Thread |
Starter |
Replies |
Last Post |
A New Faith Brings New Possibilities |
walt_oftheearth |
5 |
12/1/2013 9:34:37 PM
by lovinghope |
Our new heavenly Spiritual Bodies. |
redeamed1 |
29 |
12/1/2013 6:11:48 PM
by looptex1 |
Blue Laws, Religious arrests in American History. |
redeamed1 |
5 |
12/1/2013 12:25:13 PM
by a_nubian |
CNN Special Report Sunday Night |
kb2222 |
0 |
11/30/2013 7:52:32 PM
by kb2222 |
The TRUE story of Thanksgiving |
llfuzzball |
2 |
11/30/2013 5:18:13 PM
by redeamed1 |
Agape love,what is it? |
deafbi |
19 |
11/30/2013 4:14:22 PM
by prophetic774 |
Language used in Genesis 6-9 does NOT insist that the flood was global |
casheyesblond |
21 |
11/30/2013 1:29:20 PM
by casheyesblond |
The Real Nature of God |
bigd9832 |
16 |
11/30/2013 4:38:50 AM
by bigd9832 |
Movie Night! |
usillygoose |
11 |
11/29/2013 8:51:54 PM
by usillygoose |
The Study of Genesis 1-50 |
erikbenn |
44 |
11/29/2013 2:21:09 AM
by erikbenn |
Leg of Ken Ham unclean? Page: 1 2 |
mindya |
64 |
11/28/2013 8:19:45 PM
by casheyesblond |
Thanksgiving Bumber |
xzar2013 |
3 |
11/28/2013 6:37:28 PM
by xzar2013 |
THE INQUISITION: A study in Absolute Catholic Power!! |
prophetic774 |
1 |
11/28/2013 4:21:08 PM
by prophetic774 |
Iran can now get a Nuclear Bomb in 36 days!! |
prophetic774 |
4 |
11/28/2013 3:30:48 PM
by prophetic774 |
happy thanksgiving |
wayn49 |
6 |
11/28/2013 12:00:32 PM
by jerrig |
Jesus ate with the unclean |
casheyesblond |
27 |
11/28/2013 11:31:44 AM
by casheyesblond |
Fruit of the Spirit-Detailed Galatians 5 Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
sun_shine51 |
227 |
11/28/2013 9:55:59 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Faith Works by Love |
sunny8138 |
42 |
11/28/2013 9:07:30 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
The Rapture, The Tribulation And The Great Debate! - Part1/2 Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
sunny8138 |
214 |
11/28/2013 9:01:10 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Is America still a racist nation and is that really Christian? |
visitingfriends |
21 |
11/27/2013 6:23:18 PM
by louie6332 |
Sojourner Truth - heretic or prophet ? |
mark_sunnyfield |
5 |
11/27/2013 5:14:42 PM
by a_nubian |
Forgiveness,, How Important Is It?,, What does it mean? Page: 1 2 3 |
slim_pickens_2u |
169 |
11/27/2013 11:30:46 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Hebraic Root MvMnt,, Messianic J.,,,Biblical or Judaizing Bondage ? Page: 1 2 3 |
slim_pickens_2u |
146 |
11/27/2013 7:35:22 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
You Don't Love God if you don't Love Your Neighbor |
slim_pickens_2u |
12 |
11/27/2013 4:02:19 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
The New English Translation and other English versions |
wolfyhp |
12 |
11/26/2013 3:11:20 PM
by bigd9832 |
Eternal Security of the Believer |
mindya |
17 |
11/26/2013 1:52:05 PM
by ludlowlowell |
There will be 2 Comings of Jesus on the Last Day-Rev 19:7-20 |
prophetic774 |
2 |
11/25/2013 7:02:35 PM
by prophetic774 |
What is Jesus saying? |
