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8/18/2012 11:24:44 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Social Security Administration's Disturbing Answers On Ammo Stockpiling Simply Raise More Questions
After catching wind of the speculation surrounding its recent request to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets, the Social Security Administration (SSA) apparently concluded that it had some explaining to do and immediately launched a blog to accomplish that goal. The only problem with the agency's explanations however, are that they raise more questions than they answer.
On a new blog, “Beyond the Numbers,” set up on the SSA Inspector General's website, the SSA attempts to provide greater "transparency," "accountability" and concrete answers to the questions raised by the recent ammo request.
To put it in the SSA's own words: "[W]e thought it would be appropriate to address recent media reports regarding the organization’s purchase of ammunition for our special agents’ duty weapons.'”
The SSA claims the hollow-point bullets are needed to supply the "295 special agents who work in 66 offices across the United States," and the agency further explains that these special agents "have full law enforcement authority, including executing search warrants and making arrests” and these investigators "are similar to your State or local police officers."
And why would the SSA need 295 special agents in 66 offices across the country?
Other statements on the Beyond the Numbers blog may provide an unsettling answer: “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately.” ... “They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers,” and the blog goes on to state: “Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority..."
174,000 rounds for 66 offices comes to over 2,600 hollow-point rounds at each office or an allotment of 600 hollow-point rounds for each "special agent."
That's still a lot of ammo. It's not enough to start a war but it's certainly more than enough for an agency that sends out retirement and disability checks.
Unfortunately for the SSA, their "explanation" only serves to confirm and fuel what was only speculation a couple of days ago when the story of the ammo purchase broke.
Is the SSA anticipating a large number of incidents of unrest and violence at Social Security Offices across the country... and, if so, why?
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8/19/2012 9:01:40 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Overgaard, AZ
68, joined Oct. 2007
online now!
Thank you SSA for confirming the theory that I could encounter BAD GUYS at the Social Security Office or too and from. I now feel 100% fully justified(and safer) in packing my 357 mag when I visit an SSA office.
At least now I know if I should get into a shootout at the your office, you guys will have some backup ammo.
Hell, I'm justified packing anyplace I go.
8/19/2012 10:34:24 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
We all know the IRS has armed agents, I didn't know the SSA carries also. Hmmm. I wonder how many other government agencies have armed employees.
And some liberals would consider me a whack job for having more than a couple boxes of ammo. (Not that I give a damn about what they think, just providing a base for comparison of their hypocrisy.)
Yes, concealed carry is justified, and more relevant than ever.
8/19/2012 11:44:11 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Kentwood, LA
41, joined Aug. 2011
Not only the SSA and the IRS, but they also named the National Weather Service as one of the agencies requesting the purchase of ammo...I guess they're expecting a surge of armed tornadoes and hurricanes in the near future?!?!?
8/19/2012 11:54:16 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Not only the SSA and the IRS, but they also named the National Weather Service as one of the agencies requesting the purchase of ammo...I guess they're expecting a surge of armed tornadoes and hurricanes in the near future?!?!?
Armed meteorologists?
Are you serious?
Time for the rest of us to stock up on self defense items!
8/19/2012 12:11:16 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
I don't have a problem with any or all of the government people carring,hell I think everyone should carry.I do have a problem with we the tax payers paying for the ammo they use and I will really have a problem if all of these people should become a Jr obama police force against the rest of us.
Semper Fi !!!
8/19/2012 12:47:36 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/19/2012 12:52:43 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/19/2012 12:57:07 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Houston, TX
55, joined Nov. 2011
Not only the SSA and the IRS, but they also named the National Weather Service as one of the agencies requesting the purchase of ammo...I guess they're expecting a surge of armed tornadoes and hurricanes in the near future?!?!?
Strange that a WEATHER service would need bullets...reminds me of something...HUM
Check this out...anyone's thoughts on this?
William Charles "Bill" Ayers (born December 26, 1944)[1] is an American elementary education theorist and a former leader in the movement that opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960s activism as well as his current work in education reform, curriculum, and instruction. In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group[2] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
He is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.[3] During the 2008 US presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with then-candidate Barack Obama. He is married to Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather organization.
8/19/2012 12:57:50 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Since ALL of the US ammo manufacturers support the NRA, I wonder if the government is buying Remington, Winchester, Hornady or Federal or if they are buying the cheap Chinese shit?
