2/18/2012 2:27:04 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
It can be any TV and internet shows or a series of movies.
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2/18/2012 3:12:44 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Milwaukee, WI
47, joined May. 2011
I'm not very qualified for this
Got "Ghost In The Shell" on my puter but haven't watched it yet
Seen "Akira" and it was ok but not that great
Favorite is "Barefoot Gen"
2/20/2012 12:51:24 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Stop FIOS from dropping the FUNimation channel.
Please copy and paste this address into you browser. 
2/22/2012 1:50:25 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Paterson, NJ
25, joined Feb. 2012
I loved Gravitation. It's the best shounen-ai anime I ever seen.
2/22/2012 1:54:47 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Saltsburg, PA
27, joined Aug. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/22/2012 7:30:50 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Ghost in the shell i still watch saturday 03:30am on cartoon network.
gravitation? i had to look up. a singer song writer Shirdou Shuichi you falls
in love with a critic Yuki Eiri. ok
Boondocks, i try not to watch that so i wont start impersonating the crazy old guy who wants to get into white mans heaven, Rufus or something.
2/23/2012 8:48:41 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Royse City, TX
25, joined Feb. 2012
Cowboy Bebop because: Watch it and ask again.
And Yuyu Hakusho is pretty damn awesome too.
2/23/2012 2:23:33 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
i've seen cowboy bebop 3 times and one of the movies, where an ex-sf guy trys to release
a nano plague, there all awesome.
Yu Yu hakusho this is my second viewing of it. the only thing i really hated was Yusuke's
the final battle with Black Angle (Shinobu Senus) if i remember correctly it lasted more than seven days of talking. 
2/23/2012 11:08:21 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Visalia, CA
22, joined Jan. 2012
It can be any TV and internet shows or a series of movies.
My fave anime is Bleach and Inuyasha. Inuyasha i loved since i was little, but now i truely love Bleach, fave character from the animes is Sesshomaru and Sajin Komamaura and Kenpachi Zaraki
2/23/2012 11:09:00 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Visalia, CA
22, joined Jan. 2012
Lol i just watched that on adult swim on saturday, i loved that episode
2/23/2012 11:52:20 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Royse City, TX
25, joined Feb. 2012
7 Days? jeez. better than goku and frieza's fight haha.
Inuyasha states the obvious way too much and bleach has so much pointless filler. But yeah Kenpachi is a badass.
2/24/2012 5:08:10 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Saltsburg, PA
27, joined Aug. 2011
Boondocks, i try not to watch that so i wont start impersonating the crazy old guy who wants to get into white mans heaven, Rufus or something.
Uncle Ruckus
2/24/2012 1:21:12 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Huntington, WV
33, joined Sep. 2009
I'd say DBZ, but it is above such a lame label as "anime"...
2/24/2012 2:50:55 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Inuyasha, good choice i don't no how many seasons that ran for but, it was allot.
Sesshomaru, Jaken and Rin are my faves from the show and the movie i love the most
is 'Swords of an Honorable ruler'
Bleach is good but, it really dose lag with do over conversations.
i really enjoy Kisuke Urahara 'Mr.Hat-and-clogs', and Yoruichi 'that cat'
Ooo and OriHime has very strong attributes . grate new opening song.
dragon ball Z every time the world or universe depends on the old Goku to save them,
he always tries to talk someone out of something there bent on doing.
KilogTTam, thanks for the info 'Ruckus'
if you liked cowboy bebop and alike you mite like Iria, it's based around a female
bounty hunter and a unstoppable creature called a Zeiram.
2/24/2012 3:29:57 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Killeen, TX
33, joined Sep. 2011
2/25/2012 6:07:46 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Oklahoma City, OK
21, joined Feb. 2012
Full Metal Alchemist, because it has a great story, good animation, and good voice acting!
2/26/2012 1:59:11 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Vampire Hunter D could have been so much better if they toned down the
self persecution complex he had and focused more on the mission.
re-watching on you tube.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This is a lot better that it predecessor, the characters are more complex and mature
plus the addition of new characters from Xing.
I have'ant seen any of the movies yet but i hope to soon.
Conqueror of Shamballa 2005
The sacred star of Milos 2011
won Best Feature, Writing, and Director Burbank Int. film Festival.
