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5/13/2008 12:47:33 AM sex on the first meeting  

Fenton, MI
age: 35

Quote from skreb69:
Alright ladies here we go with the sex on the first date sinerio again. We all know we are on here trying to meet a significant other. So its really nice to meet so many virtuous women all in one place, letting us all know that we're not going to get any on that all important first date.

But lets be real, most of you have said you haven't had any in a while. Once the kissing starts, and the chemestry is there, we all know that the hands start to venture into protected areas, if the chemestry is there and its feeling right, you know that hand will be rubbing your cooch, and it will be feeling fine, then it will be in your pants rubbing your cooch, feeling even better!!!

That's when all virtue goes out the window ladies, and pure lust, and human sexual resp[onse kicks in, and we are getting laid, first date or not....

So lets be honest out here, just about everybody has done the horizontal mombo on the first date... Nothing to be ashamed of....

not ashamed its proven to have been some of the best sex ever

5/13/2008 12:47:36 AM sex on the first meeting  

Fresno, CA
age: 36

Quote from skreb69:
Alright ladies here we go with the sex on the first date sinerio again. We all know we are on here trying to meet a significant other. So its really nice to meet so many virtuous women all in one place, letting us all know that we're not going to get any on that all important first date.

But lets be real, most of you have said you haven't had any in a while. Once the kissing starts, and the chemestry is there, we all know that the hands start to venture into protected areas, if the chemestry is there and its feeling right, you know that hand will be rubbing your cooch, and it will be feeling fine, then it will be in your pants rubbing your cooch, feeling even better!!!

That's when all virtue goes out the window ladies, and pure lust, and human sexual resp[onse kicks in, and we are getting laid, first date or not....

So lets be honest out here, just about everybody has done the horizontal mombo on the first date... Nothing to be ashamed of....

not ashamed i have and i will again

[Edited 5/13/2008 12:48:04 AM]

5/13/2008 12:56:24 AM sex on the first meeting  

Waco, TX
age: 21

Wow some of you people are living under a rock. Protection isn't guaranteed.

"Ignorance is bliss"

[Edited 5/13/2008 12:56:56 AM]

5/13/2008 12:59:00 AM sex on the first meeting  

Sebastian, FL
age: 47

Sex on the first date can be very exciting. Just immagine kissing her on the neck, holding each other tight feeling the warmth of each other's body desiring the unknown and the excitment of a new discovery is second to none.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes sex on the first date is ok by me.

5/13/2008 1:03:49 AM sex on the first meeting  

Charlestown, RI
age: 36

Quote from justme86:
Wow some of you people are living under a rock. Protection isn't guaranteed.

"Ignorance is bliss"

ok Jr. Nobody said anything about riding anybody bareback on the first date. There are such things as rubbers, the cool thing about these little dandies is they fit right in your billfold, and when the time is right, and you have made your way through all resistance and theres nothing left but anticipation, she will be more than happy to roll that little runbber all the way down your c*ck to your ball sack so you can take the plunge wearing a raincoat. We're not sillly young man, we do protect our willy's...

[Edited 5/13/2008 1:04:25 AM]

5/13/2008 1:09:09 AM sex on the first meeting  

Waco, TX
age: 21

Quote from skreb69:

ok Jr. Nobody said anything about riding anybody bareback on the first date. There are such things as rubbers, the cool thing about these little dandies is they fit right in your billfold, and when the time is right, and you have made your way through all resistance and theres nothing left but anticipation, she will be more than happy to roll that little runbber all the way down your c*ck to your ball sack so you can take the plunge wearing a raincoat. We're not sillly young man, we do protect our willy's...

I just find it funny how you people think you are perfectly safe and nothing bad is ever going to happen.

5/13/2008 1:15:11 AM sex on the first meeting  

Townsend, WI
age: 56

Here are my opinions for what they are worth--all depends
We are t a age where the games should not be there. I have no expectations one way or another and sex is not my primary goal on a first date.
There are however situations in which both ave decided up front this is the purpose of their meeting and the rules are already spelled out.
Now, as I said, when a woman meets me on a first date with the potential for some sort of relationship, there is no pressure on the first date to have sex.
I have found certain situations however in which the chemistry is so right between us that we end up making mad passionate love for hours. This has not been the purpose of our first meeting, but it has happened and niether regretted it or felt dirty about it.
I have however found the second date where the sex has begun.
All in all, I do not look at women as sex objects. I look at them in most cases as intelligent human beings. I treat them with the utmost respect because I feel they are a gift from God. I care very much about their feelings`and never want to hurt them.
As a general rule, sex on the first date is probably not the best, but who can fight chemistry?
Just one man's opinion.

5/13/2008 1:16:24 AM sex on the first meeting  

Los Angeles, CA
age: 40

nuttin wrong with that, .... it's only sex

besides, how many times do you wish you did, but didn't.
once that moment is gone, you can never get it back.

5/13/2008 3:59:14 AM sex on the first meeting  

age: 24

Not that anyone asked my opinion but here it is.

Sex on the first date is good but dont make it last cos shes too easy ect...

But if your not having sex after 3 dates (on the 4th) its time to loose her and move on.

But hey do what you feel like

5/13/2008 11:06:06 AM sex on the first meeting  

Winnsboro, LA
age: 48

Quote from justme86:
Quote from skreb69:

ok Jr. Nobody said anything about riding anybody bareback on the first date. There are such things as rubbers, the cool thing about these little dandies is they fit right in your billfold, and when the time is right, and you have made your way through all resistance and theres nothing left but anticipation, she will be more than happy to roll that little runbber all the way down your c*ck to your ball sack so you can take the plunge wearing a raincoat. We're not sillly young man, we do protect our willy's...

I just find it funny how you people think you are perfectly safe and nothing bad is ever going to happen.
you can not protect yourself from herpes simplex 1 and 2. hpv and AIDS! he has been very careful when he is with someone. got that base already covered. i haven't been sexually active in a while and i ain't gonna use him for any thing. it's just a meet and greet thing. nothing major. if it happens it happens. if not, back to the old drawing board!

5/13/2008 11:08:38 AM sex on the first meeting  

Charlestown, RI
age: 36

Quote from ddv1370:
Trust me when I say don't. Most guys will not respect you after that. It's just the way it is.
Not true dude. I had sex with both of my ex's on the first date. Just because she slept with you on the first date doesn't mean she makes a habbit of it...

5/13/2008 11:10:27 AM sex on the first meeting  

Boise, ID
age: 31

Sex on the first meeting is always hot... I love a forward woman also... One that asks to see your bedroom and when you step into the bathroom and come back she is naked and waiting!!!!

5/13/2008 11:11:05 AM sex on the first meeting  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

Quote from darc1:
Quote from justme86:
STD's for everyone!

ever hear of protection if everyone used it there wouldnt be any quit f*ckin you farm animals

Condoms don't prevent all STD's.. it's not some holy shield that makes you invincible.

Being promiscuous in this day and age is still looked down upon because usually the people develop oral herpes living that kinda life style... do you ever use a condom when you kiss someone? I'd bet no.

mmmmmkay ?

5/13/2008 11:12:10 AM sex on the first meeting  

Fenton, MI
age: 35

Quote from justme86:
Wow some of you people are living under a rock. Protection isn't guaranteed.

"Ignorance is bliss"

you need to get away from that brainwashin ranch for a while

5/13/2008 11:13:08 AM sex on the first meeting  

Stratford, ON
age: 38

if it is a right feeling between the two of you then why not you are human afterall and have urges etc... and if you don't use protection then that is your own fault for catching anything...and what is wrong with a bit of fun now and again....

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