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Married but looking
by goldstandard215 at 10/17/2010 9:35:39 AM

I say this on behalf of married people on dating sites everywhere.
To all you hyper-sensitive, super-moralistic people out there: shut the f**k up. 
Stop trying to act like our consciences. Telling us where we can and cannot go, or what we should and should not do, is a severe waste of time and energy. Time and energy that could be better spent maintaining your own relationships - but wait... You're single; otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Some of us are in the process of terminating our relationships; that is between us and the people we choose to share that information with.
Speaking of those people, they accept us for who we are and what we have to offer, and chances are that - gasp - that's all they want. I know, in this day and age it's incomprehensible that someone might simply be looking for someone they can roll around in the sack with, then send on their merry way. But guess what? There are men *AND* women out there that are just fine with that, and while they indulge their own desires, you are left wanting. And they probably find a perverse sense of amusement in that. I know I do. 
Infidelity has been around since the dawn of time. The only thing that could possibly erase that would be the introduction of plural marriage into mainstream society, but who knows if even *that* would work. 
That's enough about the people that look down on us. Now it's time to turn my attention to the people who make us look bad. 
You know the people I'm talking about. The ones that try to play single, but in reality are in some kind of relationship. You all need to grow a f**king set of balls. Only a gutless, spineless, heartless p*ssy gets somebody involved with them without a full disclosure of circumstances. 
If you think that hot little thing you picked up won't be interested because you go home to a wife and kids every night when she wants you to come home with her, guess what? Ya might as well tell her now, because chances are you're right. And if you don't, she's not gonna be any more pleased when she finds out. 
Besides, what have you got to lose by being straightforward? Tell the other person you're married, and one of only two things can happen.
One, they express that they aren't interested in what you have to offer, in which case - get ready for a shock, people - *YOU'RE RIGHT BACK WHERE YOU WERE BEFORE YOU MET THE PERSON!!!* What a concept: no gain, no loss, no risk. 
Two, they express that the *ARE* still interested in you, and guess what? That means you won! You get *whatever* it is you wanted from the other person, with no potential backlash if they find out later because they *ALREADY KNOW!* 
In short, the zealots need to shut the f**k up, and the cowards need to grow the f**k up. That is all. 