DateHookup.dating - Contact Us |
** If you are a member of DateHookup.dating, sign into the site then click 'contact us', don't use this method. Members get a more direct line to customer support, this page is for non-members. Thanks.**
Hi, there are 2 methods you can use to contact us. If you are a member of this site you will be able to send a message to customer support. If not, you can send us an email at .
If your message is important we'd recommend sending a message to customer support and not sending us mail directly, as we get a lot of spam and might miss your email.
Also, if you are looking for a phone number for DateHookup, note that we do NOT have any customer support or customer service phone numbers. If you happen to see some other website with a phone number posted for DateHookup.dating, please be aware that it is NOT a number you can reach us at. Calling it will not yield any response, we don't want you to waste your time. Thanks. |