deafbi |
53 |
11/25/2013 12:00:58 PM
by prophetic774 |
Am I an N-Magnet Page: 1 2 |
deneez |
99 |
11/25/2013 11:11:28 AM
by visitingfriends |
How do you do it? |
elfiegirl |
30 |
11/24/2013 7:07:43 PM
by allen281 |
Olam/Aion in Review |
bigd9832 |
1 |
11/24/2013 8:45:14 AM
by bigd9832 |
"Follow Me" said Jesus |
kb2222 |
1 |
11/23/2013 6:56:30 PM
by kb2222 |
What Is Old Is New Again? |
isna_la_wica |
6 |
11/23/2013 2:19:48 PM
by casheyesblond |
A Middle East without Christians? |
1956model |
2 |
11/22/2013 1:27:18 PM
by redeamed1 |
What is a Christian Witch? |
redeamed1 |
14 |
11/20/2013 11:01:07 PM
by redeamed1 |
The human body is broke, both yours and mine |
bigd9832 |
2 |
11/20/2013 10:17:37 PM
by isna_la_wica |
prayer requested |
33smiles |
4 |
11/20/2013 8:19:05 PM
by 33smiles |
Now that we have accepted Christ |
elfiegirl |
12 |
11/20/2013 9:02:51 AM
by brashdoc |
The Anti-Christ has already come! |
redeamed1 |
20 |
11/19/2013 8:43:36 PM
by redeamed1 |
Describe who GOD is for you. |
rickypoppy |
14 |
11/19/2013 7:42:04 AM
by jerrig |
I am The Righteousness of God In Christ Jesus,, I Am A Child of GOD |
slim_pickens_2u |
46 |
11/18/2013 6:29:28 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Is The Anti-Christ Path Ok to follow also? How Narrow did Jesus Mean? |
slim_pickens_2u |
5 |
11/18/2013 6:22:53 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Resist The Devil and he Will Flee From You |
sunny8138 |
40 |
11/18/2013 6:18:26 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Verbal Persecution/Abuse & the Christian |
sunny8138 |
49 |
11/18/2013 5:48:37 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |
"work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling" ,Pass blame ? |
slim_pickens_2u |
41 |
11/18/2013 4:05:16 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |
The Antichrist Has Not Yet Come |
bigd9832 |
0 |
11/18/2013 3:49:31 AM
by bigd9832 |
What is Christianity Really? |
bigd9832 |
3 |
11/17/2013 2:48:58 PM
by bigd9832 |
"The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth," said Jesus. What Is Meekness? |
walt_oftheearth |
9 |
11/16/2013 6:26:55 PM
by 1956model |
What Kind of Dad Did You Have? How Does This Affect You Now? |
walt_oftheearth |
19 |
11/16/2013 9:54:17 AM
by deneez |
Thou Shalt Not... |
hadassah169 |
35 |
11/15/2013 11:00:28 PM
by rickypoppy |
Is all scripture really supposed to be taken literal? Page: 1 2 |
visitingfriends |
79 |
11/15/2013 7:00:03 PM
by mindya |
The mark of the Google? |
wolfyhp |
12 |
11/15/2013 6:56:20 PM
by mindya |
Lead me in the Way, search me oh God! |
redeamed1 |
14 |
11/15/2013 4:28:19 PM
by redeamed1 |
So what did the heavens and earth do wrong? |
mindya |
9 |
11/15/2013 1:28:42 PM
by mindya |
Their seems to be two passovers in scripture. Why? |
visitingfriends |
17 |
11/15/2013 12:07:46 PM
by share_n_love |
News Headlines pertaining to Christianity the bible. |
redeamed1 |
1 |
11/15/2013 9:47:51 AM
by redeamed1 |
Names of GOD thread |
hadassah169 |
30 |
11/14/2013 9:53:10 PM
by hadassah169 |
