
Atascadero, CA
age: 36
I'm a full time college student so I don't have much time to read for pleasure during the school semester. Thus, I have made a list of things I want to read (or re-read) this summer.
1. The Diving Comedy (Dante)
2. Don Quixote (Cervantes)
3. All of the Biblical apocrypha and other non-canonical books
4. Dies the Fire (S.M. Stirling)
If I get through all of those (and I probably will quickly) I've got several other things on my shelf that I haven't read or wish to re-read. I'll probably go through my Jules Verne collection and/or my Shakespeare and/or H.G. Wells collections. I'll probably also re-read Walden (H.D. Thoreau)
Anyone else have such a list they'd like to share?
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Little Rock, AR
age: 38
I have numorous books sitting here waiting for me to read... LOL
I'm one that's horrible with starting one, then starting another, and another....
Right now, I'm in middle of Roots, Mad Dogs, and Animal Speak.
That is probably my summer reading list also... But have a list waiting, just incase... 


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
I have numorous books sitting here waiting for me to read... LOL
I'm one that's horrible with starting one, then starting another, and another....
Right now, I'm in middle of Roots, Mad Dogs, and Animal Speak.
That is probably my summer reading list also...  But have a list waiting, just incase... 
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews? If so, that's an excellent book. It's one I recommend a lot and have made good use of.

Erie, PA
age: 25
Gotta finish reading Shogun at some point... I've been reading that book in bits and pieces for almost five years.
The Wheel of Time series
Violin by Anne Rice
The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
Pillars of the World by Anne Bishop
Plus the bag of books that I got at a library sale which are sitting in the back seat of my car. 
Little Rock, AR
age: 38
Yes it's the one by Ted Andrews. It came highly recomended, and is an excellent book. IMO

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Rereading Chekhov.
Denver, CO
age: 62
L have really gotten into James Patterson, however, I have heard about Animal Speak so am putting that at the top for now.