3/15/2012 10:32:35 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Denver, CO
50, joined Jun. 2008
1. Obama should be tried, convicted, and executed |
2. Other (specify) |
I believe he should be tried, convicted and executed for the destruction he has done to America and I don't believe I am extreme to think this. It's time that we value our country enough to do so.
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3/16/2012 8:54:57 AM |
Barack Obama's punishment |
Salisbury, MD
57, joined Feb. 2012
I think the commie bastard should be hung from a rope like they did the old west and like they did in europe and like they did to saddam hussein  
[Edited 3/16/2012 8:56:04 AM ]
3/16/2012 9:57:04 AM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
His choice, Pakistan as a camel driver or Kenya driving a team of water buffalo. Holder goes with him as water boy.
Heck, I'm generous. Since he is a commie marxtard, Che is his pal. How about Cuba working sugar cane with a dull machete.
3/16/2012 1:00:56 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
He should be tried,convicted and sent to prison for the rest of his life,or deported.I belive he will run as soon as he leaves the presidnecy because the heat will be on the congress to investigate him.
Semper Fi !!!
3/16/2012 1:37:16 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Overgaard, AZ
68, joined Oct. 2007
online now!
Don't send him to prison,we'll still have to support his ass.
Take all assets and deport him to some country that might take him. On second thought he knows too much about our military to deport him. Guess there's only one option left.
3/16/2012 2:01:26 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |
Stockbridge, GA
27, joined Mar. 2011
He should be forced to work for a republican president. All his money should be taken from him and given to the "moochers." Thats what he wants anyway lol His daughters should be sent to the poorest and most dangerous school in Chicago. His wife should be forced to eat twinkies all day every day lmao
3/16/2012 3:04:54 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
He should be forced to work for a republican president. All his money should be taken from him and given to the "moochers." Thats what he wants anyway lol His daughters should be sent to the poorest and most dangerous school in Chicago. His wife should be forced to eat twinkies all day every  day lmao
Now thats funny!Though I wouldn't want him working anywhere in the government because it would give him an avenue to continue his insane liberal ways.I agree with taking all his money away and giving it to the moochers or mabe the ones that voted for him thinking he was going to pull out his wallet and hand them cash.I can't belive anyone being that shallow .his daughters should be sent to a christian school somewhere in the deep south,= morals and christianty might be a new concept for them. michelle o,you are right she should be made to eat everything she wants to take away form everyone else.
sixty9plus1,Welcome to the group.Enjoy the ride.The future of this country is in your hands
Semper Fi !!!
3/16/2012 9:21:31 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Denver, CO
50, joined Jun. 2008
I am encouraged by what you guys are saying.
If I posted this in the current events politics forum, I don't think anyone would have the courage to say they agree with me.
3/16/2012 10:28:38 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Trenton, NJ
59, joined May. 2008
Should be tried, convicted and sent packing to Kenya with all his Hollyweird hypocrites.
3/16/2012 11:49:15 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Summerville, SC
51, joined Dec. 2010
Obama's actions are wholly illegal and, as such, treasonous. Treason does carry the death penalty, particularly during a time of war. If he wanted to avoid the death penalty, all he has to do is claim he is not an American citizen, therefore, he cannot be guilty of treason. BUT that would put him in the position to be found guilty of sedition and fraud. Hmmmmmm...golly...he put himself in the hot seat, didn't he? Of course, the powers that could bring about these charges won't, which is completely baffling.
I'm fed up with the race issue. I see we have a lovely lady joining us and from what I can tell, she is black. I have no problem with that. I, too, extend a welcoming hand to this true American. And I am fairly certain she does not claim racism. And we do not accuse her of it. It really is not difficult to look at a fellow American, whether the skin be white, black, pink, yellow, chartreuse or paisley, and see an American-nothing more and absolutely nothing less! It is pathetic Obama, Holder and others (his supporters) cannot see with unclouded eyes. Some 'uniter' he turned out to be, huh?
Another outspoken black man has my utmost respect and support: Alan West. I heard him say this land of opportunity was not opportunity for success but opportunity to achieve. He is a good man, a true patriotic American, and a much MUCH better role model for anyone looking to grasp the brass ring. He did it. As did Thomas Sowell and he did it WITHOUT affirmative action. Clarence Thomas has proven himself a worthy supreme court justice. Yet, these black men are vilified. Can any liberal justify their actions against these good American men???? I have seen NO justification.
Folks, the America you were brought up to believe in, to be loyal to, to be proud of doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for many decades now. If you haven't already seen this, shawnee posted a very alarming post in the thread concerning voter id. This post exposes this admin and all of liberalism/socialism as nothing more than a tool for the marxist/communist built and led United Nations to undermine liberty, freedom, values and sovereignty of the United States. You need to read it!
3/17/2012 12:21:10 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Denver, CO
50, joined Jun. 2008
I am also wondering why the Republicans have their testicles in a lock box and sit with their thumbs up their posteriors.
It's not time for a third party but it's time for a new party. The new Republican party, filled with tea Partiers. Banish the elites and NEVER let them back in again.
Obamadolph is directly responsible for murdering babies, destroying the economy, dumping his excrement on the Constitution, inciting Muslims to murder our troops, and governing against the will of the American people. 
3/17/2012 6:38:40 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Aurora, CO
64, joined Oct. 2008
He should be forced to work for a republican president. All his money should be taken from him and given to the "moochers." Thats what he wants anyway lol His daughters should be sent to the poorest and most dangerous school in Chicago. His wife should be forced to eat twinkies all day every  day lmao

i support cap and trade!
CAP our spending
and TRADE obama!!!
3/18/2012 9:20:20 AM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Drumright, OK
46, joined Apr. 2011
i support cap and trade!
CAP our spending
and TRADE obama!!!
Thats funny as hell I think I'll use it.
3/18/2012 10:45:46 AM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Creighton, NE
66, joined Feb. 2007
Given a trial for High crimes & treason followed buy a swift public hanging coverd by MSNBC.
3/18/2012 4:43:00 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |

Denver, CO
50, joined Jun. 2008
Given a trial for High crimes & treason followed buy a swift public hanging coverd by MSNBC.

3/18/2012 11:04:38 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
Send him back to his homeland in Nigeria and bar him from ever entering the US again or leaving Nigeria. Course, he'll still have his pension to support himself.
3/22/2012 8:11:20 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Sioux Falls, SD
55, joined Dec. 2007
Given a trial for High crimes & treason followed buy a swift public hanging coverd by MSNBC.
I suppose that would do.
Something involving him being buggered by a camel came to mind though.
3/23/2012 1:25:18 PM |
Barack Obama's punishment |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
I suppose that would do.
Something involving him being buggered by a camel came to mind though.
Hey Tim,where have ya been?
I like the camel idea.I wonder if we could trun that into a sporting event and include soros,holder,piglosi,reid and a few choice others.
Semper Fi !!!