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New Kensington Personal Ads
 I am a
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bottledigger New Kensington PA
bottledigger photo I would describe myself as faithful down to earth and respectful of others, lover of outdoors activities, especially trout fishing.I want a lady who is faithful (more)
dhicks4607 New Kensington PA
dhicks4607 photo (no description provided)

judyjo New Kensington PA
judyjo photo Helloooooo ..Allll
abcxyz2175 New Kensington PA
abcxyz2175 photo Well, let's see. I'm a plumber - because I want to be. I know that's odd. I tried college. I went to Pitt for two years, pre-med, did fine, decided it wasn't fo (more)

mcgrawfan84 New Kensington PA
mcgrawfan84 photo Hello my name is nicole im 22 years old im 5'6 weight 125pounds have blonde hair hazel eyes im very outgoing im a single mother of 2 I ilove my kids to death th (more)
king27 New Kensington PA
king27 photo Hi I am the King and thats that I need a queen and nothing less

jcglambo New Kensington PA
jcglambo photo I am a very kind, generous and humble person. I am self-employed and I have been told that I am too nice and easy on my employees. I know this to be true, but t (more)
deedee1957 New Kensington PA
deedee1957 photo Quiet, fiercely loyal, homebody, animal lover.

muggss New Kensington PA
muggss photo (no description provided)
lindy123baby New Kensington PA
lindy123baby photo (no description provided)

lilsin5 New Kensington PA
That I should be here at this venue of my life could be considered somewhat a personal tragedy of life. I've had my heart broken and will be cautious with a ne (more)
snitballz New Kensington PA
I'd like to go out on social dates with someone who truly likes me. Things I'd like to do and places I'd like to go: local travel, local (Pennsylvania) history,

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