5/5/2008 2:11:50 AM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Grafton, WV
age: 45
When dealing with getting to know some one by starting of as friends First, this guy would be interested in knowing, at what point can will, if he is seeking a serious relationship, he know if there is even going to be a start of a seriouse relationship? The only marker every man is aware of is the First serious kiss, but at what point does the first kiss happens, if your starting out as friends?
The reason I asked this quesion is that if you start as freinds with no exceptations of a chance at something more meaningful, arn't you going to be playing a game of only one person is holding the rule book? f there are rules, are they going to be shared? Or do we do as we normally do, wait standing in the dark?
I've never had a woman that was a friend turn into something serious. I have 17 female friends and we have been friends for more that 9 years. How does this work?
When is the first kiss in a "friendshipFirst" relationship? 
And girls, women and ladies, I'm not trying to be silly or funny here, I'm serious. I really want to know.Because I haven't a clue.
5/5/2008 6:40:07 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Clarksburg, WV
age: 42
That is an excellent question. I could never tell that a man was interested in me until he finally, after awhile would say "Can I have a Kiss"
5/5/2008 7:33:18 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Parkersburg, WV
age: 51
i am not sure if there are rules...i think it just happens...although when one a first date and the guy is pushy about it...it is a turn off...
5/5/2008 8:24:21 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

French Creek, WV
age: 43
I think if you are out on a date with someone and you spend sometime with person, you will get a feeling if you are attracted to this person and then you will know if it's going to be something that you just can't stop thinking about. i think the other person is going to pick up on this too. And then it will just happen.
5/6/2008 4:07:40 AM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Grafton, WV
age: 45
Ladies, I see that you follow your heart and not a set of silly rules, thanks for responding, it is really nice to see 3 non-game players, But I what about those women who are doing the "Let's be friends first" game?
5/6/2008 5:21:43 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Clarksburg, WV
age: 42
Why would it have to be a game if its Friends first? Some friends realize after awhile that this could be their true love and then things could change. Just because your friends doesnt mean you can't fall in love.
5/7/2008 5:09:30 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Grafton, WV
age: 45
I agree with that, but what if while your being friends, one falls and the other dosn't? How does that work? Continued explaination on blog Communication Wants/Feeling.
5/8/2008 8:21:57 AM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Kermit, WV
age: 42
Rules???..............I wasn't aware of any, the best kisses are spontanious....and evidentally you agreed to meet your lady and started chatting with your lady because you were attracted to her, right?...do people really meet for friendship first?....I think every man and woman meet for a possible "relationship". If the chemistry is there you know it, if you are the only one feeling more then friendship you will never know until you talk to your "friend" let her know how you feel, honesty is the best policy, then again just kiss her Darlin', if it is a returned the you may be entering a wonderful relationship if it isn't, and they no longer wish to be friends life to short Darlin' to play the guessing game,thats just my input, I don't know if it will help you any........LOL........but thought I would share..................Ann
5/8/2008 8:50:28 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

French Creek, WV
age: 43
My mother told me that my father was her best friend and her partner and lover. They were married for over forty years. You have to like someone before you can love them. You start out liking someone and then it grows into love. You don't normally meet someone and have coffee per say, and in the middle of the conversation think, I really love this person do you? You usually start out with this person is nice, I really like him/her. I don't know, that's just the way i look at it. Don't be afraid to say we're friends first cause you never know where that friendship is going to lead, friend.
5/12/2008 6:51:34 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Charleston, WV
age: 49
I would not play by any rules ... except you both are gonna know when the first kiss is for real. Who said that one person in the relationship has to hold "the rule book"? That is when I would be saying "c'ya"! 
5/16/2008 9:23:45 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Weston, WV
age: 38
here is a thought if you have a female friend and you are developing feelings for her then -TELL HER!! sorry but it is a no brainer . she will either tell you she is also or things will get akward for a moment while she tells you she doesn't feel the same - either way you know where you stand. Hopefully the friendship will remain intact.
5/18/2008 7:06:01 AM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Grafton, WV
age: 45
Ok, So far the ladies say that there are no rules, some say they won't follow any rules, but, you still went a head and started setting the rules up, before you even meet anyone! Now ladies, how are there no rules? You already started making rules with;
Rule #1: "Let's start as friends",
Now you've got this poor ole, un-educated, back-water, country-fied, hillbilly-hick, all confused! If that's not a rule, what is it?
And if some of you ladies arn't gonna follow any rules, then why did you write this one?
5/18/2008 8:03:06 AM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Fairmont, WV
age: 50
I personally believe that women put the "friends first" clause in their profiles so they can have the control in the relationship from the start.
5/18/2008 2:02:05 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Clarksburg, WV
age: 52
I've been reading in this group for a while.. and staying silent... however..lol.
come on housepainter. How is putting "friends first" any more controlling than what you state in yours?,, I don't get it. Fact is we have to put SOMETHING!
What is a friend exactly?
my trusty, never dusty dictionary says:
one attached to another by affection or esteem, a favored companion
Kind of defines two people who are in a relationship doesn't it? 
Arguing over apples and oranges when everyone, if they're on here really desires fruit salad is a little silly..
only my opinion of course..
5/18/2008 6:57:49 PM |
When Is The First Kiss?..The First Real Kiss?..And so on? |

Fairmont, WV
age: 50
Mis, I'm not trying to be smartalec here, but how is my requests the same as starting out as "friends"? Would you please explain that to me?