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cowlitz  new! Last Online: 11/16/2007 1:47:00 PM
Single Women Lucerne, California, CA, Dark Brown Hair, Green Eyes
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 Location: Lucerne, California
 Zip Code: 95458
 Age: 54, Leo
 Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Dark Brown, Green
 Body Type: A few extra pounds
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Not Religious
 Politics: Very Liberal
 Education: Bachelor's Degree
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Other
 Drink: Drink Occasionally
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, over 18
 Want More: Didn't Say

I am a very happy person; positive thinking, glass half-full. My interests include photography, travel, books, music, nature and family. I am willing to drive a bit to meet and would like to meet someone who feels the same. I am a very spontaneous person, have been known to drive 700 miles on a whim. I am a latent flower child, not religious but have a definate spiritual side. I know we are only here for a little while and should live life to the fullest every day. I have a deep appreciation of nature and take damage to the planet very seriously. I LOVE road trips. I am very close to my family, some in California, some in Washington state. I tend to spend lots of time on I-5. I do not participate in sports but like to watch football on occasion. I like deep philosophical conversations and respect the opinion of everyone. Would like to meet a fellow who is selfless, energetic, active, interesting, impulsive, funny, confident and not needy. Are you out there???

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A man ages 47 to 57 to date
I Party: Not very often
I Like:
active, activist, boating, books, conversation, driving, education, environment, family, funny, humor, Mendecino, mountains, music, nature, photography, reading, road trips, San Francisco, smart, travel, woods

Personals I've viewed:
hardlyused94044, sheetkicker, marinfrench, tanblkman, scottbiz07, tufflion, gitarman

Singles/People who have viewed me:
gentlewarrior, latinogringo, danguitarman, vrl254, robertpilgrim, steiglrh, vi_pirate

More Pictures
With my daughter.