Complete the sentence: If I die today, My wish is... |
rickypoppy |
13 |
11/14/2013 5:39:01 PM
by prophetic774 |
Any Lutherans |
midnighthunder |
0 |
11/14/2013 1:18:25 PM
by midnighthunder |
Reconciled to God |
redeamed1 |
0 |
11/13/2013 10:46:10 PM
by redeamed1 |
another look at the biblical sabbath |
wayn49 |
1 |
11/13/2013 5:50:38 PM
by hearthealing |
Spirit Guided Communication: Or, think about it first. |
hearthealing |
8 |
11/13/2013 11:20:48 AM
by redeamed1 |
A Private Prayer Language? |
casheyesblond |
13 |
11/12/2013 10:26:13 PM
by mindya |
The Light of Creation |
hadassah169 |
26 |
11/12/2013 6:37:33 PM
by allen281 |
All gave some, some gave all! |
visitingfriends |
14 |
11/11/2013 11:56:32 PM
by wolfyhp |
Holy Rollers for Jesus/ Rejoice |
redeamed1 |
10 |
11/11/2013 9:17:19 PM
by redeamed1 |
For Christians, how many Gods are there? |
rickypoppy |
48 |
11/11/2013 12:34:36 PM
by rickypoppy |
Some New Bible Tools |
bigd9832 |
7 |
11/10/2013 4:12:15 PM
by bigd9832 |
HOLY SPIRIT-( GOD ),, much more than our salvation experience Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
slim_pickens_2u |
367 |
11/10/2013 11:32:11 AM
by justussunny |
Jesus calls his followers to believe as He believed |
kb2222 |
0 |
11/10/2013 11:15:59 AM
by kb2222 |
The "One Another" Thread of Love. |
redeamed1 |
1 |
11/9/2013 11:58:03 PM
by redeamed1 |
Love and accepting one another! |
redeamed1 |
3 |
11/9/2013 11:17:14 PM
by redeamed1 |
Why are YOU a CHRISTian? |
hadassah169 |
37 |
11/9/2013 10:36:07 PM
by redeamed1 |
Forgiveness Really... |
hadassah169 |
23 |
11/9/2013 10:20:42 PM
by redeamed1 |
Asteroid W/ Six Tails Spotted by Hubble Telescope; Fragments Of Earth? |
walt_oftheearth |
7 |
11/9/2013 8:16:32 PM
by walt_oftheearth |
Basic Christianity 101 Page: 1 2 |
mindya |
97 |
11/9/2013 8:07:57 PM
by mindya |
"Christians only" |
feelnrhythm |
11 |
11/9/2013 4:26:45 PM
by bigd9832 |
Human government is God's baby Page: 1 2 |
casheyesblond |
100 |
11/9/2013 4:24:34 PM
by casheyesblond |
God is not mocked |
redeamed1 |
11 |
11/9/2013 12:53:21 PM
by redeamed1 |
Billy Graham's final message |
llfuzzball |
27 |
11/9/2013 12:39:05 PM
by prophetic774 |
Charles Parham and his doctrine of tongues as initial evidence Page: 1 2 3 |
casheyesblond |
173 |
11/9/2013 11:08:37 AM
by mindya |
Tongues as evidence of H.S.Baptism was started by God The Holy Spirit |
slim_pickens_2u |
10 |
11/9/2013 8:47:43 AM
by slim_pickens_2u |
Things that make you go hummmmm... |
hadassah169 |
46 |
11/8/2013 11:46:02 PM
by hadassah169 |
Interesting Christian Websites |
hadassah169 |
5 |
11/8/2013 11:43:43 PM
by hadassah169 |
Slain In The Spirit Or Thrown By A Devil |
casheyesblond |
17 |
11/8/2013 8:07:14 PM
by mindya |
The Slippery Slide to Unbelief |
walt_oftheearth |
49 |
11/8/2013 12:32:48 AM
by erikbenn |
When is something finished but really the beginning? |
visitingfriends |
2 |
11/7/2013 2:43:17 PM
by isna_la_wica |
A new game for all. |
visitingfriends |
17 |
11/7/2013 2:03:06 PM
by visitingfriends |
Human Sexuality-Who's is it |
