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Gospels to Pope12-09-14
by shylywilling at 12/11/2014 8:59:17 PM

I cannot profess much intimate knowledge of any church but I can tell you the thing about them that matters most. If they are not professing an end to capitalism and the system of, (the nexus of our division), then they are false to God, Jesus, and the holy spirit.
Ludlowlowell writes,
"Jesus was a capitalist---He and His foster father Joseph had their own carpentry business. "No one can be at the same time a sincere Catholic and a true socialist." --Pope Pius XI"
Not fooled. Why would Jesus perform a trade,(carpentry) for a false god,(coin) when he could materialize it out of a fish's mouth?
Honoring your parents in a capitalistic system requires a code of silence, because to denounce them for their behavior wouldn't be honoring them. He instead chose to not know them.
bigD.... writes,
"According to the Scriptures this is Man's Day. This is the time that God allows man to do his own will and put together a type of government/society/economy that he sees fit. This would include capitalism.
But according to prophecy in the Scriptures Man's Day will come to an end. And the next age that is talked about it the Lord's Day. During that time all of mankind's governments/societies/economies will be destroyed, and replace by a government headed by Jesus Christ Himself.
Studying the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation will reveal these facts to you.
Have you ever read the Bible?"