Hummm,last vacation I took, I think I spent 400 bucks and 80 of that was for gas.
Wonder if they eat hamburger helper at the WH for supper?
When you see D*ck-taters of other countries on TV. They're riding around in posh cars while the peasants and rag muffins stand at the sides of the roads.
Obama not only lies to us but also to himself.His whole life is one big lie
1/29/2012 11:54:34 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
I could have listed 50 different sites to back up what I said
12 from MSNBC
11 from the NEW YORK TIMES
2 from CNN
5 from ABC
7 from NBC
4 from CBS
5 from the MIAMI HERALD
4 from the LA TIMES
Yup! Must be true! There's 50!
1/29/2012 2:22:29 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Paisley, FL
62, joined Oct. 2009
Subject: Where are Barack's Girlfriends?
I hadn't thought about this - but where are Obama's past girlfriends -
Surely he had at least one? No past girl friends popping up anywhere?
Strange - strange to the point of being downright weird!
OK, this is just plain old common sense, no political agendas for either side. Just common knowledge for citizens of a country, especially American
Citizens, who know every little tidbit about every other president (and their wives) that even know that Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery, or that Lincoln never went to school or Kennedy wore a back brace, or Truman played the piano.
We are Americans! Our media vets these things out! We are known for our
Humanitarian interests and caring for our 'fellow man.' We care, but none
Of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.
Honestly, and this is a personal thing... But it's bugged me for years that
No one who ever dated him ever showed up. Taken his charisma, which caused
The women to be drawn to him so obviously during his campaign, looks like
Some lady would not have missed the opportunity.
We all know about JFK's magnetism, McCain was no monk, Palin's courtship
And even her athletic prowess were probed. Biden's aneurisms are no
Secret. Look at Cheney and Clinton-we all know about their heart problems.
How could I have left out Wild Bill before or during the White House?
Nope... Not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy," or "What
A great dancer!"
Now look at the rest of what we know... No classmates, not even the
Recorder for the Columbia class notes ever heard of him.
Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Check for groomsmen
Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony.
Has anyone talked to the professors? Isn't it odd that no one is bragging
That they knew him or taught him or lived with him.
When did he meet Michele and how? Are there photos? Every president
Provides the public with all their photos, etc. For their library. What has
He released? Nada - other than what was in this so-called biography! And
Experts who study writing styles etc. Claim it was not O's own words or
Typical of his speech patterns, etc.
Does this make any of you wonder?
Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from Obama's past, saying they
Knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc?
Not one person has ever come forward from his past.
This should really be a cause for great concern. Did you see the movie
Titled, The Manchurian Candidate?
Let's face it. As insignificant as we all are... Someone whom we went to
School with remembers our name or face... Someone remembers we were the
Clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something
About us.
George Stephanopoulos, ABC News said the same thing during the 2008
Even George questions why no one has acknowledged that the president was in
Their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on
Stephanopoulos was a classmate of Obama at Columbia-class of 1984.
He says he never had a single class with him.
Since he is such a great orator, why doesn't anyone in Obama's college
Class remember him?
And, why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?
Do you like millions of others, simply assume all this is explainable -
Even though no one can?
Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia
University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there,
But not one remembers him. For example,Wayne Allyn Root was (like Obama) a
Political science major at Columbia , who graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root
Says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and
They all know me. I don't have a single classmate who ever knew Barack Obama
At Columbia ... EVER!
Nobody recalls him.
Root adds that he was, "Class of '83 political science, pre-law" and says,
"You don't get more exact or closer than that.. Never met him in my life,
Don't know anyone who ever met him."
At our 20th class reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker
Of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody
Even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of
The, as we say in New York , 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find
a person, a human who ever met him."
Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook, and Obama
consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia , provide
school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends
while at Columbia .
How can this be?
NOTE: Wayne Allyn Root can easily be verified. He graduated valedictorian
from his high school, Thornton-Donovan School , then graduated from Columbia
University in 1983 as a Political Science major in the same '83 class in
which Barack Hussein Obama states he was.
Some other interesting questions.
Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?
Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?
According to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama - but 27
Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases..
The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he
is never reported to have lived.
No wonder all his records are sealed!
Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to
know him in school... before he "reorganized" Chicago and burst upon the
scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention and made us swoon with his charm,
poise, and speaking pizzazz.
One of the biggest CONS this country has ever seen, and getting away with
it. This is scary on many levels!
I have to agree with every thing and unanswered question here! This hack has one hell of a clean up crew no doubt. I remember paul harvey on his program stated that this oboma hack had a bunch of unpaid parking tickets! and the then candidate oboma had a crew paying them up, and covering them up as he was speaking! I know that this is a minor thing to the libtards out there, but who ever backed this guy, shure as hell made him squeaky clean! I think trojan horse is more like it. sent here to destroy us from the inside. and the libtards love this guy. 
