2/4/2012 10:04:26 PM |
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Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/4/2012 10:05:27 PM |
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Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
Absolutely.... so nice of you to ask! Can I wear one of your shirts to bed?
2/4/2012 10:06:26 PM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
jeff - can I wear YOU to bed?
2/4/2012 10:08:08 PM |
Flirt with me |

Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
I was the first one to respond.... I get him FIRST    
2/4/2012 10:10:00 PM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
But, twilight, I really, really, really want to see what it feels like to be a full fledged cougar!
2/4/2012 10:10:18 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
You gals really make me feel good...thank you so much..  
2/4/2012 10:10:56 PM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
But, darlin, YOU deserve and, yes, you DO feel good!
Whoops, went back and checked and I did say that!
[Edited 2/4/2012 10:11:43 PM ]
2/4/2012 10:12:47 PM |
Flirt with me |

Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
Sorry Weaim.... I let you have him when you called first. Now it's MY turn to have him first because I called it. 
2/4/2012 10:14:51 PM |
Flirt with me |


Marshalltown, IA
59, joined Jul. 2011

2/4/2012 10:15:45 PM |
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Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
Your right, fair's fair but        
Would it help if I brought out 
2/4/2012 10:17:13 PM |
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Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
Sorry not going to help.... I was fair with you, I'm just asking the same in return.  
2/4/2012 10:17:29 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011

2/4/2012 10:18:09 PM |
Flirt with me |

Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
Come closer baby... let me PURRRRRR in your ear!!  
2/4/2012 10:23:53 PM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
Ok, I want to be a cougar.... I'm already genie and the Little Old Widow Woman
Edited to add:
darlin, you are so bringing me luck!
OHgambler wins 1,575 with two pair, kings and fours (too bad I'm only playing for points now and not real money.
[Edited 2/4/2012 10:25:37 PM ]
2/4/2012 10:25:04 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
should I waste a wish????
2/4/2012 10:27:07 PM |
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Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
All depends on if it is NECESSARY to waste a wish or if you'll get what you want anyway.
2/4/2012 10:29:01 PM |
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Merritt, NC
61, joined Jul. 2011
Linda I want one of these....
2/4/2012 10:34:55 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
now that looks relaxing
2/4/2012 10:35:04 PM |
Flirt with me |

Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008

2/4/2012 11:02:36 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011

2/4/2012 11:05:05 PM |
Flirt with me |

Garland, TX
57, joined Sep. 2008
Put that whip down and KISS me sugar  
2/4/2012 11:05:32 PM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
flirting with jeff lol please do bring out the whip 
2/4/2012 11:09:31 PM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
Hey purp - is jeff in a creek? or a bathtub? or a shower?
2/4/2012 11:11:25 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
I think Purp isn't sure of what to do in the creek...
2/4/2012 11:16:33 PM |
Flirt with me |


Merritt, NC
61, joined Jul. 2011

Get ready, Jeff! Let's go fishing ......
2/4/2012 11:17:26 PM |
Flirt with me |


Marshalltown, IA
59, joined Jul. 2011
2/4/2012 11:19:23 PM |
Flirt with me |


Merritt, NC
61, joined Jul. 2011

Lets...go hunting ... we have really big squirrels around here
2/4/2012 11:20:49 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011

2/4/2012 11:21:33 PM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
I think Purp isn't sure of what to do in the creek...
jeff are you up the creek without a paddle lol
2/4/2012 11:24:53 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011

NO..... I lost the creek...
2/4/2012 11:28:00 PM |
Flirt with me |


Merritt, NC
61, joined Jul. 2011
That canoe looks full
2/4/2012 11:30:19 PM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
NO..... I lost the creek... 
i see that don't look like the creeks around here lol..
2/4/2012 11:33:49 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
thats cause he has clothes on.... 
2/4/2012 11:36:31 PM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
oh that wasn't what i was thinking maybe meet me by the river instead lol...................
2/4/2012 11:55:31 PM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
so you wanna go muff diving??????
2/5/2012 12:06:10 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
fill up that cup my dear and lets take it from there.. 
2/5/2012 12:16:15 AM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
muff diving is flirting lmao i think it goes far beyond that  
2/5/2012 12:19:12 AM |
Flirt with me |


Harlingen, TX
64, joined Mar. 2011
I concur that muff diving is somewhere beyond mere flirting.
2/5/2012 12:23:08 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
Are you thinking about it or doing it????
I think thinking about it can be considered flirting..
2/5/2012 12:24:15 AM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
I think, I think, oh,chit, I'm laughing too hard to think!   
Edited to add:
Jeff - I think that will be a wish granted. Thinking is the same as wishing in some instances and this must be one of them!

[Edited 2/5/2012 12:25:45 AM ]
2/5/2012 12:26:28 AM |
Flirt with me |

Sarasota, FL
58, joined Sep. 2011
Susie, I just spit my drink out I am laughing so hard.
2/5/2012 12:30:58 AM |
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Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
C'mon darlin, sing along to this song and take your mind out of the gutter. Ready, set, go
Then get thee to Pastor Once and confess! And knowing Pastor Once I have an idea what your penance will be  
[Edited 2/5/2012 12:33:47 AM ]
2/5/2012 12:33:28 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
man----I wasted a wish.....NO FAIR...
2/5/2012 12:34:48 AM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
Nah, you got the wish you wanted that you didn't want to wish for but you wanted so wanting and wishing ...now, see, you got me confused again!
If you're gonna whine

[Edited 2/5/2012 12:37:24 AM ]
2/5/2012 12:35:47 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
I concur that muff diving is somewhere beyond mere flirting.
THANKS SUSIE....You are the best teacher
2/5/2012 12:46:52 AM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
Hey, darlin - ya want to be
2/5/2012 12:55:11 AM |
Flirt with me |


Geneva, OH
66, joined Dec. 2007
All this roflmao has finally made me tired. Thanks everyone for a fun evening!
Now, jeff, cougar time!
2/5/2012 12:55:18 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
I concur that muff diving is something that Jeff has to show me..I am looking forward to that..The teacher can be taught... 
2/5/2012 12:56:37 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
All this roflmao has finally made me tired. Thanks everyone for a fun evening!
Now, jeff, cougar time!
grrrrrrr.....I will tuck you in...  
2/5/2012 1:00:29 AM |
Flirt with me |

Saratoga Springs, UT
63, joined Feb. 2011
That makes two of us weaim, goodnight everyone 
Have fun, this gals headed to dreamland  
2/5/2012 1:01:25 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
wait for me.... 
2/5/2012 1:14:46 AM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
im going to bed good night muffy lol..
2/5/2012 1:21:06 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
muffy is good...night doll
2/5/2012 1:22:38 AM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
some reason that fits you as a nick name lol..night
2/5/2012 1:24:30 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
muffy mutton fits you
2/5/2012 1:26:40 AM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
lol i only have 50 nicknames already ...............
2/5/2012 1:28:33 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
violet purple muffy mutton...thats all i got
2/5/2012 1:33:09 AM |
Flirt with me |


Pearcy, AR
62, joined Nov. 2010
oh i have many more but if you have to yell at me that is long enough lol.. night
2/5/2012 1:34:25 AM |
Flirt with me |

Leechburg, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
good night....sweet dreams...
2/5/2012 6:36:27 AM |
Flirt with me |


Lexington, KY
64, joined May. 2011
