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Obama vs. Drama
by cassanova at 9/25/2012 3:09:46 PM

You should realize that everything we do affects the outcome of this years election. If we vote, we are helping to turn the country in the right direction and to keep moving FORWARD, however, for those who are naive and making no sense because they have this simple understanding that their vote wont count, that is bullshyt. Every vote counts. I use to feel and think the same way because I was one of those naive, simple-minded minorities that believed that they put anyone in office of their chooosing. But, last election when Obama got into office, that changed my perception about the entire process and now I am happy that I did vote back in 2008. When they say, "We Have A Voice", they are telling you the turth. In my eyeballs, 'Romney' being put in office, is 'Wrongly' being put in office. Obama has done more in a one year term (4 years) than Bush and his dumb a** self has done in two terms (8 years). Bush brought this country down to a point where we were vulnerable for attack on some many levels and in so many aspects. And he left placed our defense, warriors, and protection from the enemy overseas in harms way, leaving all of us in harm's way while they were over there being slaughtered. Im talking about our military. And now, our militia is skinny and needs to put on more weight. That is my way of saying that even with the military standing ground, they have vacancies all over and plenty of holes that need to be patched up, thanks to Bush and his selfish decisions. Let this be a WARNING and Your final PREMONITION that if You do not get out there and vote, You, Me, and the rest of the world will be in serious trouble. It doesnt matter what minority or majority You are. Black, white, haitian, asian, creole, or any other kind of american. We will all be in trouble if Romney gets in the White House. Letting Romney get in The White House is just like putting Bush back in there. He will do more destruction to the land We all love, than the suicide bombers and terrorists who try to kill us off will do. Remember this, With Romney, "If You Aint Rich, You Aint Shit".. And that's my word, on the strength. You will regret it and You may as well kiss retirement goodbye, the middle-class, goodbye, healthcare, gone forever, and much more. Romney being in office will definitely be like putting Stripe from the gremlins in a Presidents chair. "Give him Power, and We will Devour". We need a sweet, gentle, understanding, hard-working, dedicated, faithful, strong-minded, fair-hearted, loving, compassionate, blow ya mind type of Human Being in office. And that person would be Gizmo. The ONLY Gizmo I know on this land that is best suited and equipped for the job, is the one who has brought us this far, already, 'President Obama'. "Take heed to what WE need".

'Some of us' (the rich), will benefit from Romney being in office, but 'Most of us' (the middle-class and the unfortunate), wont.

YOUR input would be greatly appreciated & others will be motivated! Remember, 'Motivation leads to Appreciation and Appreciation leads to Motivation.'

Now ask yourself this question:
Do U want Obama or constant Drama?

**And if you arent registered to vote, do so today! Because time is of the essence..


9/25/2012 3:32:29 PM

I cannot imagine any woman wanting Romney. Those that do are clueless. He is no answer. Nice blog.

9/25/2012 7:43:57 PM

I cannot believe how uneducated Americans can be!!!! Obama is nothing but a celebrity! All you democrats have left is to blame bush for everything! Okay now what??? You seriously think America stands in awe in tue ret of the worlds eyes??? Please!! You're right about OnE thing!!! Obama has done more in these 4 years than any other president has in the history of America! America is in more debt, we have Less jobs!!! Hello people wake the hell up!! You seriously would choose food stamps over jobs? Where are all the shovel ready jobs he promised??? Where are our troops you dumb ass! He promised to bring them back home and as far as I know my brother is STILL out there fighting for what??? Our liberty?? While Barrack is taking it from our hands in our faces! Obama is unconstitutional! If Obama has made America so great! Then tell me why they keep spitting on our flags and killing our people over seas??? Romney isn't against the poor!! Stop being so ignorant!! Don't you see that if he helps the rich (in other words the ones who get off their lazy asses to work for what they have) he will keep their businesses afloat! Let me translate that fo you... Jobs!!! These CEOs have the money to expand but choose not to... Instead they're forced to sell their companies or take their businesses to other countries and you know why??? Because they're being taxed up the ass!!!! Obama and all the food stamp suckin leeches expect the rich to fix theirs and the governments problems! Keep putting us in debt Obama! He'll just charge your kids, and their kids, and their kids kids.... Etc! Our founding fathers placed the constitution for a f**king reason! So that it may be unmoved! ECONOMiC freedom!!! If the government is big enough to give you everything you need it's powerful enough to take it from you! Simple! Who ever provides for you ownes you!!! What happened tothe American dream??? It's even biblical for christsake! If you work, then you eat! If you don't.... Then be prepared to do something harder yet... Starve. The funny part is that the ones who are so willing to vote for Obama are minorities... And we are the ones who will be most affected... Were the ones with the higher unemployment percentage... Im not too crazy for Romney but at least he is for the constitution and better yet he is NOT Obama.