2/26/2012 3:15:30 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Sioux Falls, SD
27, joined Feb. 2012
I love anime so I have loads of favorites:
Baccano! because of its creative use of character and story development.
Eden of the East because of well developed plot
Darker Than Black just because a black reaper that can generate electricity is just plain cool
School Rumble because highschool romance and angst is just plain funny
Tiger and Bunny because the story is detailed and the plot gripping with believable characters
But my all time favorite ever is .Hack//Sign (well actually all of Dot Hack) because of its amazing and detailed; deep story! the characters are all vibrant and real and the story is captivating in its expressing of the human condition. I love that story!
2/27/2012 7:09:20 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Some people really love .Hack others just don't get what its about.
im going to have to put myself into the latter. 
2/28/2012 11:48:34 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Fairhope, AL
59, joined Jun. 2007
Gee, I've been watching anime longer than most of you have been alive.
I like Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, and others, but I guess my Favorite was Ureis Yatsura.
Favorite movie is still "Laputa", magnificent soundtrack.
2/28/2012 2:33:59 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
The first movie i saw buy Hayao Miyazaki was Nausiea of the valley of the wind
it was poorly edited. now i have an unedited version and I'm not letting it go,
its my most favorite out of his films, next would be Laputa: Castle in the sky, then Spirited away. He dose a fantastic job at creating female characters i can follow.
I've never seen an can't find anything on Ureis Yatsura.
3/3/2012 8:00:49 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Sioux Falls, SD
27, joined Feb. 2012
You'd have to spend some serious time diving into the dot hack universe to really understand what its all about. I mean, there are three anime series, one anime movie (soon to be two), two separate ova collections, two video game series, three light novel series, and five different manga collections. And while some of these mediums tell the same part of the massive story, they are always deliberately different. I think the best way to look at the story is to appreciate the vibrant world that was created and enjoy the vast collection of characters. But you're very much right, its an acquired taste.
3/4/2012 1:06:11 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Bellevue, WA
45, joined Jul. 2010
There are too many to choose from. Naruto, bleach, school rumble, card captor sakura, moon phase, inuyasha... I have seen so many sometimes I forget what I have watched until I am a few episodes into it. All in japanese with subs. But it is getting close to the point i don't read half the subs.
Sakura con is next month. We should get 15-20 thousand people attending. Many of them cosplay 
3/4/2012 1:07:02 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Granite Bay, CA
44, joined Jul. 2010
The first movie i saw buy Hayao Miyazaki was Nausiea of the valley of the wind
it was poorly edited. now i have an unedited version and I'm not letting it go,
its my most favorite out of his films, next would be Laputa: Castle in the sky, then Spirited away. He dose a fantastic job at creating female characters i can follow.
I've never seen an can't find anything on Ureis Yatsura.
its Naussica of the valley of the wind.
my personal fav by him is Howls Moving Castle. My Neighbor Totoro is cute. Of course Princess Mononoke is a good one too.
3/4/2012 1:40:16 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Pat, It sounds like dot hack really puts out for it's fans!
mischief, with naruto i'd love to know how many people like the
side characters more than naruto him self.
I hope you have a really good time at Sakura con and meet some
good and interesting people.
ayemei, I was hoping you'd be the one to mention KiKi's delivery service
instead of me. its also one of my favorites. 
3/4/2012 10:01:53 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Granite Bay, CA
44, joined Jul. 2010
Pat, It sounds like dot hack really puts out for it's fans!
mischief, with naruto i'd love to know how many people like the
side characters more than naruto him self.
I hope you have a really good time at Sakura con and meet some
good and interesting people.
ayemei, I was hoping you'd be the one to mention KiKi's delivery service
instead of me. its also one of my favorites.  it was cute but not one of my favorites done by him.
3/5/2012 2:46:45 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
For me, favorites would be more of a group than a one pick, there are those i enjoyed watching and those i enjoyed watching and wont to see again in a year or two.
3/5/2012 6:43:42 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
3/6/2012 10:42:55 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Fairhope, AL
59, joined Jun. 2007
Quint.... Google "Lum" and that should get you a result, she is the primary female character.
