age: 65 online now!
I'm just wondering if other 60+ singles have trouble finding companions
I realize that living in Australia limits my chances,but i have the feeling I'm not alone in this department
I'm sure there are genuine nice people out there and think it would be great if more could get together
I'm not asking this to promote myself (although meeting a partner would be nice) I am just really curious
I appreciate any comments be they positive or negative
Thank you all

age: 65
You are not alone with your problem there Kenny. I too live in australia but I dont think that it matters what country you live in. I think the one of the main things are that a lot of people have a percieved idea of who and what they are looking for and are not prepared to look at others. Could be I am wrong as it has happened before
I have no other ideas why we can't find partners but maybe someone else will come up with some.

Amarillo, TX
age: 57
kenny, I'm not quite 60 yet, but I remember a discussion my mother had when she was in her 30's with a good friend who was in her 80's. They were couching their discussion in terms that shouldn't have alerted this little pitcher with big ears, but I remembered what they said, and, of course, it made a lot of sense later.
My mother asked "Aunt" Belle how old you had to be before you lost the "want-to." Aunt Belle replied, "Honey, you never lose the want-to...you just run out of willing partners!"
Even now in my 50's, I'm finding that if guys are still single or single again, there's frequently a reason for that. I'm also finding that a lot of guys (and gals) are looking for a whipping post on whom to vent their bitterness from past relationships.
I had hoped that by the 60's, at least some would have gotten past that, but from your question, maybe not.
Happy hunting!

Belle Vernon, PA
age: 60
I do believe 60+ do have trouble finding companions. Well, I'm speaking as a woman
and from my own personal experiences. It seems a pub or bar is the given to meet people.
I don,

Belle Vernon, PA
age: 60
continued . . .
(I was feeding my one month old great nephew & he distracted me) I don't feel very
comfortable going into a bar alone. Also, 60+ men seem to want younger women. I am finding that on-line does provide me the opportunity to read the profiles. Socialization for meeting afuture companion are very limited.

age: 65 online now!
I agree with you imgenuine
I respect the net for the avenues is allows us to use (if honest)
Hey I'm a guy and don't like going into pubs and bars
Looking at your profile,It's comforting to see genuine qualities
Thank you

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 50
I'm 50 and have trouble.