1/29/2012 4:10:31 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
Why do he and Moochelle take different planes for vacation? And spend 4 million of our money? .
Obama not only lies to us but also to himself.His whole life is one big lie
I asked that very same question and a far out liberal comes back with, "I don't know, maybe worried about the kids" Huh?
"Michelle Obama insisted on a pricey holiday to Hawaii when her husband would have rather gone to a presidential retreat, according to reports.
She allegedly wanted the taxpayer-funded $4million trip when Barack Obama sought instead to make the short trip to Camp David in Maryland.
Political sources told the National Enquirer that the 47-year-old’s spending is rocketing and she even went on a shopping spree before the Hawaii trip.
Disagreement? Michelle Obama, left, reportedly wanted the $4million Hawaii trip when Barack Obama sought instead to go to Camp David in Maryland
‘The President’s advisers have told him that Michelle’s spending has spiralled “completely out of control”,’ one source told the National Enquirer.
‘Barack read his wife the riot act, but his words fell on deaf ears. Michelle said there was “no way” she was going to disappoint her daughters.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077625/Michelle-Obama-insisted-4m-getaway-Hawaii-husband-wanted-local-holiday.html#ixzz1kt8rMqmW"
1/29/2012 4:23:51 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
"The Obama records which have not been released include;
Passport records,
Obama kindergarten records,
Punahou School records,
Occidental College records,
Columbia University records,
Columbia thesis,
Harvard Law School records,
Harvard Law Review articles,
University of Chicago scholarly articles,
Illinois State Bar Association records,
Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost),
Medical records,
Obama/Dunham marriage license, O
bama/Dunham divorce documents,
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license,
Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth."
1/29/2012 5:43:48 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
And the marines are still looking for a few good men! lol
Have been ever since I left!!
Semper Fi !!!
1/29/2012 5:50:13 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Hey Brock, I agree with you that Obama is a lier.
I just want to see proof that he didn't attend Columbia
How about the truth that he freaking did!!It's obama's story,so why doesn't he tell the f**king truth.Why is his slimey worthless life such a f**king secret.
You sound just like another one of them lowlife liberal infiltrators that crawl out from under a rock to come here and start shit.
You will be reported
Semper Fi !!!
1/30/2012 9:08:59 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
any thoughts?
1/30/2012 11:21:12 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Souderton, PA
56, joined Apr. 2009
More on the comment about the Hawaian vacation over Christmas, oh I mean non-denominational holiday! Past Presidents have celebrated the Christmas at Camp David. The reason is for respect of their personal security detail crew. If the First Family was safe at Camp David, most of the extra staff could spend Christmas at home with their families.
But no, not this selfish 'dictator in chief' and his queen. They HAD to spend it in a public setting. The security detail needed to be increased to ensure their safety. How many personel did not spend Christmas at home because of the selfish whims of the OBummer clan?
Does anyone know what goes on behind the scenes? How many people does it take when the pres stays somewhere? AF One and crew, vehicles and crew, plus the transport team, chefs, attendants, three shifts of secret service, doctors and ambulance on call 24 hours, the dog handlers. Hotel and housing for staff.
1/30/2012 2:35:16 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
More on the comment about the Hawaian vacation over Christmas, oh I mean non-denominational holiday! Past Presidents have celebrated the Christmas at Camp David. The reason is for respect of their personal security detail crew. If the First Family was safe at Camp David, most of the extra staff could spend Christmas at home with their families.
But no, not this selfish 'dictator in chief' and his queen. They HAD to spend it in a public setting. The security detail needed to be increased to ensure their safety. How many personel did not spend Christmas at home because of the selfish whims of the OBummer clan?
Does anyone know what goes on behind the scenes? How many people does it take when the pres stays somewhere? AF One and crew, vehicles and crew, plus the transport team, chefs, attendants, three shifts of secret service, doctors and ambulance on call 24 hours, the dog handlers. Hotel and housing for staff.
Bbbbbbut,Michele insisted
1/31/2012 8:31:12 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
part 1
1/31/2012 8:32:17 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
part 2
1/31/2012 11:28:24 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Grovetown, GA
65, joined Nov. 2011
Have been ever since I left!!
Semper Fi !!!
I commented on Brock's post. Yes, maybe I wasn't tactful enough for you. The point I was making was, that like Trump and Obama's birth certificate, (it doesn't matter if it is real or not) was used to make republicans look foolish. You attacked me first about my comment to Brock.
