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Poem/ I am no ordinary man
by kdg45 at 5/23/2015 1:02:29 PM

Not every man has the chance in his lifetime to love the woman that controls his fantasies with visions of Perfection. Every man lives for that chance to find that Masterpiece that will make his dreams come to life and take him to Utopia.
I am not like those ordinary men with no hope.
I am not ordinary, because you, my sweet sweet sexy Masterpiece have come alive. You have left my dreams, my fantasies, and now dominate my life.
With every brush of your body. With every stroke of your lips. With every sensational look into your eyes of elation, you leave me begging.
You leave me pleading with you to never leave.
Because i know if you were to leave i would without a doubt return to ordinary, with ordinary dreams, and living an ordinary life.