8/19/2012 1:25:22 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Houston, TX
55, joined Nov. 2011

8/19/2012 2:15:43 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/19/2012 9:09:08 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/20/2012 7:47:19 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
I found this article and the links contained herein, very informative & thought provoking. Thought it worth sharing.
The big media lie about the US government's purchases of over one billion rounds of anti-personnel ammunition
Saturday, August 18, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036847_ammo_purchases_government_stockpiling_media_lies.html#ixzz245duBrgi
(NaturalNews) The alternative media scored a huge victory last week with the joint coverage of the U.S. government's purchase of over one billion rounds of anti-personnel "hollow point" ammunition. The ammunition is to be use domestically, not by the military.
The story broke on sites like www.DrudgeReport.com www.InfoWars.com and www.NaturalNews.com - all top sites run by independent, intelligent journalists who dare to report the truth rather than the corporatized fictions spewed by the mainstream media. Breaking the story, InfoWars.com uncovered documents revealing huge purchases of hollow-point ammunition, which is illegal to use in war because it violates the Geneva convention. Those purchases include:
• 750 million rounds of ammo purchased by the Department of Homeland Security (http://www.infowars.com/dhs-to-purchase-another-750-million-rounds-of...)
• 174,000 rounds of ammo purchased by the Social Security Administration (http://www.infowars.com/social-security-administration-to-purchase-17...)
NaturalNews covered this earlier in the week in an article entitled "The U.S. government's coming war with the American people: Insane quantities of govt. ammo purchases point to only one purpose"
We had also covered the DHS's previous purchase of 450 million rounds of hollow-point ammo in an article published in April of 2012:
Lamestream media tries to downplay ammunition stockpiling by domestic government agencies
Thanks to InfoWars, Drudge, NaturalNews and other alternative news websites, word about these ammo purchases -- which total over 1.4 billion rounds of ammo when you add up all the contracts -- has begun to spread so far and wide that the mainstream media was forced to try to destroy the story.
So now, in a desperate effort to try to diffuse this story -- which is really a story about the U.S. government stockpiling ammo to be used against the American people -- the media is focusing on the Social Security Administration ammo purchase of 174,000 rounds... a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the 1.4 billion rounds of ammo so far acquired by the Department of Homeland Security.
The SSA, it turns out, explains away the 174,000 rounds of ammo it purchased by saying, essentially, "We needed the ammo."
The SSA has hundreds of armed agents running around the country with guns, didn't you know? As the SSA itself states, "These investigators have full law enforcement authority, including executing search warrants and making arrests. They use traditional investigative techniques, and they are armed when on official duty." (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/social-security-administration-explai...)
Okay, so wait a second. First of all, since when did the social security administration need hundreds of armed agents with .357 rounds of hollow point ammo running around the country? What exactly are they doing with these guns? Shouldn't they technically be calling local sheriffs if they need assistance from peace officers? I'm pretty sure that when Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law in 1935, it didn't say anything about the SSA having "hundreds of armed social security agents running around the country with hollow point ammunition." Somehow, the SSA granted themselves this power and just ran with it.
But the bigger fact is what they're not telling you: 174,000 rounds of ammo is almost nothing compared to the 1.4 billion rounds of ammo being purchased by the DHS. And to my knowledge, nobody has explained why the DHS needs 1.4 billion rounds of ammo.
8/20/2012 7:48:42 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
Look at it this way: If the "B" shown below represents 174,000 rounds of ammo:
(This is how much ammo the Social Security Administration is buying.)
... then the following list of B's represents 1.4 billion, which is what DHS is buying:
That's what 1.4 billion bullets looks like. In case you haven't yet done the math, that's enough bullets for the government to shoot every single American more than four times.
But the mainstream media only wants you to focus on the single "B" -- the 174,000 rounds of ammo purchased by the SSA. You're supposed to ignore the other 8,000 "B's" representing the bullets being purchased by the DHS.
This is called media sleight of hand, and it's a mind game being played by the mainstream media, including Fox News which is playing right along with the SSA's attempted dismissal of all this:
In contrast to Fox News and its dumbed-down coverage, a far more intelligent article on the matter appeared in the Daily Caller, written by Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.):
8/20/2012 7:49:25 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
What is the purpose of all this ammunition?
The federal government, when asked about the ammo, essentially says, "We need it!"
And why do they need it? For their own "safety," of course. "[Armed SSA personnel] also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers," explains the SSA. So the government, in other words, needs ammo for its safety.
