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Single Women in France - lilykamara Personals

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Single Women France, Light Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
 Location: France
 Age: 30, Taurus
 Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Light Brown, Brown
 Body Type: Average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Christian/LDS
 Politics: Liberal
 Education: Associate's Degree
 Income: $50,000 - $75,000
 Job: Full-Time Student
 Drink: Drink Occasionally
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: No
 Want Kids: Didn't Say

I have realized that the more I do and the more things I accomplish - the better these experiances would have been if they could have been shared with someone special. So towards that goal - - - I And for love of the wonders, the wildlife and amazing beauty - Colorado has captured me. This is my home state now. I like classic rock & even a decent amount of country music. I like to dance, sometimes even dance around the house when there's a good tune on the stereo. Also plan to learn more specific dances. I enjoy many different outdoor activities. Holding on to someone while snowmobiling. Learning to fly fish. Swimming or soaking in the area hot springs. Also, I would like to become a better skier. I really would enjoy getting out to do this sport more often. There is so much of this state to be explored - and I love to go for drives - car, truck, 4wd. See the beauty together on horse back, a raft, or from a balloon. Mountain picnics, flying kites. When done together can be so much better

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 40 to 70 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
Turns Me On: A lot of Affection, Body Piercings, Boldness, Compassion, Confidence, Financial Stability, Good Body, Good Dancer, Good Sense of Humor, Good Sense of Style, Honesty, Intelligence, Money, Muscles, Power, Tattoos
Turns Me Off: Bad Dancer, Being too Needy, Lack of Affection, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Style, Low Intelligence, Lying, Obsession with Money, Obsession with Power
Activities I Enjoy: Didn't Say
Favorite Music: Didn't Say
Favorite Sports: Didn't Say
Favorite Foods: Didn't Say

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