3/6/2012 11:13:01 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Covington, GA
31, joined Jul. 2011
My favorites are the original guyver ova, gunbuster, fist of the north star and JoJos bizarre adventure..JoJos bizarre adventure easily because of how well thought out the story is and the methodical indirect attacks the villains use that constantly test the main characters physical and mental strength as opposed to just trying to punch them in the face..
3/7/2012 12:07:10 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Granite Bay, CA
44, joined Jul. 2010
Grave of the Fireflies is good but very sad.
Others I liked:
Keno's Journey
Perfect Blue
Millenium Actress
Spring and Chaos
Ninja Scroll
Full Metal Alcheimest
Fist of the North Star
3/7/2012 3:16:16 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Thanks saruman lum worked grate with wiki and youtube, Ataru Moroboshi & Lum Invader.
the show urusei yatsura has episodes that are only 15 min long
witch is grate for portable devices and there pretty funny.
a show from Rumiko Takahashi (?? ???
a female head writer and one of the wealthiest persons in japan.
dbiship jojo's bizarre adventure looks like a good one though i've only seen the first episode. guyver all the series i've always enjoyed.
ayemie is that Blood+ the anime series with Saya and her two step brothers?
ninja scroll the movie i loved, Grave of the fireflies i've been trying to
find a dub version for await.
3/9/2012 4:33:53 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Pacoima, CA
25, joined Oct. 2011
To Love Ru ^_^ awesome show even though its like 26 episodes.lol samurai shamploo is badass.
3/9/2012 1:53:13 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
samurai champloo set in pseudo Edo era japan with ronin Mugin and Jin a dizzy girl Fuu.
with a good mix of fighting and hummer it's a very good series.
3/17/2012 2:58:54 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
a fail to get a post.
[Edited 3/17/2012 3:01:34 PM ]
3/17/2012 6:30:21 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Alexandria, VA
23, joined Mar. 2012
show dragonball or samurai x,but anime in general probably Akira.
3/18/2012 1:50:00 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Samurai x or as seen on cartoon network Kenshin.
A former assassin named Hitokin Battsai who is now wondering the country
trying to make amends for the murders he has committed.
He carries a sword that has the blade turned around so he can only
Strike others with the back flat side of the sword.
Akira has kind of a cult following and well deserved to.
the very long manga run with an intricate blot probably helped.
People have dedicated a large chunk of there life's to some
of the manga series.
although i fund it hard to follow the actions of the main
characters at times it was a really good story.

I do not own this image or any rights to it. it is shown here in conjunction
with Akira commentary.
3/18/2012 8:18:57 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Alexandria, VA
23, joined Mar. 2012
this guy know whats up
3/22/2012 12:13:33 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
I do come off as a know it all a** when i have finished looking stuff up. 
Ill try to take five before i post again. 
3/22/2012 5:08:45 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Baldwin Park, CA
26, joined Mar. 2012
I'd say DBZ, but it is above such a lame label as "anime"...
Indeed, I agree 100% 
4/10/2012 12:37:33 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Has anyone else but me seen this one? I think is still the best story line of the seres.
4/12/2012 7:59:05 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Houston, TX
34, joined Feb. 2012
Eureka 7 & vampire Knight are my favorites! Just tha plots of them is very powerful with romance, violence, a balanced storyline. I really wish they would make a 3rd season of vampire Knight. Oh twightlight suck alot.. I think it was a American rip off of that original anime series ...
4/12/2012 9:42:46 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Apr. 2012
My favorite has gotta be, hands down, One Piece. Spectacular story, creator does a great job of making you feel like you give a damn about every character you meet, and it's got pirates. Everyone loves pirates. Seriously, sit down to the manga, you won't be disappointed.
You can find the anime on Hulu Plus, though.
4/12/2012 11:09:50 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Norman, OK
23, joined Feb. 2012
Dragon ballz, gundam, samari jack, boondock, zoids, n bcus I grew up on theses
4/13/2012 1:13:06 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Bellevue, WA
45, joined Jul. 2010
mischief, with naruto i'd love to know how many people like the
side characters more than naruto him self.
I hope you have a really good time at Sakura con and meet some
good and interesting people...