So why are American citizens who "stockpile" ammo for the exact same reason considered "radical" or "extreme" or even "terrorists?"
When the government buys ammo for the safety of its workers, that's a good thing, you see. But when YOU buy ammo for the safety of your own family, that's a BAD thing, we're told. Citizens don't need ammo. Only the government needs ammo. That's the big media lie you're being told right now.
This idea of the government having a monopoly of force is, by the way, the principle arms control argument of Adolf Hitler, who penned his famous "Nazi Weapons Law of 1938" which was copied virtually word-for-word into the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968.
Just as in Nazi Germany, the modern U.S. government believes only the government needs ammo, not the citizens!
Self defense is a "Divine Right"
I've just released a new two-part documentary called "The Divine Right of Self Defense."
It shows how weapons -- including the right to hurl projectiles at predators -- are found throughout the natural world in plants, mammals, insects and birds. This right is common across the natural world because it is a "divine right."
Watch "The Divine Right of Self Defense" at:
and watch part two -- "Gun Control is Genocide" -- at:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036847_ammo_purchases_government_stockpiling_media_lies.html#ixzz245fS0Vdy
[Edited 8/20/2012 7:50:16 AM ]
8/20/2012 12:52:20 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Souderton, PA
56, joined Apr. 2009
Thanks Cowgirl. This is once again turning into a valuable exchange of information. So again, I have questions.
1.) Like all of us have asked, why DO these non-law enforcement/military agencies require guns and ammo?
2.) Why such lethal hollow point type of ammo on top of it all? Too dangerous for war, but OK to use on our own taxpaying, law-abiding citizens. They wish to inflict serious damage, not protection! Somethings not right here!
3.) Then the question they should be asking themselves, "...is there some reason that these agencies should feel threatened by the very people they represent"? Maybe they're doing something to antagonize and enrage the honest public they represent!
4.) If there's a threat to their doing their jobs, why? ...and who created that danger?
5.) Is it the Peoples fault if these agencies have created their own risky environment.
6.) If these 'helpful' government agencies are calling on us, should we take physical precautions to protecting ourselves from them?
7.) Do these agencies work FOR us or AGAINST us?
8.) Are there many Federal Agencies that don't require weapons today?
9.) Let's get down to our local level. Schools??? What is this Country turning into?
10.) It looks like they have made our point for us. The police can not protect us or them, so all of us must be left to our own precautions to protect ourselves! I've said it many times. The police cannot protect us, they only respond after the fact! They do the paperwork and investigation after the crimes have been reported. It's too late then! This is not the issue at hand for these latest questionable actions.
11.) When the common law-abiding citizen resorts to protecting themselves from government, what's that say about our government?
12.) Have we noticed that personal gun sales have spiked during the last couple years? Mostly in response to government actions and legislation, not crime.
13.) Does any of this news make us sound like a civilized Country, or a third rate primitive one?
I could go on, but I think my point is obvious. THEY are afraid of us! There's a reason for that. They've created their own insecurities and threats to themselves. Not a good situation for us or them! Now that both sides are stocking up, which side is going to fire the first round, and who's outnumbered? If I was a government employee, and my job required a weapon, I'd be re-thinking what I signed up for. As a citizen there's no question of why we need protection. Crime is not on our "A" list!
8/20/2012 5:17:01 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/20/2012 5:21:04 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
Imagine if this was you being shot by a Cop or Military Person.....THINK FOLKS, THINK!
8/20/2012 7:04:01 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Pretty good video, just one minor correction. The "pedals" on an expanded hollow point are NOT designed to break off the main body of the bullet. Although that sometimes happens, the objective is for the bullet to retain as much of its original mass as possible under the widest range of situations.
One other point, and this was not mentioned, a hollow point is much less likely to over penetrate. A full metal jacket bullet is much more likely to pass through the body of the bad guy and continue on to possibly endanger an innocent bystander.
Generally speaking, FMJ's are less expensive than hollow points. Practice with the FMJ's, and after your practice session, keep your defensive weapon loaded with the hollow points.
The more law abiding citizens carry, the less likely we will be reading about mass shootings.
8/21/2012 9:45:29 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/21/2012 10:13:49 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |
Collingswood, NJ
69, joined May. 2012
8/21/2012 10:27:10 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |

Coshocton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2008
According to this, it won't be just the Military coming after us!