I responded in a joking comment to you because you attacked me. You can report me to anyone you like. We can let it stop here and now. Its your choice. I am sending you my phone number and address in a message to you. I am a disabled Viet-Nam veteran and your comments don't scare me in the least. Have a nice day! Chuck
1/31/2012 11:47:14 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Overgaard, AZ
68, joined Oct. 2007
online now!
More things that make me go hmmmmm.
Holder is supposed to appear at another hearing on Thur.wonder how many lies will be told this time. Why isn't this SOB in jail already hummm
Obama thumbed his nose and turned his back on Georgia state laws, a court order, and the judicial system.
Also turned his back on Gov. Jan Brewer and in turn the state of Az.
When is this SOB going to have a warrant issued for his arrest for contempt of court? hummm.
Had any one of us ignored a subpena from any state, there would of been a bench warrant issued for us within hours.
Maybe the court should say PLEASE Mr. Obama we're REQUESTING your presence in court.
Maybe Mr. Issa should say PLEASE Mr. Holder tell the truth this time.
What the hell happened to "demanding" the truth, or go to jail?
What the hell happened to "demanding" attendance in court via a subpena, or go to jail?
1/31/2012 12:58:33 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Souderton, PA
56, joined Apr. 2009
OK, I'm going to plead ignorance on this little detail, so kindly bring me up to speed.
What is the significance of Congressional hearings and testimony, and why would any of us attend one in the first place?
What happens if we don't go?
Is it a legitimate "court" hearing? I don't think so!
We have honest to goodness courts, why don't we go there?
Or are these "special courts", for the inside crowd, where the Judges and Jury are your friends and accomplices?
Where and who are the Judges and Jury exactly?
What are the consequences?
Are specific laws and statutes ever referenced?
What laws are ever violated?
Is there an accusation or complaint filed like real courts?
Why do suspects take the Fifth Ammendment in order to not incriminate themselves in future court trials? Isn't this one? Apparently not. Looks more like an inquiry and fact finding mission. But not justice.
It's not a court hearing at all is it? 
From observing these hearings in the past, I've come to the conclusion that their main purpose is to allow Congress to partake in public 'grandstanding' while they berate the alledged guilty parties and vent the pent up frustration and feelings of the voting, taxpaying public. There's more insulting, accusing, and fingerpointing than court precedings being engaged in. As spectators, we feel as if justice is being done, but reality is that nothing really happens other than a slap on the wrist in the public square. After everyone calms down, we are content that the guilty parties finally got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, and are ordered to a 'time out' for punishment. The public thinks that something serious just happened, but did it really?
"Shame on you, don't get caught next time"! 
The problem was they got caught this time, which makes things messy. 
Is this another dog and pony show, to sweep dirt under the rug in a public forum, and make a big deal about nothing? They are nothing but inquiries, and nothing more.
1/31/2012 2:55:44 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011
"The Obama records which have not been released include;
Passport records,
Obama kindergarten records,
Punahou School records,
Occidental College records,
Columbia University records,
Columbia thesis,
Harvard Law School records,
Harvard Law Review articles,
University of Chicago scholarly articles,
Illinois State Bar Association records,
Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost),
Medical records,
Obama/Dunham marriage license, O
bama/Dunham divorce documents,
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license,
Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth."
These are the QUESTIONS not as yet answered, and being blocked by "sealing" records, either by OBUMMER, or his ATTORNIES....go figure?
1/31/2012 4:23:18 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
These are the QUESTIONS not as yet answered, and being blocked by "sealing" records, either by OBUMMER, or his ATTORNIES....go figure?
What I figure is he is hiding far more than we can even imagine. If he's clean, it's so easy to just prove it. If he's not, go back to Kenya and drive a team of water-buffalo. And take Holder along.
It's pretty basic.
Seal records and refuse = hiding something.
Pleads the 5th = pretty much admitted guilt.
2/6/2012 8:16:02 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
2/6/2012 9:42:33 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined Dec. 2011

2/6/2012 4:12:59 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Souderton, PA
56, joined Apr. 2009
We've kicked around plenty of topics. Here's some legal stuff sent from a friend of mine, that gives us a primer of how they pull the wool over our eyes. This video comes from Canada, and references the States too, so the deception isn't confinded to our little patch of the planet, but all Continents. There are several in the series if you like this one.
Can I get some help to allow the video to play here. Wish I knew how that part worked! Thanks.
2/7/2012 7:22:52 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
Here ya go, Mike......it's a series of 8 videos.
part 1
2/7/2012 7:32:05 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
I wanted to add....I watched the first one, Mike......very good!!  
2/7/2012 7:44:20 AM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
2/9/2012 1:27:19 PM |
Things that make ya go Hmmm? |


Cleveland, OH
46, joined May. 2009
I took a few of those videos and shared them with facebook.