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The need to stay awake
by ice_shade at 5/28/2014 12:52:19 AM
Ok... la hora es 12:29... shit ahora treiente... Doesn't matter really... I took laxatives about 2 hours ago... it take about 4 to 5 hours to start...
When she do... It seems I'm going to bm my life Away... Haha... cause la cagar es like... endlessly... if I even 'think' about leaving the loo I have a spray...
Si... my bm es like liquid... for hours...
So I take my 3DS XL DSLite X2 NDS, GBA SP, PSP - Thin model. One 3G Android, One 4G Android and one Moterolla and my Kindle Fire that has everything on it Tablet...
Sitting up all night sucks... lonely....