Pentagon Developing Autonomous Humanoid Robots To “Perform Evacuation Operations”
The Department of Defense has awarded a lucrative contract to an engineering and robotics design company to develop and build humanoid robots that can act intelligently without supervision.
Boston Dynamics Inc. has been contracted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the agency responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military, in a deal worth $10.9 million.
The DoD announced Tuesday that “The robotic platforms will be humanoid, consisting of two legs, a torso, two arms with hands, a sensor head and on board computing.”
DARPA’s website says that the robots will help “conduct humanitarian, disaster relief and related operations.”
“The plan identifies requirements to extend aid to victims of natural or man-made disasters and conduct evacuation operations.” reads the brief, first released in April as part of DARPA’s ‘Robotics Challenge’.
The robots will operate with “supervised autonomy”, according to DARPA, and will be able to act intelligently by themselves, making their own decisions if and when direct supervision is not possible.
The Pentagon also envisions that the robots will be able to use basic and diverse “tools”.
“The primary technical goal of the DRC is to develop ground robots capable of executing complex tasks in dangerous, degraded, human-engineered environments. Competitors in the DRC are expected to focus on robots that can use standard tools and equipment commonly available in human environments, ranging from hand tools to vehicles, with an emphasis on adaptability to tools with diverse specifications.” reads the original brief.
The robots are set to be completed by Aug. 9, 2014, according to the contract.
Boston Dynamics has enjoyed a long working relationship with DARPA, during which time it has developed the rather frightening BigDog. This hydraulic quadruped robot can carry up to 340lb load, meaning it can be effectively weaponised, and recovers its balance even after sliding on ice and snow:
The company has also developed the CHEETAH- Fastest Legged Robot, a four-footed robot that gallops at 18 mph.
The company also developed RiSE, a robot that climbs vertical terrain such as walls, trees and fences, using feet with micro-claws to climb on textured surfaces.
In addition to a host of other smaller robots, Boston Dynamics is also developing PETMAN, a robot that simulates human physiology and balances itself as it walks, squats and does calisthenics:
While the Pentagon says the robots are for “humanitarian” missions, one cannot avoid thinking of the propensity to adapt this kind of military style technology for other more aggressive purposes.
Indeed, the Pentagon has, in the past, issued a request to contractors to develop teams of robots that can search for, detect and track “non-cooperative” humans in “pursuit/evasion scenarios”.
Issued in 2008, the request, called for a “Multi-Robot Pursuit System” to be operated by one person.
The proposal described the need to
“…develop a software/hardware suit that would enable a multi-robot team, together with a human operator, to search for and detect a non-cooperative human subject.
The main research task will involve determining the movements of the robot team through the environment to maximize the opportunity to find the subject, while minimizing the chances of missing the subject. If the operator is an active member of the search team, the software should minimize the chance that the operator may encounter the subject.”
It is seemingly important to the Pentagon that the operator should not have to come into contact with the person being chased down by the machines.
The description continues:
“The software should maintain awareness of line-of-sight, as well as communication and sensor limits. It will be necessary to determine an appropriate sensor suite that can reliably detect human presence and is suitable for implementation on small robotic platforms.”
Paul Marks at The New Scientist pointed out such proposals are somewhat concerning, because they inevitably will be adapted for domestic purposes such as crowd control.
“…how long before we see packs of droids hunting down pesky demonstrators with paralysing weapons? Or could the packs even be lethally armed?” Marks asks.
Marks interviewed Steve Wright, an expert on police and military technologies, from Leeds Metropolitan University, who commented:
“The giveaway here is the phrase ‘a non-cooperative human subject’.
What we have here are the beginnings of something designed to enable robots to hunt down humans like a pack of dogs. Once the software is perfected we can reasonably anticipate that they will become autonomous and become armed.
We can also expect such systems to be equipped with human detection and tracking devices including sensors which detect human breath and the radio waves associated with a human heart beat. These are technologies already developed.”
Indeed, noted as PHASE III on the Pentagon proposal was the desire to have the robots developed to “intelligently and autonomously search”.
Top robotics expert, Noel Sharkey, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the University of Sheffield, has previously warned that the world may be sleepwalking into a potentially lethal technocracy and has called for safeguards on such technology to be put into place.
In 2008, Professor Sharkey told listeners of the Alex Jones show:
“If you have an autonomous robot then it’s going to make decisions who to kill, when to kill and where to kill them. The scary thing is that the reason this has to happen is because of mission complexity and also so that when there’s a problem with communications you can send a robot in with no communication and it will decide who to kill, and that is really worrying to me.”
