5/10/2008 10:49:47 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Cottage Grove, MN
age: 19
i stopped beliving in God when i was nine... and it just got worse after that... i felt like God was taking my family away from me one by one..just killin them off like it was nothing so i really began to dislike Him....what about you....why did you stop believing?????
5/11/2008 1:57:20 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Iola, TX
age: 66
I started questioning when I was very young, I never got any answers, just a tap dance.
Then I started using logic, plus, the fact that I was never struck by lightening like my mother said I would be if I was bad! 
Would a kind god make little kids suffer with cancer?
5/11/2008 6:56:55 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Lakewood, OH
age: 40
I really never understood Christianity.
I was adopted and my parents took me to church every Sunday as a youth.
I did try and listen and make sense out of it all, but it really didn't fit into my mentality.
I'd discuss things with my father on the car ride home about the sermon that Sunday and tell him what I thought. That maybe Genesis and the big bang theory were the same thing and that perhaps the bible and evolution were not mutually exclusive but he'd say that he never really thought about it that much.
this is your religion and you don't ever bother thinking about it.
I just didn't understand the thing, seemed more like a club for people to meet and show off their new car and make golf dates with each other and nobody even bothered taking any of it seriously.
I still believed that there must be something out there, sure maybe not the Christian god but some sort of something that was yet undefined. So I looked as god as not so much a thing to know but more of something to be sought.
But the older I got the more Jaded I became.
Faith never got me anything, I would have liked to believe my life had a purpose but the older I got it became far too clear that was never going to happen or it would have already happened by now.
Then over the course of many months I began to remember events that took place long ago.
Things that happened when I was a child and a teen.
The recovery of these suppressed memories completely altered my world view and my views on this hypothetical god.
I suddenly came to the conclusion that there could be no god,
How could there be a god that would allow such horrible things to happen to people and sit by and do nothing about it?
So that there could be no god or one that couldn't do anything about anything.
And that old Christian doctrine of everybody will get what is coming to them on Judgment day just wasn't f**king good enough for me.
What about now? Why wait till then?
Either that there is no god or the Jews were right, that it is a Jewish god, a god of power and tyrannical rule and the Jews are the only ones who count.
That he just created all the rest of us for them to rape and murder at their whim,
To feast upon us like parasites and THAT is a god that I would not want to have anything to do with.
That would be a god that should be destroyed rather than worshiped.
Granted, logically the Jewish god is no more real than anyone else's god, he is just an imaginary god that allows his followers to do such horrible things to such young innocent children.
I lost my entire life and everything I ever had and would have had just because I was not born a gay devil worshiping Jew, what kind of sick f**king god would allow that?
Then I realized it was not just me, but the people in Iraq being killed right now, as I write. People all over the world having horrible things happen to them all the time.
Sure maybe it is not always the Jews fault but still, how can all these things happen and any good god just sit there and watch it happen like it was his personal entertainment?
The answer is that there can't be, that god is not real, people just made him up.
5/11/2008 7:28:29 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Cottage Grove, MN
age: 19
i agree with you 100%
5/25/2008 3:25:02 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Peterborough, ON
age: 21
i can't say 4 sure wat i believe. i took philosophy in high school & i graduated with my faith more shaken than ever. to be honest i hope there is no god because a flood might be due
so much violence and careless disregard for human life.
but we can't blame a deity for problems with our existence.
for then ud be actually acknowledging his... am i wrong? JMO
[Edited 5/25/2008 3:26:02 PM]
6/1/2008 12:56:06 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Arlington, TX
age: 42
why did you stop believing...When a god can do this to something that looks so good and her speech makes her so ugly. Must be a catholic thing, just look at the vatican.

Not to mention the proof. I find more happiness reading the writings on the wall (egyptian writing)
6/5/2008 8:48:58 AM |
why did you stop believing..... |


Saint Paul, MN
age: 24
why did you stop believing...When a god can do this to something that looks so good and her speech makes her so ugly. Must be a catholic thing, just look at the vatican.
Not to mention the proof. I find more happiness reading the writings on the wall (egyptian writing)