I had a blast. There are a lot of people that cosplay as other naruto characters- Pain, sasuke, sakura, kakashi is very popular, Tobi, hinata (yay! she a cutie), Rock Lee, Tsunade, Temari (she's popular too)...
4/13/2012 8:14:03 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Lorain, OH
24, joined Apr. 2012
i liked
sailor moon
yu yu hakusho
story of saiunkoku monogatari
garasu no kamen
trinity blood
cowboy bebop
neon genesis evangelion
rurouni kenshin
samurai x
fooly cooly
agent aika
secret agent luna
kamikaze kaitou jean
le chavelier d'eon beaumont
and many many more i liked tem becuase of the plot and the action
[Edited 4/13/2012 8:14:39 PM ]
4/15/2012 1:53:40 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
Triorio its been awhile since i seen Black Blood Brothers so when i read Vampire Knights
i thought this.
Good thing for me that wiki can keep track of it all cos i can't. i'll have to watch some episodes of Vampire Nights. twilight is childish crap!! it doesn't even have a story.
beeferin One Piece too me is a real unique story with devil fruit, the grand line and all sorts of strange lands. monkey d luffy is just the character for their mission.
mischief glad to hear you had a grate time of it! someone really cosplayed the old hag Tsunade?!? XXD
chiiiwa love everything with the exception of sailor moon. its really a good collection of anime!!
4/16/2012 9:28:14 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

New Orleans, LA
27, joined Mar. 2011
Bebop always
4/17/2012 4:14:28 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
San Bernardino, CA
24, joined Apr. 2012
'Haibane Renmei' for sure- story, characters, and my favorite...soundtrack
Second place is a fight between cowboy bebop and Trigun
4/17/2012 9:14:49 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
United Kingdom
27, joined Apr. 2012
I have two for different reasons.
Bleach : just for the crazyness of it all.
Berserk : Still in my mind the best series ever made.
I do have High School of the Dead to get thru still, anybody seen that?
4/20/2012 12:09:08 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Bellevue, WA
45, joined Jul. 2010
I love high school of the dead. I still have to finish it too. I saw 4 episodes at sakuracon a few weeks ago.
4/20/2012 1:04:22 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
mentalray haibane renmei has a lot of interesting characters; people born from cocoons
already grown then sprout wings and have to ware a halo but, remember humans and family
and don't remember ever being human or having a families.
itchick berserk is really a dark show i liked it.thank you.
4/21/2012 1:31:14 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Bellevue, WA
45, joined Jul. 2010
Interesting. I need to check that out. Anyone see Narutaru? That was disturbing.
4/27/2012 12:47:15 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
mischief i saw the first episode of Narutaru and it was good a bit of a pain pausing reading and playing but it was worth it at what episode did it get disturbing?
4/28/2012 1:19:42 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Albuquerque, NM
30, joined Feb. 2012
Sailor moon and
Avatar the last airbender
4/28/2012 4:23:50 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
New York, NY
52, joined Apr. 2012
Google it.??
4/28/2012 6:23:56 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
Leominster, MA
45, joined Dec. 2011
renar_c nmemaro is not a general audience anime.
they went big budget with 3D animation for this story?
must have a lot of followers or a small number willing to pay a lot.
4/28/2012 7:04:06 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |

Beaumont, CA
42, joined Aug. 2007
Record of lodos war
4/29/2012 1:07:15 AM |
Favorite anime series and why? |


Bellevue, WA
45, joined Jul. 2010
mischief i saw the first episode of Narutaru and it was good a bit of a pain pausing reading and playing but it was worth it at what episode did it get disturbing?
I don't remember. It starts out rather innocent then turns ugly pretty quickly. It reminded me of Lord of the Flies. If you're not familiar it's a story of boyscouts marooned on a tropical island. Basically many of the kids lose their sense of morality and humanity. Same thing happens in narutaru, only they have super weapons.
4/30/2012 4:55:28 PM |
Favorite anime series and why? |
New Windsor, NY
25, joined Apr. 2012
I have two for different reasons.
Bleach : just for the crazyness of it all.
Berserk : Still in my mind the best series ever made.
I do have High School of the Dead to get thru still, anybody seen that?
Two solid choices. HS of the Dead gets a little carried away and played out.