The professor also warned that such autonomous weapons could easily be used in the future by law enforcement officials in cites, pointing out that South Korean authorities are already planning to have a fully armed autonomous robot police force in their cities.
8/21/2012 10:56:53 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
8/21/2012 6:29:50 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Maby all of them Si-Fi movies aren't so far off the mark.This might be the begainning of the end for the human race,taken over and killed off by a bunch of government robots.
Anyone know where I can buy a 20mm cannon?
Semper Fi !!!
8/28/2012 8:54:14 AM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
August 20, 2012
NRA-ILA not worried about federal LE agencies’ ammo buys
You may recently have seen some in the Internet rumor mill feverishly stirring up fear about recent acquisitions of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security and a number of smaller agencies. The mildest writers have questioned why seemingly mundane agencies would need ammunition at all; more incendiary authors suggest that these government agencies are preparing for a war with the American people, NRA-ILA comments. The NRA-ILA article continues:
Much of the concern stems from a lack of understanding of the law enforcement functions carried about by officers in small federal agencies. These agents have the power to make arrests and execute warrants, just like their better-known counterparts at agencies like the FBI.
For instance, the Social Security Administration solicited offers for 174,000 rounds of pistol ammunition. But the agency has 295 special agents who combat Social Security fraud that costs tax payers billions each year, so the order works out to roughly 590 rounds of ammunition per agent for training, mandatory quarterly qualification shooting and duty use. More than a few NRA members would use that much ammunition in a weekend shooting class or plinking session.
Another recent rumor questioned a request for 46,000 rounds of.40-caliber ammo by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA inadvertently fueled that speculation through a clerical error that suggested the ammunition was destined for the National Weather Service. NOAA later clarified that the ammunition was actually for the little known Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement, which enforces laws against illegal fishing and marine life importation. The ammunition is for 63 personnel, amounting to about 730 rounds per officer.
The most widespread of the recent rumors involves a Department of Homeland Security contract for a maximum of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber jacketed hollow-points, to be supplied over the next five years.
After receiving numerous questions from his constituents regarding the contract, pro-Second Amendment U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and his staff set out in search of the truth. In a press release, Rep. Westmoreland's office explains:
If you take the number of agencies that will be using this ammunition – CBP, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ICE, the U.S. Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration, the DHS police force, and all the guards that protect the various buildings these agencies are housed in, and spread that out over 5 years, you start to see that 450 million rounds really isn't that large of an order. Especially considering it is used for training purposes like firing range and live fire exercises, on-the-job use (though that is very limited), and to shore up their supplies. In fact, there are 65,000 – 70,000 law enforcement personnel at DHS who would be covered under this … ammunition contract. If DHS were to purchase all 450 million rounds over 5 years, then that would equate to only about 1,384 rounds of ammo per year per law enforcement [officer] … assuming the lower estimate of only 65,000 law enforcement personnel at DHS. Considering those agents go through training exercises several times per year, that is not a lot of ammunition.
Perhaps most strangely, some have cited the purchase of hollow-point ammunition as evidence of the federal government's evil motives. Hollow-points are the defensive ammunition of choice for federal, state and local law enforcement officers across the country, just as they are for private citizens. These attacks are eerily similar to statements made by gun prohibitionists, who spent the much of the '70s, '80s and '90s complaining about "dum dum" bullets. (In fact, the Violence Policy Center's website still exhibits a publication lamenting that federal ammunition law "has no effect on today's generation of high-tech hollow-point ammunition.") The attacks also ignore the fact that federal agents, unlike average taxpayers on more limited budgets, normally train and qualify with their duty ammunition.
8/28/2012 4:07:54 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Prescott, AZ
37, joined Mar. 2009
They have been armed so they can force us at gunpoint to accept Obamacare and the government take over of our lives.
8/28/2012 8:41:33 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
They have been armed so they can force us at gunpoint to accept Obamacare and the government take over of our lives.
They have to be armed so we won't feel so bad about blowing them away when they try to force us at gunpoint to accept obamacare.
Semper Fi !!!
8/29/2012 7:17:14 PM |
Social Security Administration buying bullets! |


Edmonton, KY
60, joined Apr. 2010
They have to be armed so we won't feel so bad about blowing them away when they try to force us at gunpoint to accept obamacare.
Semper Fi !!!
Think positive. ozipnut loses. witch doctor care is repealed with everything else he did.