[Edited 6/5/2008 8:50:34 AM]
6/28/2008 6:42:15 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Missoula, MT
age: 18
i stopped believing becuz i was forced to go and in my freshman year i started questioning everything and i dont look back or regret it. it seems like so much clearer now tht i dont go... why should you be forced to do something? we all have choices to make in this world and if we were forced to make decisions only by our parents, we might as well never grow up or move out...just my opinion
6/29/2008 2:35:20 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Montrose, PA
age: 43
why??? it is a fable. a story. nothing more, nothing less. nothing there to believe.
no proof. just some conc*ckted story.
7/1/2008 7:50:30 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Hineston, LA
age: 18
I stopped believing when...well, on and off during my life. Within this last year I became more serious and questioned a lot of things. When my father died of cancer in 2005, I couldn't believe in faith, or god, or a book. What kind of "god" will take away the life of a loved one? Isn't god supposed to give life rather than take away? ...These questions filled my mind until I decided for myself what kind of person I am, as far as beliefs.
The Bible is a story in a book. It is for the blind that want something to believe in, however. I don't care for religion, but I don't mind it. As long as it's not force upon me, I am fine with it.
7/2/2008 6:34:03 AM |
why did you stop believing..... |


North Beach, MD
age: 50
I stopped believing when I was about six years old. I was brought up in the Catholic version of Christianity. When I was older I researched the religion, and found out about it's fallicies, and turned more towards eastern philosphies and living a good and clean life. I understand and respect a person's right and need for faith in their lives. I don't think I will ever understand a person losing their faith because of a personal tragedy, such as a death? The same rain falls on everyone, the good and the bad, and that is a way of life. People die in the world that is a natural fact. Do people who lose their faith because of something like this, believe that they are exempt from the natural order of things? Or, is it because their faith was never really strong in the first place?
7/4/2008 11:55:35 AM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Brightwaters, NY
age: 60
I pretty much started questioning "God" and "religion" when I was in my late teens...early twenties. But I do think that most of us stop "believing" in a "God" because we equate our physical world and our physical selves as evidence of a "God"....but what if....just what if...we are spiritual beings having a physical experience (as Wayne Dyer claims)...what if what we perceive as death is actually just another step in our evolution. If that is true then we don't lose anything ever..is it possible that we are made of spirit and are just in this physical body for the experience? (but don't ask me the point of it....beats me!) I do have trouble with suffering - human - animal - which makes me have difficulty thinking there is any reason for this insanity we call life. I love my children and often wonder why I ever brought then into this pain filled world. But sometimes... for a minute.... I think maybe it's just that my mind is not able to understand the enormity of this universe and where or if we each fit in. I'm not that smart to say for sure that there is or is not a "God" or a purpose for all of this ....and, honestly....I don't think anyone else is either!
7/9/2008 7:57:01 AM |
why did you stop believing..... |
Kernville, CA
age: 56
the whole idea of faith...accepting an idea without question can be detrimental to your well being and totally unnatural....i was born with this instinct
7/11/2008 10:24:27 PM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Gloucester, ON
age: 32
I don't understand how people can believe in any religion once they find out that it totally depends on where you are born geographically and who you are a descendant from. Once a person realizes that, they should renounce their religion.
I've seen the Passion of Christ, I've read the bible. In the movie, except for that little thing that happens to the temple, it's just a story of a guy that didn't want bad things to happen to people, preach love and forgiveness. All good things, no need for religion for that. As for the bible? It's a story book about who did what to whom, who killed who with stones and some boat that saved all the animals and humans from extinction. A story books to help get the kids asleep at night.
I don't see how there can be a god. What purpose does a god have? If there was one, why bother creating us? He gave us free will? So what, he's omnipotent and should know in advance what we are going to chose and knows where it will lead and where the end is going to be. Why bother going through the experience if you already know the outcome? Why waste thousands of years waiting for the outcome if you already know what your creation is going to do? Why create an angel like lucifer if you already know he's going to turn on you? (did I get that one right?)
Granted, I'm happy humans had religion in the past. Without it, we wouldn't be where we are today at our level of education. It was needed in the past to control masses into creating our civilization. (needed or just an easy out, it worked)
7/19/2008 10:43:53 AM |
why did you stop believing..... |

Metuchen, NJ
age: 21
I still believe that something guides our lives, but i think that it is inside us....not hanging out with people that have passed on in the clouds. i have never understood the bible, because people lie! how are we so sure that some guy didnt just see a need for a book to tell everone how to live their life and decided to make up a bunch of stories??? i have never believed in the creation theory, i dont see how people could think that is what happened when there is scientific evidence that the big bang/evolution is what created earth and all its beings??? i have a very religious aunt and she hates me because i dont believe, but in the bible i thought you were supposed to love without boundries??? it still all confuses me!