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Shut the front door.............
by kevinbarry at 4/24/2011 3:49:25 PM

I like watching various game shows on the Game Channel and there is a commercial for Oreo fudge cream cookies that is shown quite a few times a day.

In this commercial, there is a family of four - dad, mom, and two kids - older sister and younger brother:

The dad, after sampling an Oreo Fudge cream cookie says “whoa”.
Then the daughter says “right?”,
Then dad says “Get out”
Then the son says “exactly”,
Then daughter says “really”.
Then mom walks in and says “what?” and after
sampling a cookie says “Shut the front door”.
Then dad says “right!”.
and the son says “Woop Woop” and raises his two arms
and the grandfather watching tv in front room,
tries one and says “Franklin Delanoe”.

It all happens within about 12 seconds and every time I see it I crack up.

The mom’s line, “Shut the front door”, piqued my curiosity, because even though she said it cute and innocent, it reminded me of another expression that is not so nice that begins with “Shut the…..”. I did not feel that is what she was expressing in an alternative way but it still made me curious, so I went to my trusty internet and keyed in “Shut the front door”.

The Urban Dictionary, which holds no punches, has multiple references to this saying and the first eight have to do with the more vulgar interpretation in varying degrees – from quite vulgar down to mildly vulgar, but the ninth version says that it is not an alternative to the vulgar term but it is used to describe someone being shut down as in one sports team shutting down the other.

What I do not understand is that if Urban Dictionary has 9 meanings and 8 say, in no uncertain terms that it is an alternative to a very vulgar term without saying the vulgar words themselves, why would Oreo risk raising eyebrows in a commercial?

Maybe the simple answer is that Oreo is just trying to be cool with the younger crowd. Maybe some kids would say "wow, Oreo is hip - they are trying to reach out to kids". Who knows, right?

The mom is quite pretty and she says “Shut the front door!” in a very cute and charming way, but still…..

Long lead in, I know, but now its your turn.

Two questions –
1. how do you feel about the saying itself – either in the commercial or if or when you might have heard it or said it yourself to someone?
2. Do you use any sayings that might be local in nature or have you heard any interesting little sayings that you needed to have clarified by a friend or relative? Like, what did he/she mean when she said……..

My turn. When I moved to Mount Joy, several of my neighbors said this on occasion:
“That is the bomb”.

I never heard that before in my life. When I first heard it here, I was not sure what it meant, but based on the tone of who said it, I knew that it was something positive – maybe even a compliment.

I was invited for dinner and I made a cheesecake and when the couple tasted it, the wife said “This is the bomb”, so I knew she really liked it.



4/24/2011 3:56:57 PM

I have no idea what the urban dictonery gives for a mean of "I shut the door" I know how I mean it, and when I say it I mean it. when a situation, discussion or even relationship had come to my end, I do indeed close the or shut the door on it. only very seldom have I ever open the "door" again, and I can probably count the times on one hand. To me it is the end, the absolute end. one statement that always got me, and this is meant as a positive statement is "so don't I"..said many times in the Adirondacks. it means I do too.

4/24/2011 3:58:28 PM

Hey Kevin.....Shut the f**k up!

4/24/2011 4:00:53 PM

oh boy sirenna wants her cheesecake bad thats the bomb! please make her one be for she really gets going lol.

4/24/2011 4:17:04 PM

I used to watch a show in the winter on Bravo. It was about a lady that dressed all the stars in hollywood. She would say "shut the front door" all the time. I thought it was cute and I use that saying now.

4/24/2011 4:22:42 PM

I seen the one too . di

4/24/2011 4:49:13 PM

Sireena; some women will do anything for a cheesecake.... You go girl.

4/24/2011 4:58:39 PM

Here is a letter to Rachael Zoe of the Bravo show. ,br>
Hi Rachel, You're a really cool chick.

Submitted by jmac on August 27, 2010..

Hi Rachel,

You're a really cool chick. I am a 50 year old married working mom of 3 boys ages 15-23 who lives in Phoenix, Arizona. I used to get into fashion, but can't seem to find the time anymore..but when I watch your show for that hour I get to fantasize about your jet setting life, and you inspire me. I think you would be a great Mom... and Roger an awesome supportive Dad. You can have it all, just do won't be sorry! I love your new saying this year "shut the front door"..obviously instead of shut the f _ _k up!

It's obvious Brad adores working for you, and is in awe of you an his surroundings. Please don't ever become like the editor of Vogue ....Anna W. You can be a strong boss, without being a hateful, mean person who has to bring others down in order to feel better about themselves. It's obvious you were raised by wonderful parents. You rock! But...I beg of you....just once.....I would love to see you on your "reality show" just one episode without make-up or hair done, and hanging in jeans or sweats instead of your bathrobe! I know there is a natural beauty in there! .

4/24/2011 5:00:38 PM

Hi calildy; you are so correct, one of the references I found was her use of the phrase. I included a letter that someone sent to her on Bravo where they acknowledge the true meaning of the phrase.

4/24/2011 7:11:51 PM

haven't seen that commercial

4/24/2011 7:38:33 PM

The commercial comes across as totally innocent, the four word construct of "Shut the front door" is similar in construct with the vulgar "shut the .......up" and that is the rub. This innocent saying is used by some as a suitable replacement for the other phrase and some people are aware of that. Nothing exciting, just wanted some feedback. Just making conversation here.

This is not rocket science - just DH'ers talking about different stuff. Here is the commerial.

I just love the dialogue.

4/24/2011 7:40:34 PM

The above one was the extended 30 second commercial, here is the 15 second commercial I am used to seeing.

4/24/2011 9:03:12 PM

I am reminded of when , on the "Seinfeld" show...whenever Jerry, or anyone said something astounding, or even mildly surprising, Elaine, would immediately punch them and say, "SHUT UP!" I think it sort of meant " I can hardly believe what you are saying" perhaps the mom here is voicing the same thought, "Shut the door" (These cookies are astoundingly good!)

4/24/2011 11:59:22 PM

Well, I have never seen this commercial before, and I have never heard the saying, " Shot the front door," but the way the mom in this commercial emphasizes the word FRONT, I am sure she was emphasizing the word front to imply something else. Now another phrase I don't understand is " Shut Up " used as " I can hardly believe what you are saying ". LOL, This is a bomb, Shut the front door, Shut up... Soon I won't be able to understand a word I hear. However, I do want some OREO cookies, and I want them Right Now........

4/27/2011 11:30:34 AM

I grew up with a lot of PA Dutch expressions. Sounded like do not let anyone in here as these cookies are not to be shared. Think it was an innocent expression or hope so. It is was to mean something else it should be taken off. There is enough bad language without using it on commercials.

4/27/2011 6:20:42 PM

Hi mkjpol and ruby... Interesting contrast in answers, but they both make sense.

The mothers emphasis sure sounds like she was implying the more improper saying and I think the advertising company was pushing for that so Oreo's would be perceived as a COOL company.

That might have been okay except for the family setting. Companies are always pushing the envelope and this is an example of them trying to do so without raising a ton of eyebrows.

Personally, I vote thumbs down on that one phrase, but all the other phrases and how fast they were said is hilarious.