hadassah169 |
56 |
11/7/2013 10:24:46 AM
by erikbenn |
The God Particle. Another attempt to discredit God |
erikbenn |
18 |
11/7/2013 9:46:11 AM
by erikbenn |
A Test : Walking in the Spirit. |
redeamed1 |
12 |
11/7/2013 9:27:43 AM
by redeamed1 |
The dangers of a "Closed mind." Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
visitingfriends |
181 |
11/7/2013 12:44:50 AM
by isna_la_wica |
Shex and Shingle Pershonsh |
mindya |
10 |
11/6/2013 10:23:45 PM
by isna_la_wica |
What is sin? |
hadassah169 |
24 |
11/6/2013 5:27:55 PM
by isna_la_wica |
Saturday Sabbath Page: 1 2 |
redeamed1 |
111 |
11/6/2013 4:22:39 PM
by redeamed1 |
Jesus says, "Whoever does God's Will is My MOTHER !! |
prophetic774 |
12 |
11/6/2013 4:13:23 PM
by prophetic774 |
Grace of God |
redeamed1 |
3 |
11/6/2013 3:22:33 PM
by redeamed1 |
Guns in church Page: 1 2 |
1956model |
68 |
11/6/2013 2:06:51 PM
by isna_la_wica |
Both Jesus & his Father have commanded that *ALL FOODS ARE NOW CLEAN*! |
prophetic774 |
18 |
11/6/2013 10:29:50 AM
by redeamed1 |
Rebuttal to "Christian Hate Chat" Page: 1 2 |
deneez |
73 |
11/5/2013 11:11:24 PM
by isna_la_wica |
Labor to enter his rest |
redeamed1 |
0 |
11/5/2013 10:35:45 AM
by redeamed1 |
Being The Real Deal Christian |
erikbenn |
21 |
11/4/2013 7:07:16 PM
by redeamed1 |
Just Another speaking in Tongues thread! |
redeamed1 |
14 |
11/4/2013 6:12:54 PM
by redeamed1 |
Some great Tips for anyone who wants to keep OT Sabbath Laws! |
prophetic774 |
4 |
11/4/2013 1:09:14 PM
by prophetic774 |
Say something good and positive about the person above you. |
visitingfriends |
42 |
11/4/2013 5:05:02 AM
by erikbenn |
All Saints Day |
1956model |
7 |
11/3/2013 1:24:00 PM
by isna_la_wica |
What does prophesying mean |
elfiegirl |
16 |
11/2/2013 1:51:52 PM
by louie6332 |
I'm not saying you're right, and I'm not saying your wrong... |
usillygoose |
44 |
11/1/2013 7:07:55 PM
by usillygoose |
The Father loves His Faithful Saints just as much as Jesus!! |
prophetic774 |
6 |
10/31/2013 8:23:05 PM
by deafbi |
Looking For a nice Catholic woman. |
sergeantusmc |
4 |
10/31/2013 7:14:01 PM
by 1956model |
Christian friends. |
babyangel92 |
6 |
10/30/2013 11:24:58 AM
by prophetic774 |
How are we Saved? How do we remain Saved? Does Sin Matter once Saved? |
slim_pickens_2u |
55 |
10/30/2013 12:31:58 AM
by justussunny |
What is the point |
cowgirlz21 |
11 |
10/29/2013 11:55:34 PM
by bigd9832 |
Six "Flood" Arguments Creationists Can't Answer |
casheyesblond |
37 |
10/29/2013 7:46:56 PM
by mindya |
Humanities Greatest Sin is Ironically Stupidity Page: 1 2 |
hadassah169 |
66 |
10/29/2013 11:08:02 AM
by hadassah169 |
Can't We All Just Get Along |
hadassah169 |
46 |
10/29/2013 9:27:56 AM
by redeamed1 |
Outside of the love chapter, describe love in your own words |
visitingfriends |
58 |
10/29/2013 7:15:33 AM
by visitingfriends |
Anyone abstinent? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
ddrice90 |
236 |
10/28/2013 2:52:22 PM
by bigd9832 |
God's Medicine |
slim_pickens_2u |
11 |
10/27/2013 11:41:01 PM
by slim_pickens_2u |