9/25/2012 8:27:49 PM

Hi cass, You are right.

9/25/2012 9:06:52 PM

OMG...finally! A smart young person! ladyconcrete, how refreshing to see someone that has some logic behind their thinking! Romney will win, I don't doubt that but listening to the disillusioned lefties is painful. Keep spreading your message and together we will defeat the EVIL one and save America!!!

9/26/2012 2:21:58 AM

Your right - shouldn't blame past president even though previous one left him with robust economy. Even a surplus that he sqaundered along with adding close to 3 trillion from an war and ran country into deepest depression since 1920. Course I understand that

9/26/2012 2:51:12 AM

Shall we gas the pesky poor and hungry children? You rant like a Nazi. (Ladyconcrete)

9/26/2012 3:25:52 PM

Personally speaking everyone is entitled to their own opinion and no matter who is elected we are still in danger because as a whole Americans cannot agree on anything because there is no unity, we have so many people poisoning the media with people jumping on soapboxes trying to explain what is going on. I reserve the right to keep my political opinion to myself because none of you know me and your opinion of my opinion is irrelevant. Everyone needs to stick to the facts as opposed to fabricating what they think is true to make themselves look good. By the way ladyconcrete Obama is a celebrity based on the respect he has gained from people that admire him, and furthermore making broad statements about what democrats want is pretentious and asinine. If you are not a democrat don't speak on the behalf of what they think. I personally do not identify with any political party so that does not give me the right to speak on behalf of any of them, I can only speak for myself, which holds true for any human being walking this earth, the only behalf you can truly speak on is your OWN. The problem is people want to assume what all people of a specific group think and feel. No one is psychic, if you've encountered individuals that feel that way then say that but do not generalize, that is what makes you look ignorant. The point I agree with the most in post is, you have a voice, so use it but my stipulation with that comment is to use it in the right manner do not go bashing the views of others, formulate your own on FACTUAL information and proceed that way. Everyone does not need to hear what you have to say, actions speak louder than words so go out and vote or tell your story to someone who really cares as opposed to force feeding it to others.

9/27/2012 1:35:24 AM

I am not even gonna entertain Lady Concrete's ignorance. All of her name calling and all. Better yet, You claim that your brother is still overseas, but Bush is the one who put him there, and you are the dumb ass. And I like how you tried and attempted to get racial with the word "minorities" like I cant read between the lines. You talk and sound like the hypocrite you are. You are banned from this blog. Im quite sure most of my readers would feel content with my decision to block you. If you have nothing nice to say, then shut the hell up. It is entitled, "Obama vs. Drama" for a reason lame brain (Lady Concrete). You need .

9/27/2012 1:37:32 AM

Sireena, you are the EVIL that you speak of... You sound like a follower. And that is a shame. I will tell you this, however, Obama won the first time, and he damn sure will win again, this time. Im claiming that.

9/27/2012 1:42:51 AM

Thank You "SimplyComplex86".. I agree totally and I respect you for all that you have to say. You put it all in perspective for all to read and understand. I appreciate that.

9/30/2012 10:23:19 AM

The word is Republibillies. We've Got a few here. These views are classic Republibilly. They want a white President so much they don't care if they get screwed by Mitt.